Sutta Pitaka
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Division II –– Nidāna
Book 13 –– Dhātu Saṃyutta
Chapter 2 –– Sattadhātu Vagga
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambuddhassa
13. 2. 1.
(11) Sattimādhātu –– These Seven are the Elements
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, these seven are the elements.
“What seven? The element of luster, the element of pleasantness, the element of the sphere of space, the element of the sphere of consciousness, the element of the sphere of nothingness, the element of the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception, and the element of the cessation of perceptions and feelings. Bhikkhus, these are the seven elements.”
3. When this was said a certain bhikkhu said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, on what perspective are these elements of luster, splendor, space, consciousness, nothingness, neither perception nor non-perception and the cessation of perceptions and feelings pointed out?”
4. “Bhikkhu, the element ‘luster’ is pointed out on the perspective of darkness.
5. “Bhikkhu, the element ‘the sphere of pleasantness’ is pointed out on the perspective of unpleasantness.
6. “Bhikkhu, the element ‘the sphere of space’ is pointed out on the perspective of forms.
7. “Bhikkhu, the element ‘the sphere of consciousness’ is pointed out on the perspective of the sphere of space.
8. “Bhikkhu, the element ‘the sphere of nothingness’ is pointed out on the perspective of the sphere of space.
9. “Bhikkhu, the element ‘the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception’ is pointed out on the perspective of the sphere of nothingness.
10. “Bhikkhu, the element ‘cessation of perceptions and feelings’ is pointed out on the perspective of cessation.”
11. “Venerable sir, in what attainments should these elements of luster, splendor, space, consciousness, nothingness, neither perception nor non-perception and the cessation of perceptions and feelings be reached?”
12. “Bhikkhu, the elements of luster, pleasantness, the sphere of space, the sphere of consciousness and the sphere of nothingness should be reached through the perceptive attainments.
13. “Bhikkhu, the element ‘neither perception nor nonperception’ should be reached in the attainment of the remaining determinations.
14. “And bhikkhu, the element ‘cessation of perceptions and feelings’ should be reached through the attainment cessation.”
13. 2. 2.
(12) Saṇidānaṃ –– With a Reason
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, sensual thoughts arise with a reason, not without, angry thoughts arise with a reason, not without, hurting thoughts arise with a reason, not without.
3. “Bhikkhus, how do sensual thoughts arise with a reason, not without, angry thoughts arise with a reason, not without, hurting thoughts arise with a reason, not without?
4. “Bhikkhus, on account of the sensual element arise sensual perceptions. On account of sensual perceptions arise sensual thoughts. On account of sensual thoughts arise sensual interest. On account of sensual interest arise sensual burning. On account of sensual burning is a sensual search. Bhikkhus, in the sensual search the not learned ordinary man, in three instances falls to the wrong method, by body, words and mind.
5. “Bhikkhus, on account of the angry element arise perceptions of anger On account of perceptions of anger arise angry thoughts. On account of angry thoughts arise the interest to be angry. On account of the interest to be angry arise burnings of anger. On account of burnings of anger is a search to be angry. Bhikkhus, in the search with anger, the not learned ordinary man, in three instances falls to the wrong method, by body, words and mind.
6. “Bhikkhus, on account of the hurting element arise hurting perceptions. On account of hurting perceptions, arise hurting thoughts. On account of hurting thoughts arise the interest to hurt On account of the interest to hurt, arise a burning to hurt On account of the burning to hurt, there is a search to hurt. Bhikkhus, in the search to hurt the not learned ordinary man, in three instances falls to the wrong method, by body, words and mind.
7. “Bhikkhus, like a man who has dropped a burning torch in a dried up grassland, had not quickly extinguished it with hands or feet, by that the living things in the dried up grass would come to distress and destruction,
8. “In the same manner bhikkhus, whoever recluses or brahmins did not quickly dispel, chase away, destroy and made not to arise again, arisen disagreeable perceptions are here and now in trouble, with worries with burning and after death they could expect decrease.
9. “Bhikkhus, non-sensual thoughts arise with a reason, not without. Non-angry thoughts arise with a reason, not without. Non-hurting thoughts arise with a reason, not without.
10. “Bhikkhus, how do non-sensual thoughts arise with a reason, not without, non-angry thoughts arise with a reason, not without, not hurting thoughts arise with a reason, not without?
