Sutta Pitaka
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Division II –– Nidāna
Book 12 –– Abhisamaya Saṃyutta
Chapter 1 –– Buddha Vagga
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambuddhassa
12. 1. 1.
(1) Desana (Paṭiccasamuppāda) –– Exposition (Dependent Arising)
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. From there the Blessed One addressed the monks: “Monks!” Those monks replied: “Yes, venerable sir.” And the Blessed One said thus:
“Monks, I teach you dependent arising, attend and listen carefully.”
Those monks replied: “Yes, venerable sir.”
3. The Blessed One said: “Monks, what is dependent arising? On account of ignorance arise determinations. On account of determinations arise consciousness. On account of consciousness arise name and matter. On account of name and matter arise the six spheres. On account of the six spheres arise contact. On account of contact arise feelings. On account of feelings arise craving. On account of craving arise seizing. On account of seizing arise being. On account of being arise birth. On account of birth arise decay, death, grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress. And there’s the arising of the complete mass of unpleasantness. Monks, to this is called the arising.
4. “With the fading and cessation of ignorance without a remainder determinations cease. With the cessation of determinations, consciousness cease. With the cessation of consciousness, name and matter cease. With the cessation of name and matter the six spheres cease. With the cessation of the six spheres, contact cease. With the cessation of contact feelings cease. With the cessation of feelings craving cease. With the cessation of craving seizing cease. With the cessation of seizing being ceases. With the cessation of being, birth ceases. With the cessation of birth, cease decay, death, grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress. Thus ceases, the complete mass of unpleasantness.”
5. The Blessed One said thus and those monks delighted in the words of the Blessed One.
12. 1. 2.
(2) Vibhaṅga –– Explanation
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. From there the Blessed One addressed the monks: “Monks!” Those monks replied: “Yes, venerable sir.” And the Blessed One said thus:
“Monks, I teach and explain to you dependent arising, attend and listen carefully.”
Those monks replied: “Yes, venerable sir.”
3. The Blessed One said: “Monks, what is dependent arising? On account of ignorance arise determinations. On account of determinations arise consciousness. On account of consciousness arise name and matter. On account of name and matter arise the six spheres. On account of the six spheres arise contact. On account of contact arise feelings. On account of feelings arise craving. On account of craving arise seizing. On account of seizing arise being. On account of being arise birth. On account of birth arise decay, death, grief, lament, unpleasantness displeasure and distress. Thus arises the complete mass of unpleasantness.
4. “Monks, what is decay and death?
“The decay seen in this and other categories of beings in the form of broken teeth, signs of age, grey hair wrinkled skin, decrease of the life span, the decay of the mental faculties. This is called decay.
“The disappearing, moving away, breaking up, non evidence in time, the breaking up of the masses and laying down of the carcass of this and other categories of beings is called death. Monks, that decay and this death is called decay and death.
5. “Monks, what is birth? The birth, growth, appearance, rebirth, the manifestation of the masses, and the gain of the spheres of this and other category of beings is called birth.
6. “Monks, what is being? Monks, being is threefold. It is the prevalence in thoughts in sensuality, in material states and in immaterial states. Monks, this is called being.
7. “Monks, what is holding? Monks, the mind’s way of holding is fourfold. That is holding to sensuality, holding to views, sticking to virtues and seizing a view of a self. Monks, these are the four ways of holding.
8. “Monks, what is craving? Monks, there are six masses of craving. Someone craves for forms, for sounds, for scents, for tastes, for touches and for ideas. Monks, these are the six masses of craving.
9. “Monks, what is feeling? Monks, there are six bodies of feelings. Feelings arising to someone through eye-contact, through ear contact, through nose contact, through tongue contact, through body contact and through mind contact. Monks, these are the six bodies of feelings.
10. “Monks, what is contact? Monks, there are six bodies of contact. The contact of eye, the contact of ear, the contact of nose, the contact of the tongue, the contact of the body and the contact of mind. These are the six bodies of contact.
11. “Monks, what are the six spheres? It is the sphere of the eye, sphere of the ear, sphere of the nose, sphere of the tongue, sphere of the body and the sphere of the mind. Monks, these are the six spheres.
