Items with Catalogue Number "bp520s"

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The Experience of Insight

By Joseph Goldstein

Every so often, a book appears that has a special value for people who are students of the nature of reality. Joseph Goldstein teaches meditation as a method of experiencing things as they are, entering the remarkable flow of the mind/body process. This work, comprised of unusually clear instructions and discourses given during a 30-day Vipassana meditation retreat, is a day-to-day journey into Mind.

Also available for free download in the on-line library.

Catalogue No.  BP520S  Language:  English
Publisher:  Buddhist Publication Society
Type: Book  Category:  Meditation and Mind Training
ISBN:  955-24-0277-7  (2020)  (Paperback)  Pages:  158
Size: 145 x 220 mm

Price: $5.00   Rs. 250