Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Division I –– Sagātha
Book 7 –– Brahmaṇa Saṃyutta
Chapter 1 –– Arahata Vaggo
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa.
7. 1. 1.
(1) Dhanañjani
1. I heard thus. At one time, the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary, in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.
2. At that time a certain Brahmin woman by the name Danañjani, of a Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan was recollecting enlightenment, the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus with an appeased mind.
3. Then the Brahmin woman Danañjani served food to the Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan and thinking cleverly made this solemn utterance three times. “I worship the Blessed One, worthy and rightfully enlightened.”
4. Hearing this the Brahmin of the Bhāradvaja clan said to Danañjani: “This outcaste woman, for this and other reason utters words of praise to the shaven headed recluse. Listen! Outcaste woman! Now I will go and draw your Teacher for a dispute.”
5. “Brahmin, in this world together with its gods and men, Māras and Brahmas and the community of recluses and Brahmins, I do not know of anyone who could draw that Blessed One, worthy and rightfully enlightened to a dispute. Yet, Brahmin, go and find out.”
6. Then the Brahmin Bharadvaja, angry and displeased, approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side.
7. Sitting on a side the Brahmin Bharadvaja said this stanza to the Blessed One:
“Cutting up what, does someone sleep well and cutting up what does one not grieve?
The destruction of what one thing, is Gotama attached to?”
8. “Cutting up anger one sleeps well. Cutting up anger one does not grieve
Brahmin, the noble ones praise the destruction of the poisonous root
And the sweet top of, anger. Cutting that there is no grief.”
9. Then the Brahmin of the Baradvaja clan said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other way the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in the Blessed One, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
10. The Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
11. Soon after his higher ordination, venerable Bharadvaja secluded his mind and withdrew from the crowd. He abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
12. Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 2.
(2) Akkosa –– Akkosaka Bharadvaja
1. I heard thus. At one time, the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary, in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.
2. The Brahmin Akkosaka Bharadvaja heard that the Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan had gone forth and become homeless in the dispensation of the recluse Gotama.
3. Then the Brahmin Akkosa Bharadvaja, angry and displeased approached the Blessed One, and with rude, rough words scolded and reviled the Blessed One.
4. Then the Blessed One said to the Brahmin Akkosa Bharadvaja: “Brahmin, do friends, co-associates, relations and blood relations come to your house as guests?”
5. “Good Gotama, on certain days, friends, co-associates, relations and blood relations come to my house as guests.”
6. “Brahmin, do you prepare eatables, nourishments and beds for them?”
7. “Good Gotāma, on certain days I prepare eatables, nourishments and beds for them.”
8. “Brahmin, if they do not accept them to whom are they?”
9. “Good Gotama, if they do not accept, they will be for us.”
10. “In the same manner Brahmin, you reviled us, who did not revile, aroused us who did not arouse you quarreled alone. All that is yours, we do not accept them. Brahmin, when reviled, if reviled in return, when aroused arouses in return, when quarrelling if the quarrel is returned, it is called eating together and sharing the meal. We did not eat the meal nor did share it with you. So it is all yours.”
11. “Good Gotama, all the people together with the king know that the recluse Gotama is worthy. Yet good Gotama gets angry.”
12. “To the non-angry, tamed one, living without ups and starts, there’s no anger.
He is appeased and released, rightly knowing
So also it is demerit to arouse someone, who has aroused you
He that does not arouse someone in return has won a difficult battle.
He behaves for his own good and the good of the other
Knowing that someone is angry, if you appease yourself mindfully,
You heal both yourself and the other
Those not clever in the Teaching, think they are foolish.”
13. Then the Brahmin Akkosaka Baradvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
10. The Brahmin Akkosaka Bharadvaja obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
11. Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Akkosaka Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
12. Akkosaka Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 3.
(3) Asurinda –– The Brahmin Asurinda Bharadvaja
1. I heard thus. At one time, the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary, in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.