12. “Monks, what is name and matter? Feelings, perceptions, intentions, contact and mental attention are name. The four great elements and this form seized from them as me or mine is matter. And this name and this matter form name and matter.
13. “Monks, what is consciousness? There are six bodies of consciousness. They are eye-consciousness, ear-consciousness, nose –– consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body – consciousness and mind-consciousness. These are the six bodies of consciousness.
14. “Monks, what are determinations? Monks, determinations are threefold as bodily determinations, verbal determinations and mental determinations. These are the threefold determinations.
15. “Monks, what is ignorance? Monks, if someone does not know unpleasantness, the arising of unpleasantness, the cessation of unpleasantness and the path leading to the cessation of unpleasantness. To that is said ignorance.
16. “Thus, monks, on account of ignorance arise determinations, on account of determinations arise consciousness ... re ... Thus the complete mass of unpleasantness, arise. With the cessation of ignorance without a remainder, determinations cease. With the cessation of determinations, consciousness ceases ... re ... Thus comes about the cessation of the complete mass of unpleasantness.”
12. 1. 3.
(3) Paṭipada –– Method
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. “Monks, I will teach you the wrong method and the right method be attentive and listen carefully to it.”
Those monks replied: “Yes, venerable sir.”
The Blessed One said:
“Monks, what is the wrong method? On account of ignorance arise determinations. On account of determinations arise consciousness. On account of consciousness arise name and matter. On account of name and matter arise the six spheres. On account of the six spheres arise contact. On account of contact arise feelings. On account of feelings arise craving. On account of craving arise seizing. On account of seizing arise being. On account of being arise birth. On account of birth arise decay, death, grief, lament, unpleasantness and displeasure and distress. Thus is the arising of the complete mass of unpleasantness. Monks, to this is called the wrong method.
“Monks, what is the right method?
“With the fading and cessation of ignorance without a remainder determinations cease. With the cessation of determinations, consciousness cease. With the cessation of consciousness, name and matter cease. With the cessation of name and matter the six spheres cease. With the cessation of the six spheres, contact cease. With the cessation of contact feelings cease. With the cessation of feelings craving cease. With the cessation of craving seizing cease. With the ceasing of holding being cease. With the cessation of being, birth cease. With the cessation of birth, cease decay, death, grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress. Thus cease, the complete mass of unpleasantness Monks, to this is called the right method.
12. 1. 4.
(4) Vipassi –– The Blessed One Vipassi
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. “Monks, when Vipassi the rightfully enlightened, worthy one was an aspirant for enlightenment, this thought occurred to him: ‘The worldling is in misery. Born he decays, dies, passes away and is born again. He does not know an escape from this misery. When will an escape from this misery of decay and death be evident?’
3. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is decay and death?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of birth and on account of birth there is decay and death.
4. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is birth.?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of being and on account of being there is birth.
5. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is being?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of holding and on account of holding there is being.
6. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is holding?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, the presence of craving and on account of craving there is a holding.
7. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is craving?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of feelings and on account of feelings there is craving.
8. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, do feelings arise?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of a contact and on account of a contact there is arising of feelings.
9. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, does a contact arise?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of the six spheres and on account of the six spheres there is the arising of a contact.
10. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, are the six spheres.?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of name and matter and on account of name and matter there is the arising of the spheres.
11. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is name and matter?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of consciousness and on account of consciousness there is name and matter.
12. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is consciousness?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, the presence of determinations and on account of determinations there is consciousness.
13. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is the presence of determinations?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the presence of ignorance and on account of ignorance there is the arising of determinations.
14. “Thus monks, on account of ignorance arise determinations, on account of determinations arise consciousness ... re ... Thus the complete mass of unpleasantness, arise.
15. “When Vipassi the aspirant for enlightenment knew this is the arising, knowledge, wisdom and light arose to him never heard before.
16. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is there no decay and death.’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the absence of birth is absence of decay and death.
17. Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is there no birth?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the absence of being is the absence of birth.
18. Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is there no being?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the absence of holding is the absence of being.
19. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is there no holding?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him that the absence of craving is the absence of holding.
20. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is there no craving?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the absence of feelings is absence of craving.
21. “Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, do feelings cease?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, the cessation of a contact is the cessation of feelings.
22. Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant for enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, does a contact cease?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the absence of the six spheres is the absence of a contact. The cessation of the six spheres is the cessation of contact
23. Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is the absence of the six spheres?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, the absence of name and matter is the absence of the six spheres. The cessation of name and matter is the cessation of the six spheres.
24. Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is the cessation of name and matter?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, the absence of consciousness is the absence of name and matter. The cessation of consciousness is the cessation of name and matter.
25. Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is the cessation of consciousness?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, the absence of determinations is the absence of consciousness. The cessation of determinations is the cessation of consciousness.
26. Then monks, to Vipassi, an aspirant of enlightenment this thought occurred: ‘With the absence of what and the cessation of what, is the cessation of determinations?’ Then Vipassi the aspirant to enlightenment wisely thought and wisdom and realization dawned on him, that the absence of ignorance is the absence of determinations. The cessation of ignorance is the cessation of determinations.
27. Thus monks, the cessation of ignorance is the cessation of the threefold determinations, the cessation of determinations is the cessation of consciousness ... re ... Thus the complete mass of unpleasantness cease.
28. When Vipassi the aspirant for enlightenment knew this is the cessation, knowledge, wisdom and light arose to him never heard before.
[This sutta repeats for seven enlightened ones.\
12. 1. 5.
(5) Sikhi — Sikhi the Enlightened One
“Monks ... (Repeat the above for the rightfully enlightened, Blessed One Sikhi.)
12. 1. 6.
(6) Vessabhu — Vessabhu the Enlightened One
“Monks ... (Repeat the above for the rightfully enlightened, Blessed One Vessabhu.)
12. 1. 7.
(7) Kakusandho — Kakusanda the Enlightened One
“Monks ... (Repeat the above for the rightfully enlightened, Blessed One Kakusandha.)
12. 1. 8.
(8) Koṇagamano — Koṇagamana the Enlightened One
“Monks ... (Repeat the above for the rightfully enlightened, Blessed One Koṇagamana.)
12. 1. 9.
(9 ) Kassapa — Kassapa the Enlightened One
“Monks ... (Repeat the above for the rightfully enlightened, Blessed One Kassapa.)
12. 1. 10.
(10) Maha Sakyamuni Gotama –– Gotama the Great Sage of the Sakyas.
2. Monks, when I was not yet enlightened, when I was an aspirant for enlightenment, this thought occurred to me: The world ling is in misery. Born he decays, dies, passes away and is born again. He does not know an escape from this misery. When will an escape from this misery of decay and death be evident?
3. Then monks, it occurred to me, ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is decay and death?’ I reflected this thoroughly and wisdom and realization dawned on me, the presence of birth and on account of birth there is decay and death.
4-13. Then monks, it occurred to me, ‘With the presence of what and on account of what, is birth ... re ...being ... re ... holding ... re ... craving ... re ...feelings ... re ... contact ... re ...six spheres ... re ... name and matter ... re ...consciousness ... re ... determinations ... re ... and I reflected this thoroughly and wisdom and realization dawned on me, the presence of ignorance and on account of ignorance there arise determinations.
14. Thus monks, on account of ignorance arise determinations, on account of determinations arise consciousness ... re ... Thus is the arising, of the complete mass of unpleasantness.
15. Then I knew, this is the arising, and knowledge, wisdom and light arose to me never heard before.
16. Then monks, I thought, with the absence of what and the cessation of what is the cessation of decay and death. Then, when I thought and wisely considered, wisdom and realization dawned on me, the absence of birth is absence of decay and death. The cessation of birth is the cessation of decay and death.
17-26. Then monks, I thought, with the absence of what is the absence of, birth ... re ... being ... re ... holding ... re ... craving ... re ... feelings ... re ... contacts ... re ... six spheres ... re ... name and matter ... re ... consciousness ... re ... determinations and the cessation of what is the cessation of determinations. Then, when I thought and wisely considered, wisdom and realization dawned on me, the absence of ignorance is absence of determinations. The cessation of ignorance is the cessation of determinations.
27. Thus monks, the cessation of ignorance is the cessation of determinations, the cessation of determinations is the cessation of consciousness ... re ... Thus the complete mass of unpleasantness ceases.
28. When I knew this is the cessation, knowledge, wisdom and light arose to me never heard before.