Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Volume IV –– Saḷāyatanavaggo
Samyutta 36 –– Mātugāma Saṃyutta
Chapter 2 –– Anuruddha Vaggo

36. 2. 1.
(16) (Anuruddho) Sukhapakkho –– On the Pleasant Side

1. “Then venerable Anuruddha approached the Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side. Sitting on a side venerable Anuruddha said to the Blessed One:

2. “Venerable sir, with my heavenly eye purified beyond human, I see women after death go to a good state, reborn in heaven. Venerable sir, endowed with what factors do women go to a good state, are reborn in heaven?”

3. “Anuruddha, women endowed with five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

4. “They have faith, shame, no regrets, are not hateful, and are wise.

5. “Anuruddha, women endowed with these five factors, after death, at the breakup of the body, go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 2.
(17) Akodhano –– Not Hateful

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, no regrets, are not hateful and are wise.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 3.
(18) Anupanāhī –– Not Angry

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, no regrets, not angry, are wise.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 4.
(19) Anussukhī –– Not Envious

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, no regrets, do not envy and are wise

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 5.
(20) Amaccharena –– Not Selfish

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors after death go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, do not regret, are not selfish, and are wise

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 6.
(21) Anaticārī –– Do not Commit Adultery

1. “Monks, women endowed with five factors, go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, do not regret, do not commit adultery,and are wise.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 7.
(22) Sīlavā –– Virtuous

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, do not regret, are virtuous, and are wise.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 8.
(23) Bahussuto –– Learned

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors, go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, do not regret, are learned, and are wise.

3. “Monks, endowed with these five factors, women go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 9.
(24) Viriyā –– With Aroused Effort

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, do not regret, are with aroused effort (are strenuous), and are wise.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors, go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 10
(25) Sati –– Established Mindfulness

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They have faith, shame, do not regret and are wise with established mindfulness.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors, go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”

36. 2. 11
(26) Pañcasīla –– Observe the Five Precepts

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors, go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They abstain from destroying life, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, and taking intoxicating drinks and becoming negligent.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.”