Chart of the Planes of Existance in Theravada Buddhism

I. The Woeful Plane (apāyabhūmi)

Duration of existence is indefinite. Only when their evil kamma is exhausted, can beings leave these realms.

Realm of Rebirth Inhabitants Cause of rebirth here
(1) Hell (niraya)
Great Hells (mahāniraya):
Gapless One (Avīci)
Great Tormenter (mahātapana)
Tormenter (Tāpana) or Small Tormenter (Cullaāpana)
Great Roarer (mahāroruva) or
Flamy Roarer (Jālaroruva)
Roarer (Roruva) or Smoky Roarer (Dhāmaroruva) Crusher (Sanghāta)
Black-thread (Kaḷasutta)
Reviver (Sañjāva)

Hell beings (nirayasatta),

hell-guardians (nirayapāla),

determiner kings (yamarāja).

  • Unwholesome actions (MN 41; 129)
  • Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views (AN 10:177)
  • Telling lies, not keeping word deceit, abuse of ascetic state, adultery, wrong views
  • (Dhp chapter 22)
  • Murdering parents or an arahant; injuring the Buddha; creating a schism in the Sangha (AN 5:129)

Subsidiary hells (ussada-niraya) are surrounding each of the Great Hells on each of its four sides:

Caustic River Subsidiary (Vettaranī-ussada)
Sword-leafed-forest Subsidiary (Asipattavana-ussada)
Silk-cotton-tree Subsidiary (Simpalīvana-ussada)
Ember Subsidiary (Kukkuḷa-ussada)
Filth Subsidiary (Gūtha-ussada)

(2) Animal Birth (Tiracchānayoni) Animals (tiracchāna) Animals (tiracchāna)
  • Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views. If one is generous to monks and nuns, however, one may be reborn as an "ornamented" animal (i.e., a bird with bright plumage; a horse with attractive markings, etc.). (AN 10:177)
  • Behaving like an animal (MN 57)
(3) Region of Ghosts (Pettivisaya) Ghosts (peta) - 4 types:
  1. petas who live on the gifts of others (paradattīpajīvīka-peta),
  2. hungry and thirsty petas (khuppipāsika-peta),
  3. petas consumed by craving (nijjhamataṇhika-peta),
  4. black-eared peta (kāḷakañcika-peta).
  • Unwholesome actions (MN 41; 129)
  • Lack of virtue, holding to wrong views (AN 10:177)
(4) Titan Group/Titan Birth (Asurakāya/Asurayoni) Titans (asura) Unwholesome actions (MN 41; 129)

II. The Sensual Happy Plane (kamasugatibhūmi)

Realm of Rebirth Inhabitants Duration Cause of rebirth here
(5) World of humans (manussaloka) Human beings (manussa) About 100 years.
  • Wholesome actions (MN 41; 129)
  • Virtue and wisdom (AN 10:177)
(6) The Heaven of the Four Great Kings (Catummahārājika-devaloka) Four Great King Gods (catummahārājika devā); gandhabbas, yakkhas, nāgas, kumbhaṇḍas, garulas/supaṇṇas, devāsuras, accharās.) 500 divine years
9 million human years.
(7) The Heaven of the Thirty-three (Tāvatiṃsa) The Thirty-three Gods (tāvatiṃsa-devā) 1,000 divine years
36 million human years.
(8) Heaven of the Easeful (Yāmā-devaloka) Devas Wielding Power over the Creations of Others (paranimmita-vasavatti-devā) 16,000 divine years
9,216 million human years

III. The Plane of Form (rupa-bhūmi)

Strictly speaking, the realms in the four jhānic subdivisions of this plane are not separate because the beings share the same jhāna or anagamin attainment realms, e.g., the Brahma-purohita devā and Brahmapārisajja devā are Mahābrahmā’s ministers and retinue. See MN 49 and Vibh-a 520. All beings in this plane are Brahmagods (brahmakāyika-devā).

a. The Plane of the First Jhāna (pathamajhānabhūmi)