2. The Brahmin Asurinda Bharadvaja heard that the Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan had gone forth and become homeless in the dispensation of the recluse Gotama.
3. Then the Brahmin Asurinda Bharadvaja, angry and displeased approached the Blessed One, and with rude, rough words scolded and reviled the Blessed One.
4. Then the Blessed One kept silence.
5. Then the Brahmin Asurinda Bharadvaja said to the Blessed One: “Recluse, we won!”
6. “The foolish think it is victory to talk rough words.
Victory is to him, who heals the mind, knowing it.
So also it is demerit to arouse someone, who has aroused you
He that does not arouse someone in return has won a difficult battle.
He behaves for his own good and the good of the other
Knowing that someone is angry, if you appease yourself mindfully,
You heal both yourself and the other
Those not clever in the Teaching, think they are foolish,”
7. Then the Brahmin Asurinda Baradvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
The Brahmin Asurinda Bharadvaja obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Asurinda Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
8. Asurinda Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 4.
(4) Bilaṇgika –– The Brahmin Bilangika Bharadvaja
1. I heard thus. At one time, the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary, in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.
2. The Brahmin Bilangika Bharadvaja heard that the Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan had gone forth and become homeless in the dispensation of the recluse Gotama.
3. Then the Brahmin Bilangika Bharadvaja, angry and displeased approached the Blessed One, stood on a side and kept silence
4. The Blessed One knowing the thoughts and thought process of the Brahmin Bilangika Bharadvaja said this stanza:
“If someone thinks polluted thoughts
About a pure man without blemish
By that the foolish one cooks evil for himself,
As though throwing, fine dust against the wind.”
5. Then the Brahmin Bilangika Baradvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
The Brahmin Bilangika Bharadvaja obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
6. Venerable Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 5.
(5) Ahiṃsaka –– The Brahmin Ahiṃsaka
1. In Sāvatthi.
2. The Brahmin Ahimsaka Bharadvaja approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side.
3. Seated on a side the Brahmin Ahinsaka Bharadvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, I do not hurt anyone.”
4. “As your name is not hurting, live up to it. Good that you are not hurtful.
If someone does not hurt by the body, words or the mind,
He is not hurtful. He does not hurt others.”
5. Then the Brahmin Ahinsaka Baradvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
The Brahmin Ahinsaka Bharadvaja obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Ahinsaka Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
6. Ahinsaka Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 6.
(6) Jaṭā –– The Brahmin with the Topknot
1. In Sāvatthi.
2. The Brahmin Jaṭā Bharadvaja approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side.
3. Seated on a side the Brahmin Jaṭa Bharadvaja said a stanza to the Blessed One:
“The internal and the external are entangled, the people are entangled,
I ask Gotama, who will disentangle this knot?”
(The Blessed One:)
4. “A wise man established in virtues, develops his mind and wisdom,
If clever and zealous to dispel, he disentangles the knot.
With the fading of greed, anger and ignorance,
The worthy one, destroying desires disentangles the knot.
Whenever name and matter is destroyed and there is nothing,
Of anger and perceptions of matter, then the knot is cut.”
5. Then the Brahmin Jaṭa Baradvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
The Brahmin Jaṭa Bharadvaja obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Jaṭa Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
6. Venerable Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 7.
(7) Suddhika –– Brahmin Suddhika Bharadvaja
1. In Sāvatthi.
2. The Brahmin Suddhika Bharadvaja approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side.
3. Seated on a side the Brahmin Suddhika Bharadvaja said a stanza in the presence of the Blessed One:
“A Brahmin did not get purity in the world in any way,
Not through virtues, doing austerities or with knowledge and conduct.
‘He’ purifies him, not the rest of the people.”
(The Blessed One:)
4. “However much nonsense is muttered, a Brahmin is not by birth,
Internally he is soiled and deceitful. A warrior, Brahmin, a householder,
A slave, an outcaste or working class man, if be with aroused effort to dispel
And be ever zealous to make endeavor, Brahmin, he attains to highest purity.”