11. “Bhikkhus, on account of the non-sensual element arise non-sensual perceptions. On account of non-sensual perceptions arise non-sensual thoughts. On account of non-sensual thoughts arise non-sensual interest. On account of non-sensual interest arise non-sensual burning. On account of non-sensual burning is a non-sensual search. Bhikkhus, in the non-sensual search the learned noble disciple, in three instances falls to the right method, by body, words and mind.
12. “Bhikkhus, on account of the not angry element arise perceptions of non-anger On account of perceptions of non-anger arise non-angry thoughts. On account of non-angry thoughts arise the interest to be not angry. On account of the interest to be not angry arise no burnings of anger. On account of no burnings of anger is a search to be not angry. Bhikkhus, in the search without anger the learned noble disciple in three instances falls to the right method, by body, words and mind.
13. “Bhikkhus, on account of the non-hurting element arise non-hurting perceptions. On account of not hurting perceptions, arise not-hurting thoughts. On account of not-hurting thoughts arise the interest to not hurt On account of the not hurting interest arise a burning to not hurt On account of the burning, to not hurt, there is a search to not hurt. Bhikkhus, in the search to not hurt the learned noble disciple, in three instances falls to the right method, by body, words and mind.
14. “Bhikkhua, like a man who has dropped a burning torch in a dried up grassland, had quickly extinguished it with hands or feet, by that the living things in the dried up grass would not come to distress and destruction,
15. “In the same manner bhikkhus, whoever recluses or brahmins quickly dispelled, chased away, destroyed and made not to arise again, arisen disagreeable perceptions are here and now not in trouble, without worries without burning and after death they could expect increase.
13. 2. 3.
(13) Giñjakāvasatha –– A House of Bricks.
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in a house of bricks of his relations.
2. From there the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: “Bhikkhus.” And those bhikkhus said “Yes, venerable sir.”
3. The Blessed One said: “Bhikkhus, on account of elements arise perceptions, then arise views and then thoughts.”
4. When this was said venerable Saddha Kaccāyana said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, is it getting established in the view, that the not rightfully enlightened ones are rightfully enlightened. Venerable sir, how is this view pointed out?”
5. “Kaccāyana, of elements, the element of ignorance is the worst.
6. “Kaccāyana, on account of the inferior element arise inferior perceptions, inferior views, inferior thoughts, inferior intentions, inferior aspirations and an inferior person is born with inferior words, he explains, teaches, points out, establishes and makes clear the inferior. I say, this is the arising of the inferior.
7. “Kaccāyana, on account of the middling element arise middling perceptions, middling views, middling thoughts, middling intentions, middling aspirations and a middling person is born with middling words, he explains, teaches, points out, establishes and makes clear the middling. I say, this is the arising of the middling.
8. “Kaccāyana, on account of the exalted element arise exalted perceptions, exalted views, exalted thoughts, exalted intentions, exalted aspirations and an exalted person is born with exalted words, he explains, teaches, points out, establishes and makes clear the exalted. I say, this is the arising of the exalted.”
13. 2. 4.
(14) Hīnādhimutti –– The Inferior Inclination
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations and those with virtuous inclinations get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
3. “Bhikkhus, even in the past beings got together and agreed according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations got together and agreed with others of inferior inclinations and those with virtuous inclinations got together and agreed with others of virtuous inclinations.
4. “Bhikkhus, even in the future beings will get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations will get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations and those with virtuous inclinations will get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
5. “Bhikkhus, even at present beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations and those with virtuous inclinations get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
13. 2. 5.
(15) Kammaṃ (Caṅkama) –– According to Actions (Thoughtfully Walking)
1. At one time, the Blessed One lived among the Gijjha peaks in Rajagaha.
2. At that time, venerable Sāriputta was walking thoughtfully in the vicinity of the Blessed One followed by many bhikkhus.
3. Venerable Mahāmoggallāna was walking thoughtfully in the vicinity of the Blessed One followed by many bhikkhus.
4. Venerable Mahākassapa was walking thoughtfully in the vicinity of the Blessed One followed by many bhikkhus.
5. Venerable Anuruddha was walking thoughtfully in the vicinity of the Blessed One followed by many bhikkhus.
6. Venerable Puṇṇa Mantāniputta was walking thoughtfully in the vicinity of the Blessed One followed by many bhikkhus.
7. Venerable Upāli was walking thoughtfully in the vicinity of the Blessed One followed by many bhikkhus.
8. Venerable Ānanda was walking thoughtfully in the vicinity of the Blessed One followed by many bhikkhus.
9. Devadatta too was walking thoughtfully in the vicinity of the Blessed One followed by many bhikkhus.
10. Then the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus:
“Bhikkhus, do you see Sāriputta walking thoughtfully followed by many bhikkhus?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, all those bhikkhus are very wise.
