Sutta Pitaka
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Division II –– Nidāna
Book 20 –– Bhikkhu Saṃyutta
Chapter 1 –– Paṭhamo Vagga
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambuddhassa
20. 1. 1.
(1) Kolito –– Kolita
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. From there venerable Mahāmoggallāna addressed the monks saying: “Monks, friends.” And those monks replied: “Yes, friend.”
3. Venerable Mahāmoggallāna said: “Friends, when I was in seclusion this thought and thought process occurred to me, it is said noble silence. What is noble silence?
4. “Friends, it occurred to me, here the monk pacifies thoughts and thought processes and with the mind internally settled and in one point, without thoughts and thought processes and with joy and pleasantness born of concentration raises the mind to the second higher state. To this is said noble silence.
5. “Friends, when I pacify thoughts and thought processes and internally settle the mind in one point and without thoughts and thought processes raise the mind to the second higher state and enjoy the pleasantness born of concentration, my attention is disturbed by the perception of thoughts.
6. “Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘O! Brahmin, Moggallāna, do not neglect noble silence. Establish the mind in noble silence. Collect the mind in one point and establish it in noble silence.’
7. “Friends, in the meantime I pacified thoughts and thought processes and with the mind internally settled and in one point, without thoughts and thought processes and with joy and pleasantness born of concentration I raised the mind to the second higher state. Friends, saying it correctly I am his disciple and son attained to deep knowledge with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”
20. 1. 2.
(2) Upatissa –– Upatissa
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. From there venerable Sariputta addressed the monks saying: “Monks, friends.” And those monks replied: “Yes, friend.”
3. Venerable Sariputta said: “Friends, when I was in seclusion this thought and thought process occurred to me; ‘Is there anyone in this world, on account of whose change and taking some other form, that grief, lament, unpleasantness displeasure and distress would arise to me?’
4. “Friends, then it occurred to me there is no one in this world, on account of whose change and taking some other form, that grief, lament, unpleasantness displeasure and distress would arise to me.”
5. When this was said venerable Ānanda said “Friend Sariputta, would not grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure, and distress come to you even if the Teacher changes and takes another form?”
6. “Friend Ānanda, even if my Teacher changes and takes some other form, grief, lament unpleasantness, displeasure and distress would not arise to me. Yet it occurs to me the Teacher has much potential, the potency and the power disappears. May the Teacher live long to be compassionate and for the happiness and well being of gods and men.”
7. “Then it should be that the measuring tendency of venerable Sariputta as ‘I be’ and ‘it’s mine’ must be completely destroyed long since.
8. “Therefore even if the Teacher changes and takes some other form, grief, lament unpleasantness, displeasure and distress would not arise to venerable Sariputta.”
20. 1. 3.
(3) Ghaṭo –– A Match
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. At that time venerable Sariputta and venerable Mahāmoggallāna were living in the squirrels’ sanctuary in the bamboo grove in Rajagahs.
3. Then venerable Sariputta getting up from his seclusion in the evening approached venerable Mahāmoggallāna, having exchanged friendly greetings with venerable Mahāmoggallāna sat on a side.
4. Sitting on a side venerable Sariputta said: “Friend Moggallāna, your mental faculties look pleasant and your face looks pure. Hasn’t venerable Mahāmoggallāna abode in some appeasement today?”
“Friend, today I was busy, yet we had a discussion.”
5. “With whom did venerable Mahāmoggallāna have a discussion?”
“Friend, I had a discussion with the Blessed One.”
6. “Friend, the Blessed One is at present in the monastery built by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi. Did venerable Mahāmoggallāna approach the Blessed One through psychic power or else did the Blessed One approach venerable Mahāmoggallāna through psychic power?”
7. “Friend, I did not approach the Blessed One through psychic power and neither did the Blessed One approach me through psychic power. Yet I purified my heavenly eye and the element of the heavenly ear far enough to reach the Blessed One. The Blessed One too, purified his heavenly eye and the element of the heavenly ear far enough to reach me.”
8. “What was the topic of the conversation that took place between venerable Mahāmoggallāna and the Blessed One?”
9. “Friend, I asked the Blessed One: ‘Venerable sir, it is said, “aroused effort.” How is effort aroused?’”
10. “Then the Blessed One said: ‘Here, Moggallāna, the bhikkhu contemplates: “Let the skin, nerves and the bones remain and let the body flesh and blood dry up, I will not give up the manly strength, manly effort and the manly endeavor until I attain my aim".’ ”
11. 11Friend I had this discussion with the Blessed One.”
12. “I am like a small stone that have broken off from the Himalaya mountains, when compared to venerable Mahāmoggallāna who has a lot of potential and power and if he desires could remain for a forward world cycle.”
13. “Friend, it is like a huge rock of salt has split up and it should be am a crystal of salt when compared to venerable Sariputta.”
