Aṅguttara Nikāya
2. Dukanipāta

5. Parisavaggo

43. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The superficial gathering and the deep gathering. Bhikkhus, what is the superficial gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the bhikkhus are haughty, muddled in mind, puffed up and vain, with loose talk, without mindful awareness, with scattered mindfulness and with uncontrolled mental faculties, it is a superficial gathering.

Bhikkhus, what is the deep gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the bhikkhus are not haughty, not muddled in mind, neither puffed up nor vain, without loose talk, with established mindful awareness, concentrated and with controlled mental faculties, it is a deep gathering.

44. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The divided gathering and the united gathering. Bhikkhus, what is the divided gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the bhikkhus quarrel, fight and have a dispute and abide using their mouths as weapons to hurt each other, it is a divided gathering.

Bhikkhus, what is a united gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the bhikkhus are united, pleasing without a dispute, abide seeing eah other with loving eyes, it is a united gathering. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the united gathering is noble.

45. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The distinguished gathering and the not distinguished gathering. Bhikkhus, what is the not distinguished gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the elder bhikkhus live in abundance, lethargic and taking the lead to deviate, by giving up seclusions, and not making effort to attain the not yet attained, and to realize the not yet realized the later generātion too follow it and live in abundance, lethargic and take the lead to deviate, giving up seclusions do not make effort to attain the not yet attained and to reālize the not yet reālized. Bhikkhus, this is the not distinguisshed gathering.

Bhikkhus, what is the distinguished gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the elder bhikkhus do not live in abundance, are not lethargic and do not take the lead to deviate, to give up seclusions, and not make effort to attain the not yet attained, and to realize the not yet reālized the later generation too follow it and do not live in abundance, are not lethargic and do not take the lead to deviate, giving up seclusions, and making effort to attain the not yet attained and to realize the not yet realized. Bhikkhus, this is the distinguished gathering. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the distinguished gathering is noble.

46. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The noble gathering and the not noble gathering. Bhikkhus, what is the not noble gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the bhikkhus do not know as it really is, this is unpleasant, this is the arising of unpleasantness, this is the cessation of unpleasantness and this is the path leading to the cessation of unpleasantness. It is the not noble gathering.

Bhikkhus, what is the noble gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the bhikkhus know as it really is, this is unpleasant, this is the arising of unpleasantness, this is the cessation of unpleasantness and this is the path leading to the cessation of unpleasantness. It is the noble gathering. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the noble gathering is noble.

47. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The disgusting of gatherings and the cream of gatherings. Bhikkhus, what is the disgusting gathering? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the bhikkhus are overccome by interest, overcome by anger, overcome by delusion and overcome by fear, it is a disgusting gathering. Bhikkhus, what is a cream of gatherings? Bhikkhus, in a gathering if the bhikkhus are not overccome by interest,anger, delusion and fear, it is a cream of gatherings. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the cream of gatherings is noble.

48. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The gathering trained to enlighten, not inquire and the gathering trained to inquire, not enlighten. Bhikkhus, what is the gathering trained to enlighten, not inquire? Here bhikkhus, in a gathering the bhikkhus do not listen to the deep suttas of transendal nature concerning the void, preached by the Thus Gone One. When they are preached they do not lend ear, to learn and understand it, do not think it should be learnt. They listen to suttas told in verse form, in words and letters that please the ears made up by some disciple. When these are preached they lend ear, to learn and understand it, they think it should be learnt. They learn it but do not question about it, they do not cross examine it, as how could this happen They do not seek the hidden meaning and do not care to clear the various doubts about the Teaching. Bhikkhus, this is the gathering trained to enlighten not inquire.

Bhikkhus, what is the gathering trained to inquire not enlighten? Here bhikkhus, in a gathering the bhikkhus do not listen to the suttas told in verse form, in words and letters that please the ears, made up by some disciple. They listen to the deep suttas of transendal nature concerning the void, preached by the Thus Gone One. When these are preached they lend ear, to learn and understand it, think it should be learnt. They learn it, question about it, cross examine it, as how could this happen They seek the hidden meaning and take care to clear the various doubts about the Teaching. Bhikkhus, this is the gathering trained to inquire not enlighten. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the gathering trained to inquire not enlighten is noble.

49. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The gathering that honour material and not the good Teaching and the gathering that honour the good Teaching and not material. Bhikkhus, what is the gathering that honour material and not the Good Teaching? Here bhikkhus, in a gathering the bhikkhus praise each other’s attainments in the presence of the lay people wearing white clothes. One says a certain bhikkhu is released both ways, a certain other one is released through wisdom, another is a body witness.

Another has attained right view, another is released through faith, another treads the path of the Teaching and another the path of faith. Another is virtuous and conducts well, another unvirtuous and has evil conduct. They announce each others attainments for want of gain, gaining, partake it enslaved, swooned with greed and are not wise to see the danger. Bhikkhus, this is the gathering that honour material and not the good Teaching.

Bhikkhus, what is the gathering that honour the Good Teaching and not material? Here bhikkhus, in a gathering the bhikkhus do not praise each other’s attainments in the presence of the lay people wearing white clothes. One does not say a certain bhikkhu is released both ways, a certain other one is released through wisdom or another is a body witness. Or another has attained right view, or another is released through faith, and another treads the path of the Teaching and another the path of faith. Another is virtuous and conducts well, another unvirtuous and has evil conduct. They do not announce each others attainments for want of gain, gaining, do not partake it enslaved, swooned with greed and are wise to see the danger. Bhikkhus, this is the gathering that honour the good Teaching and not materrial. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the gathering that honour the good Teaching and not material is noble.

50. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The unlawful gathering and the lawful gathering Bhikkhus, what is the unlawful gathering? Bhikkhus, if in a gathering unlawful activity prevails and lawful activity does not prevail. Unlawful discipline prevails and lawful discipline does not prevail. Unlawful activity and discipline become evident and lawful activity and lawful discipline do not become evident. This is the unlawful gathering.

Bhikkhus, what is the lawful gathering? Bhikkhus, if in a gathering lawful activity prevails and unlawful activity does not prevail. Lawful discipline prevails and unlawful discipline does not prevail. Lawful activity and discipline become evident and unlawful activity and unlawful discipline do not become evident. This is the lawful gathering. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the lawful gathering is noble.

51. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The righteous gathering and the unrighteous gathering Bhikkhus, what is the unrighteous gathering? Bhikkhus, if in a gathering unlawful activity prevails and lawful activity does not prevail. Unlawful discipline prevails and lawful discipline does not prevail. Unlawful activity and discipline become evident and lawful activity and lawful discipline do not become evident. This is the unlawful gathering.

Bhikkhus, what is the righteous gathering? Bhikkhus, if in a gathering lawful activity prevails and unlawful activity does not prevail. Lawful discipline prevails and unlawful discipline does not prevail. Lawful activity and discipline become evident and unlawful activity and lawful discipline do not become evident. This is the righteous gathering. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the righteous gathering is noble.

52. Bhikkhus, there are two gatherings. What two? The gathering that thinks according to the Teaching and the gathering that does not think according to the Teaching. Bhikkhus, what is the gathering that does not think according to the Teaching? Bhikkhus, in a gathering the bhikkhus, have a dissent, righteous or uneighteous. As a result the bhikkhus of one party do not appease or talk with the other party for appeassement. Not favourable to each other do not settle it favourably. They hold on to the non appeasement and non favourism of each other tenaciously, saying this is the truth and all else is wrong. Bhikkhus, this is the gathering that does not think according to the Teaching.

Bhikkhus, what is the gathering that thinks according to the Teaching? Bhikkhus, in a gathering the bhikkhus, have a dissent, righteous or uneighteous. The bhikkhus of one party, appease or talk with the other party for appeassement. Favourable to each other settle it favourably. They do not hold on to the non appeasement and non favourism of each other tenaciously, saying this is the truth and all else is wrong. Bhikkhus, this is the gathering that thinks according to the Teaching. Bhikkhus, these two are the gatherings and of the two the gathering that thinks according to the Teaching is noble.