11. “Bhikkhus, do you see Moggallāna walking thoughtfully, followed by many bhikkhus?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, all those bhikkhus have great psychic powers.
12. “Bhikkhus, do you see Kassapa walking thoughtfully, followed by many bhikkhus?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, all those bhikkhus observe austerities.”
13. “Bhikkhus, do you see Anuruddha walking thoughtfully, followed by many bhikkhus?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, all those bhikkhus have developed the divine eye.
14. “Bhikkhus, do you see Puṇṇa Mantāniputta walking thoughtfully, followed by many bhikkhus?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, all those bhikkhus converse about ethical problems.
15. “Bhikkhus, do you see Upāli walking thoughtfully, followed by many bhikkhus?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, all those bhikkhus know the discipline.
16. “Bhikkhus, do you see Ānanda walking thoughtfully, followed by many bhikkhus?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, all those bhikkhus are learned.
17. “Bhikkhus, do you see Devadatta walking thoughtfully, followed by many bhikkhus?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
“Bhikkhus, all those bhikkhus are with evil desires.”
18. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations and those with virtuous inclinations get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
19. “Bhikkhus, even in the past beings got together and agreed according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations got together and agreed with others of inferior inclinations and those with virtuous inclinations got together and agreed with others of virtuous inclinations.
20. “Bhikkhus, even in the future beings will get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations will get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations and those with virtuous inclinations will get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
21. “Bhikkhus, even at present beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations and those with virtuous inclinations get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.”
13. 2. 6.
(16) Sagāthā –– With a Stanza
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations get together and agree with others of inferior inclination.
3. “Bhikkhus, even in the past beings got together and agreed according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations got together and agreed with others of inferior inclinations.
4. “Bhikkhus, in the future too beings will get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations will get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations.
5. “Bhikkhus, in the present too beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations.
6. “Bhikkhus, like excreta get together and agree with excreta, urine get together and agree with urine, saliva get together and agree with saliva, pus get together and agree with pus, blood, get together and agree with blood. In the same manner, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations.
7. “Even in the past beings got together and agreed according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations got together and agreed with others of inferior inclinations.
8. “In the future too beings will get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations will get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations.
9. “And in the present too beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with inferior inclinations get together and agree with others of inferior inclinations.”
10. Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with virtuous inclinations get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
<@@@ text to be corrected @@@>
3. Bhikkhus, even in the past beings got together and agreed according to the elements. Those with virtuous inclinations got together and agreed with others of virtuous inclinations.
4. Bhikkhus, in the future too beings will get together and agree according to the elements. Those with virtuous inclinations will get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
5. Bhikkhus, in the present too beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with virtuous inclinations get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
6. Bhikkhus, like curd get together and agree with curd, oil get together and agree with oil, ghee get together and agree with ghee, honey get together and agree with honey, molasses get together and agree with molasses. In the same manner, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with virtuous inclinations get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
7. Even in the past beings got together and agreed according to the elements. Those with virtuous inclinations, got together and agreed with others of virtuous inclinations.
8. In the future too beings will get together and agree according to the elements. Those with virtuous inclinations will get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
9. And in the present too beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with virtuous inclinations get together and agree with others of virtuous inclinations.
13. 2. 7.
(170) Asaddha –– The Without Faith.
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements.
3. “Those without faith, agree with others without faith. Those without shame, agree with others without shame. Those without remorse agree with others without remorse. Those who have learned little agree with others who have learned little. The lazy agree with the lazy. The not mindful agree with the not mindful. And those lacking in wisdom agree with others lacking in wisdom.
4. “Those with faith, agree with others with faith. Those with shame, agree with others with shame. Those with remorse agree with others with remorse. Those who have learned much agree with others who have learned much. Those with aroused effort agree with others with aroused effort. The mindful agree with the mindful. And the wise agree with others who are wise.
5. “Bhikkhus, in the past too beings got together and agreed according to the elements.
“Those without faith, agreed with others without faith. Those without shame, agreed with others without shame. Those without remorse agreed with others without remorse. Those who had learned little, agreed with others who had learned little. The lazy agreed with the lazy. The not mindful agreed with the not mindful. And those lacking in wisdom agreed with others lacking in wisdom.
