Sutta Pitaka
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Division III –– Khandhaka
Book 27 –– Sāriputta Saṃyutta
Chapter 1 –– Sāriputta Vagga
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambudhassa
27. 1. 1.
1. Vivekaṃ –– Seclusion
1. I heard thus. At one time venerable Sāriputta was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then venerable Sāriputta, putting on robes in the morning and taking bowl and robes, entered Sāvatthi for alms.
3. Going the alms round in Sāvatthi, after the meal was over and returning from the alms round, entered the dark forest to spend the day.
4. Entering the dark forest, sat at the root of a certain tree to spend the day.
5. Getting up from his seclusion in the evening, venerable Sāriputta entered the monastery in Jeta’s grove.
6. Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7. “Friend, secluding my mind from sensual desires and thoughts of demerit, with thoughts and discursive thoughts and with joy and pleasantness born of seclusion, raised my mind to the first higher stage. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, ‘I attained to the first higher state of mind or got up from the first higher state of the mind’.”
8. “Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I attain, or attained to the first higher state of mind or got up from the first higher state of the mind’.”
27. 1. 2.
1. Avitakkaṃ –– Without Thoughts
1. I heard thus. At one time venerable Sāriputta was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.
2. Then venerable Sāriputta, putting on robes in the morning and taking bowl and robes, entered Sāvatthi for alms.
3. Going the alms round in Sāvatthi, after the meal was over and returning from the alms round, entered the dark forest to spend the day.
4. Entering the dark forest sat at the root of a certain tree to spend the day.
5. Getting up from his seclusion in the evening, venerable Sāriputta entered the monastery in Jeta’s grove.
6. Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7. “Friend, overcoming thoughts and discursive thoughts and bringing the mind to one point with joy and pleasantness born of concentration, I raised my mind to the second higher stage. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, “I attained to the second higher state of mind or got up from the second higher state of the mind’.”
8. “Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I attain, or attained to the second higher state of mind or got up from the second higher state of the mind’.”
27. 1. 3.
3. Pīti –– Joy
1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ... Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7-8. “Friend, I abode in the third higher stage of the mind with emotions of joy, fading and feeling with equanimity and mindfully experienced pleasantness with the body too. To this the noble ones said mindfully abiding in pleasantness Yet friend it did not occur to me, ‘I attained to the third higher state of mind or got up from the third higher state of the mind.”
“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I attain, or attained to the third higher state of mind or got up from the third higher state of the mind.”
27. 1. 4.
4. Upekkhā –– Equanimity
1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ...
Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7. “Friend, giving up pleasantness and unpleasantness and earlier overcoming pleasure and displeasure, and with equanimity mindfulness purified to be not unpleasant and not pleasant, I attained to the fourth higher state of the mind. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, ‘I attained to the fourth higher state of mind or got up from the fourth higher state of the mind’.”
“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I attain, or attained to the fourth higher state of mind or got up from the fourth higher state of the mind’.”
27. 1. 5.
5. Ākāsā –– Sphere of Space
1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ...
Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7-8. “Here, friend, I overcame all perceptions of matter and overcoming all perceptions of repulsion and not attending to various perceptions and with ‘space is boundless’ I attained to the sphere of space.
Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, ‘I attained to the sphere of space, or got up from it’’.”
“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I attain, or attained to the sphere of space or got up from it’’.”
27. 1. 6.
6. Viññanaṃ –– Sphere of Consciousness
1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ...
Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7-8. “Here, friend, I overcame all the sphere of space and with ‘consciousness is boundless’ attained to the sphere of consciousness. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, ‘I attained to the sphere of consciousness, or got up from it’’.”
“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I attain, or attained to the sphere of space or got up from it’.”
27. 1. 7.
7. Ākiñcañña –– Sphere of Nothingness
1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ...
Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7-8. “Here, friend, I overcame all the sphere of consciousness and with there is nothing attained to the sphere of nothingness. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, ‘I attained to the sphere of nothingness, or got up from it’.”
“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I attain, or attained to the sphere of nothingness or got up from it’.”
27. 1. 8.
8. Saññi –– Neither Perceptive nor Non Perceptive
1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ... Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7-8. “Here, friend, I overcame all the sphere of nothingness and was neither perceptive nor non-perceptive. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, ‘I was neither perceptive nor non-perceptive’.”
“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I was perceptive or non-perceptive’.”
27. 1. 9.
9. Nirodho –– Cessation
1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ...
Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”
7-8. “Here, friend, I overcame all the sphere of neither perception nor non perception and abode in the cessation of perceptions and feelings. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, ‘I abode in the cessation of perceptions and feelings, or got up from it’.”
“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, ‘I abode in the cessation of perceptions and feelings, or got up from it’.”
27. 1. 10.
10. Sūcimukhī –– Wandering Woman Ascetic Sūcimukhi
1. At one time venerable Sāriputta was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary in the Bamboo grove in Rajagaha.
2. And venerable Sāriputta, wearing robes in the morning and taking bowl and robes, entered Rajagaha, wandering for alms. Having collected alms in Rajagaha, he sat against a wall and enjoyed the alms food.
3. Then the wandering ascetic woman Sūcimukhi approached venerable Sāriputta and said thus:
4. “Does the recluse enjoy food bent forward?”
“Sister, I do not enjoy food, bent forward.”
5. “Then does the recluse enjoy food, turned upwards?”
“Sister, I do not enjoy food turned upwards”
6. “Then does the recluse enjoy food turned in the directions?”
“Sister, I do not enjoy food, turned in the directions”
7. “Then does the recluse enjoy food, turned in the inter-directions?”
“Sister, I so not enjoy food turned in the inter-directions”
8. “When asked, ‘does the recluse enjoy food bent downward’, it was said, ‘Sister, I so not enjoy food bent downward.’ When asked, ‘does the recluse enjoy food turned upwards,’ it was said, ‘Sister, I do not enjoy food turned upwards.’ When asked, ‘does the recluse enjoy food turned in the directions,’ it was said, ‘Sister, I do not enjoy food turned in the directions.’ When asked, ‘does the recluse enjoy food turned in the inter-directions,’ it was said, ‘Sister, I do not enjoy food turned in the inter-directions.’ So then how does the recluse enjoy food?”
9. “Sister, whoever recluses or Brahmins lead a wrong livelihood by determining a lucky site or by reading the marks on animals, enjoy food turned downwards.
10. “Sister, whoever recluses or Brahmins lead a wrong livelihood by the science of studying the stars, enjoy food turned upwards.
11. “Sister, whoever recluses or Brahmins make a wrong livelihood by carrying messages to and fro, enjoy food turned in the directions.
12. “Sister, whoever recluses or Brahmins make a wrong livelihood by reading the marks on the body and by palmistry, enjoy food turned in the inter directions.
13. “Sister, I do not lead a wrong livelihood by determining a lucky site or by reading the marks on animals. I do not make a wrong livelihood by studying the stars. I do not make a wrong livelihood by carrying messages to and fro. I do not make a wrong livelihood by reading the marks on the body or by palmistry. I search my alms food rightfully and enjoy it.”
14. Then the wandering ascetic woman Sūcimukhi went from street to street and from junction to junction announcing: ‘Sons of the recluse Sakya enjoy food rightfully begotten! Offer morsel food to the sons of the recluse Sakya.’