Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Division I –– Sagātha
Book 6 –– Brahma Saṃyutta
(Chapter 1 –– Dutiyo (Parinibbāṇa) Vaggo

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa.

6. 2. 1.

(11) Sanaṅkumāro –– Brahma Sanaṅkumāra

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in Rajagaha on the bank of river Sappini.

2. When the night was waning, illuminating the whole of the bank of river Sappini, Brahma Sanaṅkumāra approached the Blessed One, worshipped and stood on a side.

3. Standing, Brahma Sanaṅkumāra said this stanza in the presence of the Blessed One:

“Relying on the lineage, warriors are the foremost among men,
Endowed with knowledge and conduct, he is the foremost among gods and men.”

4. Saying this, Brahma Sanaṅkumāra waited for the approval of the Blessed One.

5. Then Brahma Sanaṅkumāra knowing that the Teacher approves worshipped and circumambulated the Blessed One and disappeared from there.

6. 2. 2.

(12) Devadatta –– Devadatta

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in Rajagaha among the Gijja peaks, soon after Devadatta had left the dispensation.

2. When the night was waning, illuminating the complete Gijja peak Brahma Sahampathy approached the Blessed One, worshipped and stood on a side.

3. Standing, Brahma Sahampathy said this stanza in the presence of the Blessed One on account of Devadatta:

“Bearing flowers the plantain, the bamboo and the reeds get destroyed
Honor destroys the low man and confinement destroys the mare.”

6. 2. 3.

(13) Andhakavinda –– At Andhakavinda

1. At one time the Blessed One was at Andhakavinda in the country of Magadha.

2. The Blessed One was sitting in open space, it was a dark night and drops of rain were also falling.

3. When the night was waning, illuminating Andhakavinda completely Brahma Sahampathy approached the Blessed One, worshipped and stood on a side.

3. Standing, Brahma Sahampathy said these stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One:

“Make use of remote jungle dwellings, behave to dispel bonds,
If passions cannot be overcome there,
Mindfully protect yourself living with the community of bhikkhus
While going from house to house for morsel food,
Appropriately and mindfully protect the mental faculties.
Make use of remote jungle dwellings
Those set free from fear are released, without fear.
There is fear from creeping things
And lightening, thunder and rain come together
In the thickly dark night, the bhikkhu sits,
A single hair does not stand on end.
It is in your dispensation, that I attained right view.
I will not stir from that. A single one leading the holy life,
Diminishes the domains of death by thousands
More than five hundred in the training
And ten hundred thousands of beings
Have entered the stream of the Teaching
They will not go to animal wombs
And the remaining people, I think are on the side of merit.
I cannot calculate the numbers who are afraid to tell lies.”

6. 2. 4.

(14) Aruṇavati –– The Kingdom of Arunavati

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in Sāvatthi in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove.

2. From there the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus.”

3. And those bhikkhus replied: “Yes, venerable sir.”

4. The Blessed One said thus:”

5. “Bhikkhus, in the past, there was a king named Arunava. King Aruna’s kingdom was of the name Arunavati. Bhikkhus, the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened, lived close to the kingdom of Arunavati.

6. “Bhikkhus, to the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened, there were two chief disciples named Abhibhu and Sambhava.

7. “The Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened, addressed the bhikkhu Abibhu: ‘Friend, Brahmin, there is a certain world of Brahma, let us approach it, until it’s time for the meal.’

8. “The bhikkhu Abhibhu agreed to the suggestion made by the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened.

9. “Then as quickly as a strong man would stretch his bent arm or bend his stretched arm, the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened, and the bhikkhu Abibhu disappeared from the kingdom of Arunavati and appeared in the world of Brahma.

10. “Then the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened, addressed the bhikkhu Abhibhu: ‘Brahmin, address the brahmas, the members of the council of brahmas and the gathering of brahmas, on the Teaching.’

11. “The bhikkhu Abhibhu agreeing advised, incited, gladdened and made the hearts light of the brahmas, the members of the brahma council and the brahma gathering with a talk on the Teaching.

12. “Then bhikkhus, the brahmas, members of the council of brahmas and the gathering of brahmas were angry and heated and said: ‘It is surprising, how could a disciple bhikkhu teach ignoring the presence of the Teacher.’

13. “The Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened, addressed the bhikkhu Abhbhu: ‘Brahmin, the brahmas, members of the council of brahmas and the gathering of brahmas are angry and heated and say :it is surprising, how could a disciple bhikkhu, teach ignoring the presence of the Teacher. Brahmin for further pleasure surprise the brahmas, the members of the council and the brahma gathering.’

14. “Bhikkhu Abhibhu agreeing with the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened preached with a visible body and with an invisible body, preached with the lower portion of the body visible and the upper portion invisible, preached with the upper portion of the body visible and the lower portion invisible.