6. “Bhikkhus, in the future too beings will get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those without faith will agree with others without faith. Those without shame, will agree with others without shame. Those without remorse will agree with others without remorse. Those who had learned little will agree with others who had learned little. The lazy will agree with the lazy. The not mindful will agree with the not mindful. And those lacking in wisdom will agree with others lacking in wisdom.
7. “Bhikkhus, at present too beings get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those without faith, agree with others without faith. Those without shame, agree with others without shame. Those without remorse agree with others without remorse. Those who have learned little agree with others who have learned little. The lazy agree with the lazy. The not mindful agree with the not mindful. And those lacking in wisdom agree with others lacking in wisdom.
8. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to elements. Those with faith agree with others with faith. Those with shame, agree with others with shame. Those with remorse agree with others, with remorse. Those who have learned much agree with others who have learned much. Those with aroused effort agree with others with aroused effort. The mindful agree with the mindful. And the wise agree with others who are wise.
9. “Bhikkhus, in the past too beings got together and agreed according to the elements.
“Those with faith, agreed with others with faith. Those with shame, agreed with others with shame. Those with remorse agreed with others with remorse. Those who had learned much, agreed with others who had learned much. Those with aroused effort agreed with others with aroused effort. The mindful agreed with the mindful. And the wise agreed with other wise ones.
10. “Bhikkhus, in the future too beings will get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those with faith will agree with others with faith. The shameful, will agree with the shameful. Those with remorse will agree with others who have remorse. Those who have learned much will agree with others who have learned much. Those with aroused effort will agree with others who have aroused effort. The mindful will agree with the mindful. And the wise will agree with the wise.
11. “Bhikkhus, at present too beings get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those with faith, agree with others with faith. Those with shame, agree with others with shame. Those with remorse agree with others with remorse. Those who have learned much agree with others who have learned much. Those with aroused effort agree with the aroused effort. The mindful agree with the mindful. And the wise agree with the wise.”
13. 2. 8.
(18) Asaddhamūlaka Pañca –– Five, From the Root Unrighteousness.
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those without faith, agree with others without faith. Those without shame, agree with others without shame and those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith, agree with others with faith. Those with shame, agree with others with shame and the wise with the wise.
3. “Bhikkhus, even in the past, beings got together and agreed according to the elements.
“Those without faith, agreed with others without faith. Those without shame agreed with others without shame and those lacking wisdom, with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith agreed with others with faith. Those with shame, agreed with others with shame and the wise with the wise.
4. “Bhikkhus, even in the future, beings will get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those without faith will agree with others without faith. Those without shame will agree with others without shame and those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith will agree with others with faith. Those with shame will agree with others with shame and the wise with the wise.
5. “Bhikkhus, even at present beings get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those without faith, agree with others without faith. Those without shame, agree with others without shame and those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith, agree with others with faith. Those with shame, agree with others with shame and the wise with the wise.
6. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those without faith, agree with others without faith. Those without remorse, agree with others without remorse and those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith, agree with others with faith. Those with remorse, agree with others with remorse and the wise with the wise.
7. “Bhikkhus, even in the past, beings got together and agreed according to the elements.
“Those without faith, agreed with others without faith. Those without remorse agreed with others without remorse and those lacking wisdom, with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith agreed with others with faith. Those with remorse, agreed with others with remorse and the wise with the wise.
8. “Bhikkhus, even in the future, beings will get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those without faith will agree with others without faith. Those without remorse will agree with others without remorse and those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith will agree with others with faith. Those with remorse will agree with others with remorse and the wise with the wise.
9. “Bhikkhus, even at present beings get together and agree according to the elements.
“Those without faith, agree with others without faith. Those without remorse agree with others without remorse and those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith, agree with others with faith. Those with remorse agree with others with remorse and the wise with the wise.
10. “Those without faith, agree with others without faith. Those with little learning, agree with others with little learning and those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith agree with others with faith. The learned agree with the learned, and the wise agree with the wise.
11. “Bhikkhus, even in the past, beings got together and agreed according to the elements ... re ...
12. “Bhikkhus, even in the future, beings will get together and agree according to the elements ... re ...
13. “Bhikkhus, even at present beings get together and agree according to the elements ... re ...
14. “Those without faith agree with others without faith. The lazy agree with the lazy, those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with faith agree with others with faith. Those with aroused effort agree with others with aroused effort and the wise agree with the wise.
