Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikāya
Volume V –– Mahāvaggo
Samyutta 44 –– Magga Saṃyutta
Chapter 4 –– Paṭipatti Vagga
44. 4. 1.
(31) Paṭipatti –– Method
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, I will tell the wrong method and the right method listen to it.
“What is the wrong method? It is this wrong view, … re … and wrong concentration. This is the wrong method.
4. “What is the right method? It is this same right view, … re … and right concentration. This is the right method.”
44. 4. 2.
(32) Paṭipanno –– Fallen to the Method
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, I will tell the one fallen to the wrong method and the one fallen to the right method listen.
“Who is the one fallen to the wrong method? Here monks someone has wrong view, … re … and wrong concentration. This one has fallen to the wrong method.
4. “Who is the one fallen to the right method? Here monks someone is with right view, … re … and right concentration. This one has fallen to the right method.”
44. 4. 3.
(33) Viraddho –– Gone Wrong
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, whoever unsuccessful in the noble eightfold path is unsuccessful in the Noble Eightfold Path for rightful destruction of unpleasantness. Monks, whoever successful in the noble eightfold path is successful in the Noble Eightfold Path for rightful destruction of unpleasantness.
4. “Monks, what is the Noble Eightfold Path? It is this right view, … re … and right concentration. Monks, whoever unsuccessful in the noble eightfold path is unsuccessful in the Noble Eightfold Path for rightful destruction of unpleasantness. Monks, whoever successful in the noble eightfold path is successful in the Noble Eightfold Path for rightful destruction of unpleasantness.”
44. 4. 4.
(34) Pāragamana –– Crossing Over
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, development and making much of these eight things conduces to crossing over. What eight? They are right view, … re … and right concentration. Monks, development and making much of these eight things conduces to crossing over.”
4. The Blessed One further said these verses
Of these humans a few cross over,
The rest, go up and down this same bank. (1)
Those humans who abide by the well declared Teaching,
Reach the incomparable state, crossing the domains of Death (2)
The wise dispel the impure, develop the pure,
And leaving home enjoy seclusion (3)
The wise dispel sensual thoughts with attachment,
And purify their minds dispelling defilements. (4)
The enlightenment factors well developed
And attached to giving up the seized,
The shinning ones extinguish destroying desires (5).
44. 4. 5.
(35) Sāmaññaṃ 1 –– Recluseship 1
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, I will tell you about recluseship and the fruits of recluseship, listen to it.
“What is recluseship? It is this same Noble Eightfold Path such as right view, … re … and right concentration. This is recluseship.
4. “Monks, what are the fruits of recluseship? The fruits of stream entry, returning once, not returning and extinction are called the fruits of recluseship.”
44. 4. 6.
(36) Sāmaññaṃ 2 –– Recluseship2
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, I will tell you about recluseship and the aims of recluseship, listen.
“What is recluseship? It is this same Noble Eightfold Path such as right view, … re … and right concentration. This is recluseship.
4. “Monks, what are the aims of recluseship? Monks, the destruction of greed, hate, and delusion are the aims of recluseship.”
44. 4. 7.
(37) Brahmaññaṃ 1 –– Divinity1
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, I will tell you about divinity and the fruits of divinity, listen to it.
“What is divinity? It is this same Noble Eightfold Path such as right view, … re … and right concentration. This is divinity.
4. “Monks, what are the fruits of divinity? The fruits of stream entry, returning once, not returning and extinction are called the fruits of divinity.”
44. 4. 8.
(38) Brahmaññaṃ 2 –– Divinity 2
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, I will tell you about divinity and the aims of divinity, listen to it.
“What is divinity? It is this same Noble Eightfold Path such as right view, … re … and right concentration. This is divinity.
4. “Monks, what are the aims of divinity? Monks, the destruction of greed, hate, and delusion are called the aims of divinity.”
44. 4. 9.
(39) Brahmacariyaṃ 1 –– The Holy Life1
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, I will tell you about the holy life and the fruits of the holy life, listen to it.
“What is the holy life? It is this same Noble Eightfold Path such as right view, … re … and right concentration. This is the holy life.
4. “Monks, what are the fruits of the holy life? The fruits of stream entry, returning once, not returning and extinction are called the fruits of the holy life.”
44. 4. 10.
(40) Brahmacariyaṃ 2 –– The Holy Life 2
1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s Grove in Sāvatthi.
2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there.
3. “Monks, I will tell you about the holy life and the aims of the holy life, listen to it.
“What is the holy life? It is this same Noble Eightfold Path such as right view, … re … and right concentration. This is the holy life.
4. “Monks, what are the aims of the holy life? Monks, the destruction of greed, hate, and delusion are the aims of the holy life.”