Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Volume IV –– Saḷāyatanavaggo
Samyutta 36 –– Mātugāma Saṃyutta
Chapter 1 –– Mātugāma Vaggo

36. 1. 1.
(1) Manāpā amanāpā––Attractive/Unattractive

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there: “Monks, the woman endowed with five factors is on the whole unattractive to man. What five? Is not of beautiful form, does not have wealth, is not virtuous, is lazy and does not bear children. The woman endowed with these five factors is on the whole unattractive to man.

3. “Monks, the woman endowed with five factors is on the whole attractive to man. What five? Is of beautiful form, has wealth, is virtuous, is clever, not lazy and bears children. The woman endowed with these five factors is completely attractive to man.”

36. 1. 2.
(2) Manāpā amanāpā –– Attractive/Unattractive

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there: “Monks, the man endowed with five factors is on the whole unattractive to woman. What five? Is not of beautiful form, does not have wealth, is not virtuous, is lazy and does not produce children. The man endowed with these five factors is on the whole unattractive to woman.

3. “Monks, the man endowed with five factors is on the whole attractive to woman. What five? Is of beautiful form, has wealth, is virtuous, is clever, not lazy and produces children. The man endowed with these five factors is on the whole attractive to woman.”

36. 1. 3.
(3) Āveṇika –– Exceptional

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there: “Monks, these five unpleasant things are exceptional to women and are not shared by men. What five?

3. “The woman even when young goes to the man’s family separated from her relations. Monks, this is the first unpleasant thing exceptional for women, not shared by men.

4. “Again monks, the woman has a season, this is the second unpleasant thing exceptional for women, not shared by men.

5. “Again monks, the woman conceives, this is the third unpleasant thing exceptional for women, not shared by men.

6. “Again, monks, the woman gives birth, this is the fourth unpleasant thing exceptional for women, not shared by men.”

7. “Again monks, the woman has to attend on the man, this is the fifth unpleasant thing exceptional for women, not shared by men.

8. “Monks, these are the five unpleasant things exceptional for women, not shared by men.”

36. 1. 4.
(4) Tīhi –– Endowed with Three

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the squirrels’ sanctuary in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there: “Monks, most women endowed with three things, after death meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What three?

3. “Monks, the woman when of tender age has a mind overcome by stains of miserliness, in middle age with a mind overcome by selfishness and during her last days has a mind overcome by sensual greed.

4. “Monks, most women endowed with these three things, after death meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease, are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 5
(5) (Anuruddho 1) –– On the dark side

1. Then venerable Anuruddha approached the Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side. “Sitting on a side venerable Anuruddha said to the Blessed One:

2. “Venerable sir, with my heavenly eye purified beyond human, I see women after death meeting loss, going to a bad state, to decrease, reborn in hell. Venerable sir, endowed with what things do women meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell?”

3. “Anuruddha, women endowed with five factors, meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

4. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, are hateful and lack wisdom.

5. “Anuruddha, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 6.
(6)Kodhano –– Hateful

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors, meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, are hateful and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 7.
(7) Upanāhi –– Angry and Find Fault

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, angrily, find fault and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 8.
(8) Issukhī –– Envious

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, are envious, and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 9.
(9) Maccharena –– Selfishness

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors after death meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, are selfish, and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 10.
(10) Aticārī –– Commit Adultery

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, commit adultery, and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 11
(11) Dussīlaṃ –– Unvirtuous

1. “Monks, endowed with five factors women meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, are not virtuous, and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 12.
(12) Appassuto –– Learned Little

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, have learned little, and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 13
(13) Kusīto –– Lazy

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors, meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, are lazy, and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 14
(14) Muṭṭhassati –– Mindfulness not Established

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors, meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They lack faith, shame, do not regret, are not established in mindfulness, and lack wisdom.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”

36. 1. 15
(15) Pañcaveraṃ –– The Five Observances

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors, meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell. What five?

2. “They destroy life, take the not given, misbehave sexually, tell lies and taking intoxicating things become negligent

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors meet loss, go to a bad state, to decrease and are reborn in hell.”