14. “Venerable Sariputta is praised and admired by the Blessed One in various occasions"
‘Like Sariputta in wisdom virtues and appeasement,
Of the bhikkhus who have gone by, this one is the foremost’.”
15. Thus these two Great Men agreed and appreciated each others good words.
20. 1. 4.
(4) Navo –– A Novice
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. At that time a certain novice monk, after the meal was over and returning from the alms round use to enter the monastery, unconcerned about the others and their work, was silent and looked weak. It was the time when robes were made and he did not attend on the monks who were busy.
3. Then many monks approached the Blessed One worshipped and sat on a side.
4. Those seated monks said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, a certain novice monk, after the meal is over and returning from the alms round usually enters the monastery, unconcerned about the others and their work he is silent and looks weak. During this time when robes are made he does not attend on the monks who are busy.”
5. Then the Blessed One addressed a certain monk: “Monk, in my words tell this monk that the Teacher calls him.”
6. That monk agreed, approached that monk and told him: “Friend, the Teacher calls you.”
7. That monk agreed and approached the Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side.
8. The Blessed One said thus to that monk seated on a side: “Monk, is it true that after the meal is over and returning from the alms round you usually enter the monastery, unconcerned about the others and their work, is silent and look weak?. This is the time when robes are made and it is necessary to attend on the monks who are busy.”
“Venerable sir, I am busy doing my work.”
9. Then the Blessed One knew his thought and thought process and addressed the other monks: “Monks, do not hurt this monk. He is a quick, easy gainer of the four higher states of the mind and enjoys that pleasantness here and now for nothing. For whatever purpose sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless, that highest end of the holy life he has realized and attained by himself and abides.”
10. The Blessed One, the well gone Teacher further said:
“This is not an easy undertaking to be done with little strength,
Realizing extinction and the release from all unpleasantness
This young monk is a Noble Man bearing the last body
He has won over Death and his array.”
20. 1. 5.
(5) Sujāto –– Venerable Sujāta
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then venerable Sujāta approached the Blessed One.
3. The Blessed One seeing venerable Sujāta approaching in the distance addressed the monks:
4. “Monks, for two reasons this son of a clansman is pleasing. He is handsome, attractive and endowed with the highest beauty of complexion and for whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless that noble end of the holy life he has by himself attained in this life and abides.”
5. The Blessed One said thus and the well gone Teacher further said:
“Indeed this monk is pleasing with a mind rightly directed,
It’s disengaged, unyoked and ceased without holdings
He bears the last body having defeated Death and his array.”
20. 1. 6.
(6) Bhaddiya –– Venerable Bhaddiya
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then venerable Lakuṇṭaka Bhaddiya approached the Blessed One.
3. The Blessed One seeing venerable Lakuṇṭaka Bhaddiya coming in the distance addressed the monks:
4. “Monks, do you see this ugly, non-attractive deformed monk approaching in the distance?”
“Yes, we see venerable sir.”
5. “Monks, this monk is potential and is very powerful, there aren’t any attainments that he has to attain. For whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless that noble end of the holy life he has by himself attained in this life and abides.”
6. The Blessed One said thus and the well gone Teacher further said:
“Swans, cocks, peacocks, elephants, cattle and wild animals
All of them fear the lion, they cannot compete with their bodies
Yet among humans even a wise novice
Becomes great, he does not fail on account of the body.
20. 1. 7.
(7) Visākho –– Venerable Visākha Pañcāliputta
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the gabled hall in the Great Forest in Vesali.
2. At that time venerable Visākha Pañcāliputta was addressing the monks in the attendance hall with a talk of advice inciting and making the hearts light with polite well enunciated words clearly stating the matter free of attachments.
3. The Blessed One getting up from his seclusion in the evening approached the attendance hall and sat on the prepared seat.
4. Sitting, the Blessed One addressed the monks: “Monks, who was addressing the monks in the attendance hall with a talk of advice inciting and making the hearts light with polite, well enunciated words, clearly stating things, free of attachments?”
5. “Venerable sir, Visākha Pañcalaputta was addressing the monks in the attendance hall with a talk of advice inciting and making the hearts light with polite, well enunciated words ,clearly stating the matter free of attachments.”
6. Then the Blessed One addressed venerable Visākha Pañcalaputta: “Excellent! Visākha, your address to the monks is full of advice inciting and making the hearts light with polite,well enunciated words, clearly stating the matter free of attachments.”
7. The Blessed One said thus; and the well-gone Teacher further said:
“Without expression, the wise and the foolish are mixed
Expressing the Deathless State the wise are known.
Those who speak illuminating the Teaching raise the flag of the sages.
Good words that express the Teaching are the flag of the sages.”
20. 1. 8.
(8) Nando –– Venerable Nanda
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then venerable Nanda, the son of the Blessed One’s stepmother, robing himself with a robe stamped down and ironed, with anointed eyes and taking a shining bowl approached the Blessed One.
