Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Division I –– Sagātha
Book 11 –– Sakka Saṃyutta
Chapter 3 –– Tatiyo Vaggo (or Sakka Pañcakaṃ)
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa.
11. 3. 1.
(21) Chetva (or Jhatvā) –– Cutting
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then Sakka the king of gods approached the Blessed One, worshipped and stood on a side.
3. Standing on a side the king of gods said this stanza to the Blessed One:
“Cutting what does one sleep well? Cutting what does one not grieve?
The destruction of what one thing does Gotama like?”
“Cutting anger one sleeps well. Cutting anger one does not grieve.
Vasava, the noble ones praise the destruction of the poisonous root
and the sweet top of anger
Having cut that, there is no grief.”
11. 3. 2.
(22) Dubbaṇṇiya –– Ugly
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. From there the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: Those bhikkhus replied: “Yes, venerable sir.”
And the Blessed One said thus:
3. “Bhikkhus, in the past, a certain ugly, deformed non-human was once sitting on Sakka the king of the god’s seat.
4. “Then, bhikkhus, the gods of the thirty-three were annoyed and irritated and said ‘It’s surprising: how could this ugly deformed non-human sit on Sakka the king of gods seat?’
5. “Then, bhikkhus, when the gods of the thirty-three became more and more annoyed this non-human became more and more beautiful and attractive
6. “Then the gods of the thirty-three approached Sakka the king of gods and said thus:
7. ‘Sir, a certain ugly deformed non-human is sitting on your seat and the gods of the thirty-three were annoyed and irritated and said “It’s surprising how could this ugly deformed non-human sit on Sakka the king of gods seat and when the gods of the thirty-three became more and more annoyed this non-human became more and more beautiful and attractive.” Sir, is he a non-human consumed by anger?’
8. “Then bhikkhus, Sakka the king of gods approached the non-human consumed by anger, arranged his robe on one shoulder and putting the right knee on the ground and clasping his hands towards the non human consumed by anger made these words heard to the non-human consumed by anger three times ‘I am Sakka the king of gods.’
9. “Hearing, the words of Sakka the king of gods the non-human became gradually ugly and deformed and disappeared from there.
10. “Then Sakka the king of gods sat on his own seat and in a friendly manner said this stanza to the gods of the thirty-three:
‘My mind is not very much hurt,
Nor do I feel as though put on a dog trough
Since long I have not become angry,
Anger does not residue in me
Become angry I do not talk roughly
And rightfully it is not praised.
I restrain myself, for my own welfare’.”
11. 3. 3.
(23) Māyā –– Magic
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. From there the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: Those bhikkhus replied: “Yes, venerable sir.”
And the Blessed One said thus:
3. “Bhikkhus, in the past Vepacitti the king of Titans became gravely ill.
4. “And Sakka the king of gods, approached Vepacitti the king of Titans to inquire about his illness.
5. “Vepacitti the king of Titans seeing Sakka the king of gods approaching in the distance said: ‘King of gods, make me well.’
6. ‘Vepacitti, is it by the magic of Sambari?’
7. ‘Sir, wait till I ask the Titans.’
8. “Then, bhikkhus, Vepacitti asked the Titans: ‘Sirs, Sakka the king of gods is to heal me with the magic of Sambari.’
9. ‘Sir, you should not say, Sakka the king of gods Sambari magic.’
10. “Then, bhikkhus, Vepacitti the king of Titans said a stanza to sakka the king of gods:
‘Maghava, Sakka, king of gods Sujampati by magic one is born in the lamenting hell.
A hundred times more, it will be than what happened to Sambara’.”
11. 3. 4.
(24) Accaya-akodhano –– Asking Pardon
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. At that time two bhikkhus associated. One of them knew his fault. Then that bhikkhu asked pardon from the other in his presence, but he would not pardon.
3. Then many bhikkhus approached the Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side and said:
4. “Venerable sir, two bhikkhus associated. One of them knew his fault, then that bhikkhu asked pardon from the other in his presence, but the other would not pardon.”
5. “Bhikkhus, there are two foolish men. One man does not see the fault and the other does not pardon, when pardon is asked according to the Teaching.
6. “Bhikkhus, there are two wise men. One man sees his fault and the other pardons, when pardon is asked according to the Teaching.
7. “Bhikkhus, in the past Sakka the king of gods advising the gods of the thirty-three in a friendly manner said this stanza:
‘Become angry do not spoil your friendship.
Do not blame those who should not be blamed
Do not slander, know this, anger that arouses evil
Crushes you like a moving mountain’.”
3. 5. 5.
(25) Akodho-Avihimsa –– Not Hurting
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. From there the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus. Those bhikkhus replied: “Yes, venerable sir.”
And the Blessed One said thus:
3. “Bhikkhus, in the past Sakka the king of gods advising the gods of the thirty-three in a friendly manner said this stanza:
‘Do not increase your anger, nor increase the anger of the angry.
Noble ones always lived without anger and without hurting,
Anger that arouses evil thoughts crushes you like a moving mountain’.”