5. Then the Brahmin Suddhika Baradvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
The Brahmin Suddhika Bharadvaja obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Suddhika Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
6. Venerable Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 8.
(8) Aggika –– The Brahmin Aggika Bharadvaja
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.
2. At that time the Brahmin Aggika Bharadvaja was intent on preparing the sacrificial porridge with ghee and was thinking I will light the fire and cook the sacrificial porridge.
3. The Blessed One putting on robes in the morning, taking bowl and robes entered Rajagaha for the alms round. Going the alms round in due order approached the house of the Brahmin Aggika Bharadvaja and stood on a side.
4. Seeing the Blessed One standing for alms the Brahmin Aggika Bharadvaja said this stanza to the Blessed One:
“You, endowed with the threefold knowledge, of good birth and much learning
Endowed with knowledge and conduct, is suitable to partake the sacrificial porridge.”
(The Blessed One:)
5. “However much nonsense is muttered, a Brahmin is not by birth,
Internally he is soiled and full of deceit.
He knows previous births and sees heaven and hell
The sage has destroyed birth and is versed in knowledge.
With this threefold knowledge a Brahmin is born.
Endowed with knowledge and conduct, he offers me the sacrificial porridge.”
6. “Good Gotama, you are a Brahmin. Partake the porridge.”
7. ”Look bramin, it is not suitable, that I should partake food reciting stanzas.
Enlightened Ones do not push along reciting stanzas.
It is becoming mindful of the right thing.
Offer the eatables and drinks to a perfect sage.
Who has destroyed his desires and appeased his doubts
It will be a field of merit for those who desire merit.
8. Then the Brahmin Agghhika Baradvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
The Brahmin Agghika Bharadvaja obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Āgghika Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
6. Venerable Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 9.
(9) Sundarika –– The Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja
1. At one time the Blessed One lived in the country of Kosala on the bank of the river Sundarika.
2. At that time the Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja was lighting the fire and cooking the sacrificial cake on the bank of river Sundarika.
3. The Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja having lighted the fire and cooked the sacrificial cake, raising himself looked in the four directions, thinking to whom am I to make the sacrificial offering.
4. The Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja saw the Blessed One sitting under a certain tree having covered up himself together with his head. Then the Brahmin taking the sacrificial cake in his left hand and the water pot with the long spout in his right hand approached the Blessed One.
5. The Blessed One hearing the foot steps of the Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja disclosed his head.
6. The Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja seeing the shaven head of the Blessed One, thinking this is a shaven headed, thought not to proceed.
7. Then again thought, there are Brahmins among the shaven headed too. What if I approach and ask his birth
8. Then the Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja approached the Blessed One and asked: “What is the birth of the good one?”
9. “Do not question the birth, question the conduct.
Indeed fire burns sticks. From low clans too there are wise sages
Thoroughbreds are born, restrained by shame.
Tamed by the truth and endowed with the taming,
Attaining knowledge, they live the holy life.
The sacrificial cake was brought, make the offering,
At the right time, there will be someone to accept it.”
10. “Here my good intention becomes complete,
That we see some learned one like you
Not meeting some one like you, we offer the sacrificial cake to others
Good Gotama, you are a Brahmin. Partake the porridge.”
(The Blessed One:)
11. “Look, bramin, it is not suitable, that I should partake food reciting stanzas.
Enlightened Ones do not push along reciting stanzas.
It is becoming mindful of the right thing.
Offer the eatables and drinks to a perfect sage.
Who has destroyed desires and appeased doubts
It will be a field of merit for those who desire merit.”
12. Good Gotama, to whom should I make this offering?
13. “Brahmin, in this world of gods and men together with its Māras, Brahmas, together with the community of recluses and Brahmins I do not see anyone who could partake and completely digest it other than a Thus Gone One or a disciple of the Thus Gone One. Brahmin, put it into some place where there is no green, or throw it into some water where there is no life.”
