Sutta Pitaka
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Division III –– Khandhaka
Book 25 –– Uppāda Saṃyutta
Chapter 1 –– Uppāda Vagga

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambudhassa

25. 1. 1.

(1) Cakkhu –– The Eye

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, the arising, prevailing, rebirth, and manifestation of the eye is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

4-7. “Monks, the arising, prevailing, rebirth, and manifestation of the ear, ... re ... nose ... re ... tongue ... re ... and the body is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

8. “Monks, the arising, prevailing, rebirth, and manifestation of the mind is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9. “Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of the eye is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.

10-13. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of the ear, ... re ... nose ... re ... tongue ... re ... and the body is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.

14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of the eye is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 2.

(2) Rūpaṃ –– Forms

1. “I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, the arising, prevailing, rebirth, and manifestation of forms is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

4-8. “Monks, the arising, prevailing, rebirth, and manifestation of sounds ... re ... scents ... re ... tastes ... re ... touches ... re ... ideas is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9. “Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of forms is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.

10-13. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of sounds, ... re ... scents ... re ... tastes ... re ... and touches is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.

14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of ideas is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 3.

(3) Viññanaṃ –– Consciousness

1-8. Sāvatthi.

... re ... “Monks, the arising, prevalence, rebirth, and manifestation of eye-consciousness ... ear-consciousness ... nose-conscousness ... body-consciousness ... mind-consciousness is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9-14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of eye-consciousness ... ear-consciousness ... nose-conscousness ... body-consciousness ... mind-consciousness is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 4.

(4) Phasso –– Contact

1-8. Sāvatthi. ... re ...

“Monks, the arising, prevalence, rebirth, and manifestation of eye-contact ... ear-contact ... nose-contact ... body-contact ... mind-contact is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9-14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of eye-contact ... ear-contact ... nose-contact ... body-contact ... mind-contact is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 5.

(5) Vedanāya –– Feelings Born From

1-8. Sāvatthi.

... re ... “Monks, the arising, prevalence, rebirth, and manifestation of feelings born from eye-contact ... re ... mind-contact is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9-14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of eye-contact ... ear-contact ... nose-contact ... body-contact ... mind-contact is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 6.

(6) Sañña –– Perception

1-8. Sāvatthi repeat. “Monks, the arising, prevalence, rebirth, and manifestation of perception of forms ... sounds ... scents ... tastes ... touches ... ideas is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9-14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of perception of forms ... sounds ... scents ... tastes ... touches ... ideas is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 7.

(7) Cetanā –– Intentions

1-8. Sāvatthi

... re ... “Monks, the arising, prevalence, rebirth, and manifestation of intentions born from ... sounds ... scents ... tastes ... touches ... ideas is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9-14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of intentions born from forms ... sounds ... scents ... tastes ... touches ... ideas is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 8.

(8) Taṇhā –– Craving

1-8. Sāvatthi.

“Monks, the arising, prevalence, rebirth, and manifestation of craving for forms ... sounds ... scents ... tastes ... touches ... ideas is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9-14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of craving for forms. ... sounds ... scents ... tastes ... touches ... ideas is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 9.

(9) Dhātu –– Elements

1-8. Sāvatthi.

... re ... “Monks, the arising, prevalence, rebirth, and manifestation of the earth element ... water element ... fire element ... air element ... the space element and the consciousness element is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

9-14. Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of the earth element ... water element ... fire element ... air element ... the space element and the consciousness element is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”

25. 1. 10.

(10) Khandhena –– With the Masses

1-3. Sāvatthi repeat.

3-7. “Monks, the arising, prevalence, rebirth, and manifestation of matter ... feelings ... perceptions ... intentions ... consciousness is the arising of unpleasantness, prevalence of ailments, and the manifestation of decay and death.

8-12. “Monks, the cessation, appeasement and fading of matter ... feelings ... perceptions ... intentions ... consciousness is the cessation of unpleasantness, the appeasement of ailments, and the disappearance of decay and death.”