Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Volume IV –– Saḷāyatanavaggo
Samyutta 39 –– Moggallāna Saṃyutta

39. 1. 1.
(1) Savitakka –– Thoughts Accompanied with Reasoning

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the first high stage of the mind. What is the first high stage of the mind?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me, the monk secluding the mind from sensual desires and demerit thoughts, with logical reasoning and investigation and with pleasant joy born of seclusion raises the mind to the first high stage. This is the first high stage of the mind.

5. “Friends, then I secluded the mind from sensual desires and thoughts of demerit and with logical reasoning and investigation and with pleasant joy born of seclusion raised my mind to the first high stage. When abiding in the first high stage of the mind, sensual perceptions and thoughts assailed me.

6 Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the first high stage.’

7. “Friends, in the meantime I secluded the mind from sensual desires and thoughts of demerit and with logical reasoning and investigation, with pleasant joy born of seclusion raised my mind to the first high stage and abode.

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 2.
(2) Avitakka –– Without Thoughts

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. “Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the second high stage of the mind. What is the second high stage of the mind?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me, the monk overcoming logical reasoning and investigation and calming the mind internally and bringing it to one point, without thoughts and discursive thoughts and with pleasant joy born of concentration raises the mind to the second high stage. This is the second high stage of the mind.

5. “Friends, then I overcame logical reasoning and investigation and calmed the mind internally and brought it to one point and without thoughts and discursive thoughts, with pleasant joy born of concentration raised my mind to the second high stage. When abiding in the second high stage of the mind, perceptions related to logical reasoning assailed me.

6 Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the second high stage.’

7. “Friends, in the meantime I overcame logical reasoning and calming the mind internally and bringing it to one point, without thoughts and discursive thoughts and with pleasant joy born of concentration raised my mind to the second high stage and abode.

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 3.
(3) Sukhena –– In Pleasantness

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. “Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the third high stage of the mind. What is the third high stage of the mind?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me the monk abides with equanimity to joy and impartiality and becoming mindful and aware experiences pleasantness with the body too. The noble ones call it abiding pleasantly in equanimity, this is abiding in the third high stage of the mind.

5. “Friends, then I abode with equanimity to joy and impartiality and mindful and aware experienced pleasantness with the body too. I attained to the third high stage of mind. Noble ones call it abiding pleasantly in equanimity. When abiding in the third high stage of the mind, perceptions of joy assailed me.

6. “Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the third high stage.’

7. “Friends, in the meantime I abode with equanimity to joy and impartiality and mindful and aware experienced pleasantness with the body too. I attained to the third high stage of the mind; the noble ones call it abiding pleasantly in equanimity.

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 4.
(4) Upekkhako –– With Equanimity

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. “Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the fourth high stage of the mind. What is the fourth high stage of the mind?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me, the monk dispelling pleasantness and unpleasantness and earlier having overcome pleasure and displeasure and purifying mindfulness with equanimity so that it is neither unpleasant nor pleasant, abides in the fourth high stage of the mind.

5. “Friends, then I dispelled pleasantness and unpleasantness and earlier having overcome pleasure and displeasure and purifying mindfulness with equanimity, so that it is neither unpleasant nor pleasant, I abode in the fourth high stage of the mind. When abiding in the fourth high stage of the mind, pleasant perceptions assailed me.

6. “Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the fourth high stage.’

7. “Friends, then I dispelled pleasantness and unpleasantness and earlier having overcome pleasure and displeasure and purifying mindfulness with equanimity, so that it is neither unpleasant nor pleasant, I abode in the fourth high stage of mind.

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 5.
(5) Ākāsaṃ –– Space

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. “Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the sphere of space. What is the sphere of space?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me, the monk overcoming all perceptions of matter and all perceptions of repulsion, not attending to various perceptions, with the perception space is unlimited attains to the sphere of space.

5. “Friends, then I overcame all perceptions of matter and all repulsive perceptions not attending to various perceptions, with the perception space is unlimited attained to the sphere of space. When abiding in the sphere of space, perceptions related to matter assailed me.

6. “Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the sphere of space.’

7. “Friends, in the meantime I overcame all perceptions of matter, all repulsive perceptions and not attending to various perceptions, with the perception space is unlimited attained to the sphere of space.

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 6.
(6) Viññānaṃ –– Consciousness

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. “Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the sphere of consciousness. What is the sphere of con scioussness?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me, the monk overcoming all the sphere of space with consciousness is unlimited attains to the sphere of consciousness.

5. “Friends, then I overcame all the sphere of space with consciousness is unlimited attained to the sphere of consciousness. When abiding in the sphere of consciousness, perceptions related to space assailed me.

