Items with Catalogue Number "bp101s"

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The Life of the Buddha

By Nyanamoli Thera

Among the numerous lives of the Buddha, this volume may well claim a place of its own. Composed entirely from texts of the Pali Canon, the oldest authentic record, it portrays an image of the Buddha which is vivid, warm, and moving. Chapters on the Buddha's personality and doctrine are especially illuminating, and the translation is marked by lucidity and dignity throughout.

Also available for free download in the on-line library.

Catalogue No.  BP101S  Language:  English
Publisher:  Buddhist Publication Society
Type: Book  Category:  Introductory
ISBN:  978 955 24 0063 6  (2015)  (Paperback)  Pages:  398
Size: 145 x 220 mm

Price: $8.00   Rs. 900