15. “Bhikkhus, even in the past, beings got together and agreed according to the elements ... re ...
16. “Bhikkhus, even in the future, beings will get together and agree according to the elements ... re ...
17. “Bhikkhus, even at present beings get together and agree according to the elements ... re ...
18. “Those without faith, agree with others without faith. The not mindful agree with the not mindful. Those not wise with others who are not wise. Those with faith agree with others who have faith. Those with mindfulness established agree with others who have established mindfulness and the wise agree with the wise.
19. “Bhikkhus, even in the past, beings got together and agreed according to the elements ... re ...
16. “Bhikkhus, even in the future, beings will get together and agree according to the elements ... re ...
17. “Bhikkhus, even at present beings get together and agree according to the elements ... re ...
13. 2. 9.
(19) Ahirikamālaka Cattaro — Four, From the Root Shamelessness
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those without shame, agree with others without shame. Those without remorse, agree with others without remorse and those lacking wisdom with others lacking wisdom. Those with shame, agree with others with shame Those with remorse, agree with others with remorse and the wise with the wise. Bhikkhus, even in the past ... re ... Even in the future ... re ... And even at present, too ... re ...
3. “The shameless agree with the shameless. Those with little learning agree with others with little learning, those lacking in wisdom with others who lack wisdom. Those who have shame agree with others who have shame, the learned agree with the learned and the wise with the wise.
4. The shameless agree with the shameless. The lazy agree with the lazy and those lacking in wisdom with others who lack wisdom. Those who have shame agree with others who have shame, those with aroused effort agree with others who have aroused effort and the wise agree with the wise.
5. Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those without shame, agree with others without shame. Those without established mindfulness with others without established mindfulness and those not wise with others not wise. Those with shame, agree with others with shame Those without established mindfulness agree with others not established in mindfulness and the wise agree with the wise.
6. “Bhikkhus, even in the past ... re ...
7. “Even in the future ... re ...
8. “And even at present, too, ... re ...
13. 2. 10.
(20) Anottāpamūlaka –– Three, With Roots in Non-remorse
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those without remorse agree with others without remorse. Those without much learning agree with others without much learning. Those not wise with others not wise. Those with remorse agree with others with remorse. Those with much learning agree with others with much learning. The wise agree with the wise.
3. “Bhikkhus, even in the past ... re ...
4. “Even in the future ... re ...
5. “And even at present, too ... re ...
6. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those without remorse agree with others without remorse. The lazy agree with the lazy Those, not wise agree with others not wise. Those with remorse agree with others with remorse. Those with aroused effort agree with others with aroused effort. The wise agree with the wise.
7. “Bhikkhus, even in the past ... re ...
8. “Even in the future ... re ...
9. “And even at present, too ... re ...
10. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those without remorse agree with others without remorse The not established in mindfulness agree with others not established in mindfulness. Those unwise, agree with others not wise. Those with remorse agree with others with remorse. Those with established mindfulness agree with others who have established mindfulness. The wise agree with the wise.
11. “Bhikkhus, even in the past ... re ...
12. “Even in the future ... re ...
13. “And even at present too ... re ...
13. 2. 11.
(21) Appasutena Dve –– Two On Account of Little Learning
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with little learning agree with others with little leaning. The lazy agree with the lazy. Those not wise with others not wise. Those with much learning agree with others with much learning. Those who have aroused effort agree with those who have aroused effort. The wise agree with the wise.
3. “Bhikkhus, even in the past ... re ...
4. “Even in the future ... re ...
5. “And even at present, too ... re ...
6. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. Those with little learning agree with others with little learning. Those without established mindfulness agree with others without mindfulness. The unwise agree with others not wise. Those with much learning agree with others who are learned. Those with established mindfulness agree with others who have established mindfulness. The wise agree with the wise.
7. “Bhikkhus, even in the past ... re ...
8. “Even in the future ... re ...
9. “And even at present too ... re ...
13. 2. 12.
(22) Kusītaṃ –– The Lazy
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthī.
2. “Bhikkhus, beings get together and agree according to the elements. The lazy agree with the lazy. The not established in mindfulness agree with others not established in mindfulness. Those unwise, agree with others not wise. Those with aroused effort agree with others with aroused effort. Those with established mindfulness agree with others who have established mindfulness. The wise agree with the wise.
3. “Bhikkhus, even in the past ... re ...
4. “Even in the future ... re ...
5. “And even at present, too ... re ...