Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Volume V –– Mahāvaggo
Samyutta 44 –– Magga Saṃyutta
Chapter 3 –– Micchatta Vagga

44. 3. 1.
(21) Micchattaṃ –– Wrong View of Self

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, I will declare the wrong view of self and the right view of self. Listen carefully.

4. “What is the wrong view of self? It is wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong words, wrong action, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavor, wrong mindfulness and wrong concentration. Monks, this is called the wrong view of self.

5. “What is the right view of self? It is right view, right thoughts, right words, right action, right livelihood, right endeavor, right mindfulness and right concentration. Monks, this is called the right view of self.”

45. 3. 2.
(22) Akusalaṃ –– Demerit

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, I will declare demerit and merit listen carefully.

4. “What is demerit? It is wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong words, wrong action, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavor, wrong mindfulness and wrong concentration. Monks, this is called demerit.

5. “What is merit? It is right view, right thoughts, right words, right action, right livelihood, right endeavor, right mindfulness and right concentration. Monks, this is called merit.”

44. 3. 3.
(23) Paṭipada 1 –– Method 1

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, I will declare the wrong method and the right method listen carefully.

4. “What is the wrong method? It is wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong words, wrong action, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavor, wrong mindfulness and wrong concentration. Monks, this is called the wrong method

5. “What is the right method? It is right view, right thoughts, right words, right action, right livelihood, right endeavor, right mindfulness and right concentration. Monks, this is called the right method.”

44. 3. 4.
(24) Paṭipada 2 –– Method 2

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, I do not advocate the wrong method to the lay people or to those gone forth.

4. “Monks, the lay people or those gone forth do not realize the meritorious right view, on account of following the wrong method. Monks, what is the wrong method? It is wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong words, wrong action, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavor, wrong mindfulness and wrong concentration. This is called the wrong method Monks, I do not advocate the wrong method to the lay people or to those gone forth.

5. “Monks, the lay people or those gone forth do not realize the meritorious right view, on account of following the wrong method.

6. “Monks, I advocate the right method to the lay people or to those gone forth.

7. “Monks, the lay people or those gone forth realize the meritorious right view, on account of following the right method. Monks, what is the right method? It is right view, right thoughts, right words, right action, right livelihood, right endeavor, right mindfulness and right concentration. This is called the right method Monks, I advocate the right method to the lay people and also to those gone forth.

5. “Monks, the lay people or those gone forth realize the meritorious right view, on account of following the right method.”

44. 3. 5.
(25) Asappurisā 1 –– The Not Noble Ones 1

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, I will tell you about the noble ones and the not noble ones listen carefully.

4. “Monks, who is the not noble one? Here monks, someone is with wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong words, wrong action, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavor, wrong mindfulness and wrong concentration. Monks, this one is not noble.

5. “Monks, who is the noble one? Here monks someone is with right view, right thoughts, right words, right action, right livelihood, right endeavor, right mindfulness and right concentration. Monks, this one is noble.”

44. 3. 6
(26) Asappurisā 2 –– The Not Noble Ones 2

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, I will tell you about the not noble one, the worst of not noble ones, the noble one and the best of noble ones, listen carefully.

4. “Monks, who is the not noble one? Here monks, someone is with wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong words, wrong action, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavor, wrong mindfulness and wrong concentration. Monks, this one is not noble.

5. “Monks, who is the worst of not noble ones? Here monks someone is with wrong, view, thoughts, words, action, livelihood, endeavor, mindfulness, concentration, knowledge and release Monks, this one is the worst of not noble ones.

6. “Monks, who is the noble one? Here monks, someone is with right view, right thoughts, right words, right action, right livelihood, right endeavor, right mindfulness and right concentration. Monks, this one is noble.

7. “Monks, who is the best of noble ones? Here monks someone is with right, view, thoughts, words, action, livelihood, endeavor, mindfulness, concentration, knowledge and right release Monks, this one is the best of noble ones.”

44. 3. 7.
(27) Kumbho –– The Water Pot

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, the water pot without a stand proceeds successfully, the water pot with a stand does not proceed successfully, in the same manner, monks, the mind with a support does not proceed successfully and the mind without a support proceeds successfully.

4. “Monks, what is the mind’s support? It is this same noble eightfold path such as right view, … re … and right concentration

5. “Monks, the water pot without a stand proceeds successfully, the water pot with a stand does not proceed successfully, in the same manner, monks, the mind with a support does not proceed successfully and the mind without a support proceeds successfully.”

44. 3. 8.
(28) Samādhi –– One Pointed Mind

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. And addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, I will preach the noble right concentration that is supported and has accessories, listen to it.

4. “Monks, what is the noble right concentration that is supported and has accessories? The accessories are right, view, thoughts, words, action, livelihood, endeavor and mindfulness.

5. “Monks, the mind in one point on account of these seven factors is the concentration with accessories. Monks this is the supported, noble right concentration.”

44. 3. 9.
(29) Vedanā –– Feelings

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, these three are the feelings. What three?

“They are pleasant feelings, unpleasant feelings and neither unpleasant nor pleasant feelings. Monks, these three are the feelings.

4. “Monks, for the thorough understanding of these three feelings, the noble eightfold path should be developed It is this same noble eightfold path such as right view … re … and right concentration Monks, for the thorough understanding of these three feelings, this noble eightfold path should be developed.”

44. 3. 10
(30) Uttiya –– Venerable Uttiya

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.

2. And venerable Uttiya approached the Blessed One worshipped and sat on a side.

3. Sitting on a side venerable Uttiya said to the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, when I was in seclusion this mental reflection arose to me the Blessed One has told about five strands of sense pleasures, what are the five strands of sense pleasures?”

4. “Excellent! Uttiya, I have told of five strands of sense pleasures. What five? Pleasing agreeable forms cognizable by eye consciousness that arouse sensuality, pleasing agreeable sounds cognizable by ear consciousness that arouse sensuality, pleasing agreeable scents cognizable by nose consciousness that arouse sensuality, pleasing agreeable tastes cognizable by tongue consciousness that arouse sensuality, pleasing agreeable touches cognizable by body consciousness that arouse sensuality.

5. Uttiya, to dispel these five strands of sense pleasures the noble eightfold path should be developed. What Noble Eightfold Path? It as right view … re … and right concentration. Uttiya, to dispel these five strands of sense pleasures the noble eightfold path should be developed.”