6. “Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the sphere of space.’

7. “Friends, in the meantime I overcame all the sphere of space with consciousness is unlimited attained to the sphere of consciousness

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 7.
(7) Akiñcañña –– Nothingness

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. “Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the sphere of nothingness. What is the sphere of nothingness?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me, the monk overcoming all the sphere of consciousness with there is nothing attains to the sphere of nothingness.

5. “Friends, then I overcame all the sphere of consciousness, with there is nothing attained to the sphere of nothingness. When abiding in the sphere of nothingness, perceptions related to the sphere of consciousness assailed me.

6. “Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the sphere of nothingness.’

7. “Friends, in the meantime I overcame all the sphere of consciousness with there is nothing attained to the sphere of nothingness

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 8.
(8) Nevasañña –– Not Perceptive

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. “Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. What is the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me, the monk overcoming all the sphere of nothingness attains to the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception.

5. “Friends, then I overcame the sphere of nothingness and attained to the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. When abiding in the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception, perceptions related to nothingness assailed me.

6. “Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception.’

7. “Friends, in the meantime I overcame all the sphere of nothingness and attained to the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception.

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 9.
(9) Animitto –– Signless

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. “Venerable Mahamoggallana addressed the monks from there: “Friends, monks!”

Those monks responded pleasantly.

3. “Friends, this thought and thought process arose to me in my seclusion; it is said the signless concentration of mind. What is the signless concentration of mind?

4. “Friends, then it occurred to me, the monk not attending to any sign, attains to the concentration of mind, without a sign. This is called the concentration without a sign

5. “Friends, then not attending to any sign I attained to the concentration of mind without a sign When abiding in this concentration, consciousness related to signs assailed me.

6. “Then the Blessed One approached me by psychic power and said: ‘Moggallana, Noble Man! Do not be negligent! Establish, concentrate and bring the mind to one point in the signless concentration.’

7. “Friends, in the meantime not attending to any sign I attained to the concentration without a sign and abode.

8. “Friends, saying it correctly, I am the disciple, who attained great wisdom, with the compassionate help of the Teacher.”

39. 1. 10.
(10) Sakko –– Sakka the King of gods

1. At one time venerable Mahamoggallana was living in the monastery offered by Anathapindika in Jeta’s grove in Savatthi.

2. Venerable Mahamoggallana disappeared from Jeta’s grove and appeared among the gods of the thirty-three, as a strong man would stretch his bent arm or bend his stretched arm.

3. Then Sakka the king of gods approached venerable Mahamoggallana with five hundred deities, worshipped and stood on a side.

4. To Sakka the king of gods who was standing on a side, the venerable Mahamoggallana said: “King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Enlightened One. King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Teaching. King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Community of monks.”

5. “It is so! Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Enlightened One. Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Teaching. Sir Moggallana,, it is good to take refuge in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Community of monks.”

6––8. Repeat paragraphs 3, 4, 5 for six hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

9––11. Repeat paragraphs 3, 4, 5 for seven hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

12––14. Repeat paragraphs 3,4,5 for eight hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

15. “Then Sakka the king of gods approached venerable Mahamoggallana with eighty hundred deities, worshipped and stood on a side.

16 To Sakka the king of gods who was standing on a side venerable Mahamoggallana said: “King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Enlightened One. King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Teaching. King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Community of monks.”

17. “It is so! Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Enlightened One. Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Teaching. Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Community of monks,”

18. “Then Sakka the king of gods approached venerable Mahamoggallana with five hundred deities, worshipped and stood on a side.

19. “To Sakka the king of gods who was standing on a side venerable Mahamoggallana said: “King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. ‘The Blessed One is worthy, rightfully enlightened, is endowed with knowledge and conduct, has gone in the right direction, knows the worlds, has become the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed, is Teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Teaching! ‘The Blessed One’s Teaching is well proclaimed, the results are here and now, time does not matter, invites inspection, leads inwards and should be realized by the wise by themselves.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Teaching. King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks! ‘The Community of monks of the Blessed One have gone in the right direction, in the straightforward direction in the wise direction and gone with mutual understanding. They are the four pairs of eight Great Men who are sacrificial, worthy of hospitality, offerings and suitable for devotional worship with clasped hands. They are the incomparable field of merit for the world.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Community of monks.

