Items with Catalogue Number "bp428s"

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Facets of Buddhist Thought

By K.N. Jayatilleke

Topics covered include, among many others, the background of early Buddhism; the significance of the Buddha’s birthday; the Buddhist doctrines of karma and reincarnation; the Buddhist conception of truth, good and evil, Nirvana, the individual, the universe and the material world; the Buddhist view of nature and destiny; Buddhism and the caste system; Buddhism and international law; and the contemporary relevance of the Buddha’s teachings to the modern world.

Also available for free download in the on-line library.

Catalogue No.  BP428S  Language:  English
Publisher:  Buddhist Publication Society
Type: Book  Category:  Expositions and Studies
ISBN:  978 955 24 0335 4  (2010)  (Hardback)  Pages:  506
Size: 145 x 220 mm

Price: $14.00   Rs. 700