Items with Catalogue Number "bp422s"

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Satipatthana — The Direct Path to Realization

By Analayo

This book helps to fill what has long been a glaring gap in the scholarship on Early Buddhism, offering us a detailed textual study of the Satipatthana Sutta, the foundational Buddhist discourse on meditation practice. With painstaking thoroughness, Ven. Analayo marshals the suttas of the Pali canon, works of modern scholarship, and the teachings of present-day meditation masters to make the rich implications of this text, so concise in the original, clear to contemporary students of the Dharma.

Also available for free download in the on-line library.

Catalogue No.  BP422S  Language:  English
Publisher:  Buddhist Publication Society
Type: Book  Category:  Meditation and Mind Training
ISBN:  1 899579 54 0  (2018)  (Paperback)  Pages:  364
Size: 145 x 220 mm

For sale in S. Asia only, or to members elsewhere
Price: * $ 8.00  Rs. 400