20. “It is so! Sir Moggallana, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One! ‘The Blessed One is worthy, rightfully enlightened, is endowed with knowledge and conduct, has gone in the right direction, knows the worlds, has become the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed, is Teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. Sir Moggallana, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Teaching! ‘The Blessed One’s Teaching is well proclaimed, results are here and now, time does not matter, invites inspection, leads inwards and should be realized by the wise by themselves.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Teaching. Sir Moggallana,, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks! ‘The Community of monks of the Blessed One have gone in the right direction, in the straightforward direction in the wise direction and gone with mutual understanding. They are the four pairs of eight Great Men who are sacrificial, worthy of hospitality, offerings and suitable for devotional worship with clasped hands. They are the incomparable field of merit for the world.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Community of monks

21-23. “Repeat paragraphs 18, 19, 20 for six hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

24-26. “Repeat paragraphs 18,19,20 for seven hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

27-29. “Repeat paragraphs 18, 19,20 for eight hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

30. “Then Sakka the king of gods approached venerable Mahamoggallana with eighty hundred deities, worshipped and stood on a side.

31 To Sakka the king of gods who was standing on a side venerable Mahamoggallana said: “King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. ‘The Blessed One is worthy, rightfully enlightened, is endowed with knowledge and conduct, has gone in the right direction, knows the worlds, has become the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed, is Teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Teaching! ‘The Blessed One’s Teaching is well proclaimed, the results are here and now, time does not matter, invites inspection, leads out and should be realized by the wise by themselves.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Teaching. King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks! ‘The Community of monks of the Blessed One have gone in the right direction, in the straightforward direction in the wise direction and gone with mutual understanding. They are the four pairs of eight Great Men who are sacrificial, worthy of hospitality, offerings and suitable for devotional worship with clasped hands. They are the incomparable field of merit for the world.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Community of monks. King of gods, it is good to develop virtues that are not broken and desired by the noble ones, virtues that lead to concentration A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing such virtues desired by the noble ones.

32. “It is so! Sir Moggallana, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One! ‘The Blessed One is worthy, rightfully enlightened, is endowed with knowledge and conduct, has gone in the right direction, knows the worlds, has become the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed, is Teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.’A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. Sir Moggallana, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Teaching! ‘The Blessed One’s Teaching is well proclaimed, the results are here and now, time does not matter, invites inspection, leads out and should be realized by the wise by themselves.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Teaching. Sir Moggallana,, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks! ‘The Community of monks of the Blessed One have gone in the right direction, in the straightforward direction in the wise direction and gone with mutual understanding. They are the four pairs of eight Great Men who are sacrificial, worthy of hospitality, offerings and suitable for devotional worship with clasped hands. They are the incomparable field of merit for the world.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Community of monks. Sir Moggallana it is good to develop virtues that are not broken and desired by the noble ones, virtues that lead to concentration A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing such virtues desired by the noble ones.

33. “Then Sakka the king of gods approached venerable Mahamoggallana with five hundred deities, worshipped and stood on a side.

34. “To Sakka the king of gods who was standing on a side venerable Mahamoggallana said: “King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Enlightened One. They who take refuge in the Enlightened One surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Teaching. They who take refuge in the Teaching surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Community of monks. They who take refuge in the Community of monks surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches.

35. “It is so! Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Enlightened One. They who take refuge in the Enlightened One surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Teaching. They who take refuge in the Teaching surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir Moggallana,, it is good to take refuge in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Community of monks. They who take refuge in the Community of monks surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches.

36-38, Repeat paragraphs 33,34,35 for six hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

39-41 Repeat paragraphs 33, 34,35 for seven hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

42-44. “Repeat paragraphs 33,34,35 for eight hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

45. “Then Sakka the king of gods approached venerable Mahamoggallana with eighty thousand deities, worshipped and stood on a side.

46. “To Sakka the king of gods who was standing on a side venerable Mahamoggallana said: “King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Enlightened One. They who take refuge in the Enlightened One surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Teaching. They who take refuge in the Teaching surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to take refuge in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Community of monks. They who take refuge in the Community of monks surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches.

47. “It is so! Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Enlightened One. They who take refuge in the Enlightened One surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir Moggallana, it is good to take refuge in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Teaching. They who take refuge in the Teaching surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir Moggallana,, it is good to take refuge in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of taking refuge in the Community of monks. They who take refuge in the Community of monks surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches.

48. “Then Sakka the king of gods approached venerable Mahamoggallana with five hundred deities, worshipped and stood on a side.