15. “Then bhikkhus, the brahmas, members of the council of brahmas and the gathering of brahmas were concerned and said ‘It is wonderful and surprising, the power of the recluse.’

16. “Then the bhikkhu Abhibhu said to the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened: ‘Venerable sir, the Blessed One had said these words in the presence of the Community of bhikkhus: Friends, I can address the thousandfold world system at once, from the world of Brahma.’

17. “ ‘Brahmin, this is the right time, now address the thousandfold world system from the world of Brahma.’

18. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu Abhibhu agreeing with the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened, said these stanzas while in the world of Brahma:

“Get started! Leave behind evil, be yoked to the dispensation of Enlightened Ones.
Destroy the array of Death, as an elephant would destroy a hut of reeds.
If you live, diligently in this dispensation,
You dispel birth and death and end unpleasantness.”

19. “Then bhikkhus, the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened and the bhikkhu Abhibhu arousing consternation in Brahma, the members of the brahma council and the gathering of brahmas as quickly as a strong man would stretch his bent arm or bend his stretched arm disappeared from the world of brahma and appeared in the kingdom of Arunavati.

20. “Then bhikkhus, the Blessed One Siki, worthy and rightfully enlightened addressed the bhikkhus: ‘Bhikkhus, did you hear the bhikkhu Abhibhu saying stanzas while in the world of Brahma?’

21. “ ‘Venerable sir, we heard the bhikkhu Abhibhu reciting stanzas while in the world of Brahma.’

22. “ ‘Bhikkhus, what did he recite while in the world of Brahma?’

23. “ ‘Venerable sir, we heard bhikkhu Abhibhu reciting this stanza:

“Get started! Leave behind evil, be yoked to the dispensation of Enlightened Ones.
Destroy the array of Death, as an elephant would destroy a hut of reeds.
If you live, diligently in this dispensation,
You dispel birth and death and end unpleasantness.’

24. “ ‘Venerable sir, we heard bhikkhu Abhibhu saying these stanzas.

25. “Good! Bhikkhus, you heard bhikkhu Abhibhu addressing you from the world of Brahma.”

26. The Blessed One said thus and those bhikkhus delighted in the words of the Blessed One.

6. 2. 5.

(15) Parinibbāna –– Final Extinction

1. At that time the Blessed One was living in the Upanivattana Sal grove of the Mallas of Kusinara between two Sal trees during the time of his final extinction.

2. Then the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus, now I address you. Be diligent! Do merit! All determinations fade!” These were the last words of the Thus Gone One.

3. Then the Blessed One attained to the first higher stage of the mind. Rising from the first higher stage of the mind he attained to the second higher stage of the mind. Rising from the second higher stage of the mind he attained to the third higher stage of the mind. Rising from the third higher stage of the mind he attained to the fourth higher stage of the mind. Rising from the fourth higher stage of the mind he attained to the sphere of space. Rising from the sphere of space, attained to the sphere of consciousness. Rising from the sphere of consciousness, attained to the sphere of nothingness. Rising from the sphere of nothingness, attained to the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception.

4. Rising from the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception, attained to the sphere of nothingness. Rising from the sphere of nothingness, attained to the sphere of consciousness. Rising from the sphere of consciousness, attained to the sphere of space. Rising from the sphere of space, attained to the fourth higher stage of the mind. Rising from the fourth higher stage of the mind, attained to the third higher stage of the mind. Rising from the third higher stage of the mind, attained to the second higher stage of the mind. Rising from the second higher stage of the mind, attained to the first higher stage of the mind.

Rising from the first higher stage of the mind, attained to the second higher stage of the mind. Rising from the second higher stage of the mind, attained to the third higher stage of the mind. Rising from the third higher stage of the mind, attained to the fourth higher stage of the mind. Together with the rising from the fourth higher stage of the mind the Blessed One attained final extinction.

5. At the moment the Blessed One attained final extinction, Brahma Sahampathy said this stanza:

“All born in this world, will lay down their accumulation.
Even as the incomparable Teacher in the world, has.
O! The rightfully enlightened, powerful, Thus Gone One, has extinguished.”

6. At the moment the Blessed One attained final extinction, Sakka the chief among gods said this stanza:

“Impermanent are all determinations, they rise and fade.
Having arisen they fade, their complete surcease is bliss!

7. At the moment the Blessed One attained final extinction, venerable Ānanda said this stanza:

“At the final extinction of the rightfully Enlightened One,
All kinds of noble things happened which inspired awe,
And my hairs stood on end.”

At the moment the Blessed One attained final extinction, venerable Anuruddha said this stanza:

“The Such Like One’s mental activity halted and breathing stopped,
Faultless and appeased about the undertaking, the wise one extinguished
With an unflinching mind he bore feelings.
Together with the light of extinction the mind was released.”