3. Having approached, worshipped the Blessed One and sat on a side.
The Blessed One said thus to venerable Nanda, seated on a side:
4. “Nanda, it is not suitable for the son of a clansman like you who has gone forth out of faith to wear a stamped down ironed robe, to anoint the eyes and carry a shining bowl. It is suitable for the son of a clansman like you who has gone forth out of faith to be a forest dweller, to partake morsel food, to wear robes made of rags and not expect sensual pleasures.”
5. The Blessed One, the well gone Teacher further said:
“When will I see Nanda the forest dweller,
Wearing rag robes, satisfied with the morsel food
And not desiring sensual pleasures.”
6. Then in the meantime venerable Nanda became a forest dweller wearing rag robes, satisfied with the morsel food and one not expecting sensual pleasures.
20. 1. 9.
(9) Tisso –– Venerable Tissa
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then venerable Tissa the son of the Blessed One’s father’s brother, approached the Blessed One worshipped and sat on a side, displeased, unpleasant and with tearful eyes.
3. Then the Blessed One said thus to venerable Tissa, seated on a side: “Tissa, why do you sit displeased, unpleasant and with tearful eyes?”
4. “Venerable sir, the monks surrounded me, teasing and abusing.”
5. “Then Tissa, you should not take those words to heart.
6. “Tissa, it is not suitable for you, a son of a clansman who has left home out of faith, to take those words to heart. It is suitable for you, a son of a clansman who has left home out of faith, to not take those words to heart.”
7. The Blessed One said thus; and the well-gone Teacher further said:
“Tissa, why are you angry, don’t be angry
Non anger is noble, when you tame
The self from anger, measuring and malice
The holy life is lived.”
20. 1. 10.
(10) Theranāmo –– The Elder named Thera
1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.
2. At that time a certain monk by the name Thera was a lone dweller and he praised living alone. Alone he enters the village for alms. Alone he returns from the alms round, sits alone and mindfully intends and walks alone.
3. Then many monks approached the Blessed One, worshipped and sat on side.
4. Sitting on a side those monks said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, a certain monk by the name Thera is a lone dweller and he praises living alone.”
5. The Blessed One addressed a certain monk and said: “Monk, in my words tell this monk Thera, the Teacher calls you.”
6. That monk agreed approached the monk Thera, and said: “Friend, the Teacher calls you.”
The monk Thera said: “Yes friend.” and approached the Blessed One.
7. Having approached the Blessed One he worshipped and sat on a side.
8. The Blessed One said to the monk named Thera who was seated on a side: “Thera, is it true that you are a lone dweller and praise lone dwelling?”
“Yes, venerable sir.”
9. “Monk Thera, how do you dwell alone and how do you praise lone dwelling?”
10. “Venerable sir, alone I enter the village for alms. Alone I return from the alms round, sit alone and mindfully intend and walk alone. Venerable sir, thus I am a lone dweller and praise dwelling alone.”
11. “Thera, that is also lone dwelling, I do not say it is not. Yet, listen and attend carefully to dwelling alone, I will tell it.
12. “Thera, with what details does living alone become complete. Here, Thera, whatever the past, it’s over, whatever is to come in the future, should be forsaken. All interest and greed for gains of the self this present moment should be thoroughly subdued. Thera, in this manner living alone becomes complete in detail.”
13. The Blessed One said thus; and further the well-gone Teacher said:
“The wise man conquering and knowing everything,
Is not soiled by anything
Giving up everything he is released with the destruction of craving
That man, I say is a lone dweller.”
20. 1. 11.
(11) Kappino –– Venerable Kappina
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then venerable Kappina approached the Blessed One
3. The Blessed One seeing venerable Kappina coming in the distance addressed the monks:
4. “Monks, do you see this fair monk with a small straight nose approaching in the distance?”
Yes, we see venerable sir.”
5. “Monks, this monk is potential and is very powerful; there aren’t any attainments that he has to attain. For whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless that noble end of the holy life he has by himself attained in this life and abides.”
6. The Blessed One said thus and the well gone Teacher further said:
“The warrior is foremost by his clan
One endowed with the right conduct is foremost for gods and men
The sun burns during the day and the moon shines at night.
The warrior shines in his armor and the bramin when concentrated
The Enlightened One shines in excellence all day and night.”
20. 1. 12
(12) Sahāya –– Friends
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then two friends of venerable Mahakappina approached the Blessed One.
3. The Blessed One seeing the two monks coming in the distance addressed the monks:
4. “Monks, do you see these two monks approaching in the distance? They are friends and co––associates of Kappina.”
Yes, we see venerable sir.”
5. “Monks, these monks are potent and very powerful; there aren’t any attainments that they have to attain. For whatever reason sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless that noble end of the holy life they have by themselves attained, in this life and abide.”
6. The Blessed One said thus and the well gone Teacher further said:
“These monks are friends, associates long since.
Agreeing in the right Teaching declared by the Enlightened One
They are trained by Kappina in the teaching of the Noble Ones’
They bear the last bodies having won over Death.”