49. “To Sakka the king of gods who was standing on a side venerable Mahamoggallana said: “King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. ‘The Blessed One is worthy, rightfully enlightened, is endowed with knowledge and conduct, has gone in the right direction, knows the worlds, has become the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed, is Teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. They who develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Teaching! ‘The Blessed One’s Teaching is well proclaimed, the results are here and now, time does not matter, invites inspection, leads out and should be realized by the wise by themselves.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Teaching. They who develop unwavering faith in the Teaching surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks! ‘The Community of monks of the Blessed One have gone in the right direction, in the straightforward direction in the wise direction and gone with mutual understanding. They are the four pairs of eight Great Men who are sacrificial, worthy of hospitality, offerings and suitable for devotional worship with clasped hands. They are the incomparable field of merit for the world.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Community of monks. They who develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to develop virtues desired by the noble ones, virtues that are not broken and are conducive to concentration. A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven on account of developing virtues desired by the noble ones. They surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches.

50. “It is so! Sir Moggallana, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. They who develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir Moggallana, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Teaching! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Teaching. They who develop unwavering faith in the Teaching surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir Moggallana,, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks! A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Community of monks They who develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir, Moggallana, it is good to develop virtues desired by the noble ones, virtues that are not broken and are conducive to concentration. A certain being after death goes to a good state, is reborn in heaven on account of developing virtues desired by the noble ones. They surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches.

51-53. “Repeat paragraphs 48, 49, 50 for six hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

54-56. “Repeat paragraphs 48,49,50 for seven hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

57-59. “Repeat paragraphs 48, 49,50 for eight hundred deities who approached with Sakka the king of gods.

60 Then Sakka the king of gods approached venerable Mahamoggallana with eighty thousand deities worshipped and stood on a side.

61 To Sakka the king of gods who was standing on a side venerable Mahamoggallana said: “King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. ‘The Blessed One is worthy, rightfully enlightened, is endowed with knowledge and conduct, has gone in the right direction, knows the worlds, has become the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed, is Teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. Born in heaven they surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Teaching! ‘The Blessed One’s Teaching is well proclaimed, the results are here and now, time does not matter, invites inspection, leads inwards and should be realized by the wise by themselves.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Teaching. Born in heaven they surpass the other gods in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks! ‘The Community of monks of the Blessed One have gone in the right direction, in the straightforward direction in the wise direction and gone with mutual understanding. They are the four pairs of eight Great Men who are sacrificial, worthy of hospitality, offerings and suitable for devotional worship with clasped hands. They are the incomparable field of merit for the world.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Community of monks Born in heaven they surpass the other gods in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. King of gods, it is good to develop virtues desired by the noble ones, virtues that are not broken and are conducive to concentration. A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven on account of developing virtues desired by the noble ones. They surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches.

62. “It is so! Sir Moggallana, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. ‘The Blessed One is worthy, rightfully enlightened, is endowed with knowledge and conduct, has gone in the right direction, knows the worlds, has become the incomparable tamer of those to be tamed, is Teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Enlightened One. Born in heaven they surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir, Moggallana, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Teaching! ‘The Blessed One’s Teaching is well proclaimed, the results are here and now, time does not matter, invites inspection, leads inwards and should be realized by the wise by themselves.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Teaching. Born in heaven they surpass the other gods in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir, Moggallans, it is good to develop unwavering faith in the Community of monks! ‘The Community of monks of the Blessed One have gone in the right direction, in the straightforward direction in the wise direction and gone with mutual understanding. They are the four pairs of eight Great Men who are sacrificial, worthy of hospitality, offerings and suitable for devotional worship with clasped hands. They are the incomparable field of merit for the world.’ A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven, on account of developing unwavering faith in the Community of monks Born in heaven they surpass the other gods in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches. Sir, moggallana, it is good to develop virtues desired by the noble ones, virtues that are not broken and are conducive to concentration. A certain being after death goes to a good state is reborn in heaven on account of developing virtues desired by the noble ones. They surpass the other gods in ten instances, in heavenly, life span, beauty, pleasantness, fame and power. They surpass the other gods in acquiring celestial forms, sounds, scents, tastes and touches.

39. 1. 18.
(18) Candano –– The Celestial Being Chandana

Repeat paragraphs 1-62 For the son of gods Chandana

Suyāmo –– The Celestial Being Suyama

Repeat paragraphs 1-62 For the son of gods Suyāma

Santusito –– The Celestial Being Santusita

Repeat paragraphs 1-62 For the son of gods Santusita.

Sunimmito –– The Celestial Being Sunimmita

Repeat paragraphs 1-62 For the son of gods Sunimmita

Vasavatti –– The Celestial Being Vasavatti

Repeat paragraphs 1-62 For the son of gods Vasavatti.