Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Division I –– Sagātha
Book 1 –– Devatā Saṃyutta
Chapter 7 –– Addha vagga

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa.

1. 7. 1.

(61) Nāmam –– Name

“What is it that, soils everything?
Why is it not quite evident?
By what one thing, is everything under control?”

“Name soils everything. Name is not much evident.
By this one thing, name, everything is under control.”

1. 7. 2.

(62) Cittam –– Mind

“By what is the world led on?
By what is the worrying?
By what one thing, is everything under control?”

“The leading is by the mind and the worrying too
By this one thing mind, everything is under control.”

1. 7. 3.

(63) Taṇhā –– Craving

“By what is the world led on?
By what is the worrying?
By what one thing, is everything under control?”

“The leading is by craving and the worrying too
By this one thing craving, everything is under control.”

1. 7. 4.

(64) Saṃyojana –– Bonds

“What are bonds in the world?
What is their arrangement?
By dispelling what, it is said, extinction is attained?”

“Interest is the bond in the world.
The arrangement is by thinking
By dispelling craving, extinction is attained.”

1. 7. 5.

(65) Bandhana –– Bindings.

“What is the binding in the world?
What is the arrangement?
By dispelling what, it is said,
All bonds are cut?”

“Interest is the bond in the world,
The arrangement is thinking
By dispelling craving,
All bonds are cut.”

1. 7. 6.

(66) Abbhāhata –– Attacked

“By what is the world attacked?
By what is it attended?
Pierced by what arrow
Does it fumigate all the time?”

“The world is attacked by death, attended by decay
Pierced by the arrow craving,
Desires fumigate all the time.”

1. 7. 7.

(67) Uddito –– Ensnared

“By what is the world ensnared?
By what is it attended?
By what is the world obstructed?
On what is it established?”

“The world is ensnared by craving and attended by decay
Obstructed by death the world is established in unpleasantness.”

1. 7. 8.

(68) Pihito –– Obstructed

“By what is the world obstructed?
On what is it established?
By what is the world ensnared?
By what is it attended?”

“The world is obstructed by death and established in unpleasantness
The world ensnared by craving is attended by decay.”

1. 7. 9.

(69) Icchā –– Desires

“By what is the world bound?
Taming what, is the release?
By dispelling what, are all bonds cut?”

“Desires, bind one to the world, taming desires, is release
By dispelling desires all bonds are cut.”

1. 7. 10.

(60) Loka –– The World

“On what does the world rise?
On how many are associations made?
Clinging to how many, is the world troubled?”

“The world rises on six and associations are made on six.
Clinging to these six, the world is troubled by the six.”