Aṅguttara Nikāya
1. Ekakanipāta

II. Nīvaraṇapahāna Vagga.
Expelling obstacles

11 Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the arising of non-arisen sensual desires and the development of arisen sensual desires as an agreeable object. Unwise reflection of an agreeable object

arouses non-arisen sensual desires and develops arisen sensual desires. This is the first.

12 Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the arising of non-arisen anger and the development of arisen anger as an angry object. Unwise reflection of an angry object

arouses non-arisen anger and develops arisen anger. This is the second

13.Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the arising of non-arisen sloth and torpor and the development of arisen sloth and torpor as discontent, weariness and sluggishness of mind after a heavy meal. Bhikkhus, the sluggish mind arouses non-arisen sloth and torpor and develops arisen sloth and torpor This is the third.

14.Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the arising of non-arisen restlessness and worry and the development of arisen restless and worry as an unappeased mind. The unappeased mind arouses non-arisen restlessness and worry and develops arisen restless and worry. This is the fourth.

15.Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the arising of non-arisen doubts and the development of arisen doubts as unwise reflection. Unwise reflection arouses non-arisen doubts and develops arisen doubts. This is the fifth.

16.Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the non arising of non-arisen sensual desires and the fading of arisen sensual desires as a loathsome object. Wise reflection of a loathsome object does not arouses non-arisen sensual desires and fades arisen sensual desires. This is the sixth.

17 Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the non arising of not arisen anger and the fading of arisen anger as the object, release in loving kindness. Wise reflection of the object release

in loving kindness does not arouse non-arisen anger and fades arisen anger. This is the seventh

18 .Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the not arising of non-arisen sloth and torpor and the fading of arisen sloth and torpor as getting started, setting out and putting forth effort.Bhikkhus, aroused effort does not arouse non-arisen sloth and torpor and fades arisen sloth and torpor This is the eighth..

19.Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the not arising of non-arisen restlessness and worry and the fading of arisen restless and worry as an appeased mind. The appeased mind does not arouse non-arisen restlessness and worry and fades arisen restless and worry. This is the nineth.

20.Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing more conducive to the not arising of non-arisen doubts and the fading of arisen doubts as wise reflection. Wise reflection does not arouse non-arisen doubts and fades arisen doubts. This is the tenth.