14. Then the Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja dropped the porridge into some water where there was no life.
15. When the sacrificial cake was put into the water it sent forth a hissing sound with smoke rising from it, as though an iron plate heated throughout the day when put in the water, would hiss and smoke, in the same manner when the sacrificial cake was put in the water it hissed and smoked.
16. Then the Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja frightened and with hairs standing on end approached the Blessed One and stood on a side.
17. Then the Blessed One said these stanzas to the Brahmin:
“Brahmin, wood does not compose the mind.
Know! That’s only external purity.
The wise do not say that it is purity.
If you desire external purity, leave me and burn wood.
I light the internal flame.
I burn it constantly for stable appeasement.
I am worthy and lead the holy life.
Brahmin, dealing with the mind is your own business.
Anger is smoke and lying, ashes,
For life’s good the heart has to be kindled.
A well tamed self, is a man’s light
Brahmin, the Teaching is a deep pond and virtues the ford.
When the water is undisturbed, it is constantly praised.
There, those who have attained knowledge take a bath,
And cross to the other shore with a not sticky body.
Lead the true holy life, restraining righteously.
Brahmin, smiling attain the highest good.
Make your venerations straightforwardly.
I say, they lead a righteous life!”
Then the Brahmin Sundarika Baradvaja said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp was lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
The Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Sundarika Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
6. Venerable Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.
7. 1. 10.
(10) Bahudhīti –– The Brahmin with Many Daughters
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in a certain stretch of forest in the country of Kosala.
2. At that time fourteen buffaloes of a certain brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan were lost.
3. Then the Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan wandering in search of the buffaloes, approached that stretch of forest and saw the Blessed One sitting legs crossed, the body straight, and mindfulness established in front of him.
4. Seeing approached the Blessed One and said these stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One:
“Is it, this recluse does not have fourteen buffaloes
That he does not show any longing, so the recluse is happy
Is it, this recluse’s sesame field, has no weeds,
With two or three blades propping, so the recluse is happy.
Is it, this recluse does not have an empty attic,
Where mice dance and rejoice, so the recluse is happy
Is it, this recluse’s blanket is not infested with insects
For seven months, so the recluse is happy
Is it, this recluse is not a widower who has seven daughters,
With one or two sons each, so the recluse is happy.
Is it, this recluse does not have yellow spots
That he wakes to his feet after sleeping, so the recluse is happy
Is it, this recluse is not pursued by money lenders,
Saying, give! Give the money! So the recluse is happy.”
5. “Brahmin, I do not have fourteen buffaloes,
And not showing a longing, I am happy
Brahmin, my sesame field, has no weeds,
With two or three blades propping, so I am happy.
Brahmin, I do not have an empty attic,
Where mice dance and rejoice, so I am happy
Brahmin, my blanket is not infested with insects
For seven months, so I am happy
Brahmin, I am not a widower who has seven daughters,
With one or two sons each, so I am happy.
Brahmin I do not have yellow spots
I wake to my feet after sleeping, so I am happy
Brahmin, I am not pursued by money lenders,
Saying, give! Give the money! So I am happy.”
6. Then the Brahmin of the Baradvaja clan said to the Blessed One: “Good Gotama, now I understand. It’s like something overturned is put upright. Something covered is made manifest. It’s like one who was lost was shown the path. It’s like a lamp lighted for the darkness, for those who have sight to see forms. In this and other ways the Teaching is well explained. Now I take refuge in good Gotama, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. May I gain the going forth and the higher ordination in the dispensation of Gotama.”
The Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan obtained the going forth and higher ordination.
Soon after the higher ordination, venerable Bharadvaja secluded and withdrawn from the crowd abode diligently to dispel and before long, for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that noble end of the holy life he realized, attained and abode. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, duties done, there is nothing more to do.
6. Venerable Bharadvaja became one of the worthy ones.