Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Division I –– Sagātha
Book 1 –– Devatā Saṃyutta
Chapter 6 –– Jarā Vagga

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa.

1. 6. 1.

(51) Jarā –– Decay

“What is suitable until decay? What is suitable to be established in?
What is a gem for humans? What is difficult for robbers to carry away?”

“Virtues are suitable until decay. It is suitable to be established in faith.
Wisdom is a gem for humans and to carry away merit is difficult for robbers.”

1. 6. 2.

(52) Ajarā –– Non-Decay

“What is suitable for non-decay? What is suitable as an undertaking?
What is a gem for humans? What is carried away by robbers?”

“Virtues are suitable for non-decay and faith is suitable as an undertaking.
Wisdom is a gem for humans and robbers do not carry away merit.”

1. 6. 3.

(53) Mittam –– A Friend

“Who is the friend of this earth? Who is the friend in one’s own house?
Who is the friend for birth in right view? Who is friend hereafter?”

“A strong man is the friend of earth. Mother is friend in one’s own house.
For birth in right view, it’s a friend who helps again and again.
Merits, done will be the friend hereafter.”

1. 6. 4.

(54) Vatthu –– Wealth

“What is wealth for a human? What is the highest pleasantness?
What helps the growth of the born, causing them to cling to earth?”

“Sons is the wealth for a human and wife the highest pleasantness
Rain helps the growth of the born, fixing them to earth.”

1. 6. 5.

(55) Janam I –– Stimulates

“What stimulates man? What is the running?
What is met in existences and what is the great fear?”

“Craving stimulates man and his mind runs about
Man meets this in existence and unpleasantness is the great fear.”

1. 6. 6.

(56) Janam II –– Stimulates

“What stimulates man? What is the running?
What is met in existences and why is there no release?”

“Craving stimulates man and his mind runs about
Man meets this in existence and he is not released from unpleasantness.”

1. 6. 7.

(57) Janam III –– Stimulates

“What stimulates man? What is the running?
What is met in existences and what is the hereafter?

“Craving stimulates man and his mind runs about
Man meets this in existence and action stands for him hereafter.”

1. 6. 8.

(58) Uppatho –– Wrong Path

“What is the declared wrong path? What gets wasted day and night?
What is the stain of the holy life? And what is washing without water?”

“Greed is declared, the wrong path, life span gets wasted day and night.
Woman is the stain of the holy life, the populace is soiled there.
Austerities and the holy life is the washing without water.”

1. 6. 9.

(59) Dutiyo –– The Second

“What is the second to a man? What rules over him?
Man, who has to die, attached to what, will be released from unpleasantness?”

“Faith is second to a man. Wisdom, rules over him.
The dying one, attached to extinction is released from all unpleasantness.”

1. 6. 10.

(60) Kavī –– Poet

“What is the origin of stanzas?
What is their distinctive mark?
Based on what and dependant on what, are the stanzas?”

“Interest is the origin of stanzas the distinctive marks are the letters
Stanzas based on an individual show the condition of the poet.”