Items with Catalogue Number "bp424s"

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Peace in the Buddha’s Discourses

By Dennis Candy

The Buddha’s discourses as recorded in the Pali Canon contain many references to the value of santi, or peace, at both the personal and social levels. The most significant of these references have been carefully selected and brought together into this single volume to help those who are interested gain an understanding of the full range and depth of what the Buddha taught about this important subject.

Also available for free download in the on-line library.

Catalogue No.  BP424S  Language:  English
Publisher:  Buddhist Publication Society
Type: Book  Category:  Expositions and Studies
ISBN:  955-24-0309-5  (2008)  (Paperback)  Pages:  142
Size: 145 x 220 mm

Price: $3.50   Rs. 175