Realm of Rebirth Inhabitants Duration Cause of rebirth here
(12) World of the Retinue of Brahma (Brahmapārisajja-devaloka) Gods who are members of the Retinue of Brahma (brahmapārisajja devā) 1/3 aeon Attainment & maintenance of 2nd jhāna (AN 4:123) in minor degree (Vibh. §960)
(13) World of Devas who are ministers of Brahma (Brahmapurohita-devaloka) Gods who are ministers of Brahma (brahma-purohita devā) 1/2 aeon Ditto, medium degree. (Vibh. §960)
(14) World of Great Brahmā (Mahābrahmā-devaloka) Great Brahmas (Mahābrahmā) 1 aeon Ditto, highest degree. (Vibh. §1024)
b. The Plane of the Second Jhāna (dutiyajhānabhūmi)
(15) Limited Radiance Heaven (Parittābha-devaloka) Devas of Limited Radiance (parittābha devā) 2 aeons Attainment & maintenance of 2nd jhāna (AN 4:123) in minor degree. (Vibh. §1025)
(16) Unlimited Radiance Heaven (Appamāṇābha-devaloka) Devas of Unlimited Radiance (appamāṇābha devā) 4 aeons Ditto, medium degree. (Vibh. §1025)
(17) Brilliant Radiance Heaven (Ābhassara-devaloka) Devas of Brilliant Radiance (ābhassara devā) 8 aeons Ditto, highest degree. (Vibh. §1025)
c. The Plane of the Third Jhāna (tatiyajhānabhūmi)
(18) Limited Glory Heaven (Parittasubha-devaloka) Devas of Limited Glory (Parittasubha devā) 16 aeons Attainment & maintenance of 3rd jhāna (AN 4:123) in minor degree (Vibh. § 1026)
(19) Unbounded Glory Heaven (Appamāṇasubha-devaloka) Devas of Unlimited Glory (Appamāṇasubha devā) 32 aeons Ditto, medium degree. (Vibh. §1026)
(20) Refulgent Glory Heaven (Subhakiṇṇa- or Subhakiṇha-devaloka) Devas of Refulgent Glory (Subhakiṇha devā) 64 aeons Ditto, highest degree. (Vibh. §1026)
d. The Plane of the Fourth Jhāna (catutthajhānabhūmi)
(21) Abode of Great Reward (Vehapphala-āvāsa) Devas of Great Reward (Vehapphalā devā) 500 aeons Attainment & maintenance of 4th Jhāna (AN 4:123; Vibh. §1027)
(22) Base of non-percipient beings (Asaññasattāyatana) or Abode of the non-percipient beings (Asaññasattavāsa) Non-percipient-being Devas (Asaññasattā devā) 500 aeons Attainment & maintenance of 4th Jhāna (Vibh. §1027 & D-a to DN 1.31.); DN 15.33 calls it an āyatana.

e. Plane of Pure Abodes (suddhavasabhūmi)

Only those who have attained to the stage of non-return (anagami) are reborn in these abodes, where they eventually attain arahatship. This plane is only accessible for anagamis and arahats. In the Abhidhamma classification this plane is a subdivision of the Plane of the Fourth Jhāna.

(23) The Durable Abode (Avihā-bhavana) Durable Devas (Avihā devā) 1,000 aeons Attainment & maintenance of 4th jhāna and attainment of non-return (Vibh § 1027; Abhidh-s 5.31. Cf. AN 4:124; 4:136; 9:35)
(24) The Serene Abode (Atappā-bhavana) Serene Devas (Atappā devā) 2,000 aeons
(25) The beautiful Abode (Sudassā-bhavana) Beautiful Devas (Sudassā devā) 4,000 aeons
(26) The Clear-sighted Abode (Sudassībhavana) Clear-sighted Devas (Sudassī devā) 8,000 aeons
(27) The Supreme Abode (Akaniṇṇhā-bhavana) Supreme Devas (Akaniṭṭhā devā) 16,000 aeons

IV. The Plane of the Formless (arupabhūmi)

Realm of Rebirth Inhabitants Duration Cause of rebirth here
(28) The Base of Infinite Space (Ākāsanañcāyatana) Gods attained to the Base of Infinite Space (ākāsanañcāyatanu;pagā devā) 20,000 aeons Attainment & maintenance of the Base of Infinite Space
(29) The Base of Infinite Consciousness (Viññāṇañcāyatana) Gods attained to the Base of Infinite Consciousness (viññāṇañcāyatanupagā devā) 40,000 aeons Attainment & maintenance of the Base of Infinite Consciousness
(30) The Base of Nothingness (Ākiñcaññāyatana) Gods attained to the Base of Nothingness (Ākiñcaññāyatanūpaga devā) 60,000 aeons Attainment & maintenance of Base of Nothingness
(31) The Base of Neither-perception-nor-non-perception (Nevasaññānāsaññāyatana) Gods attained to the Base of Neither-perception-nor-non-perception (nevasaññānāsaññāyatanupagādevā) 84,000 aeons Attainment & maintenance of the Base of Neither-perception-nor-non-perception