Aṅguttara Nikāya
2. Dukanipāta

8. Sanimittavaggo

78. Bhikkhus, on account of an object, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without an object. When that object is dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

79. Bhikkhus, with a source, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without a source. When that source is dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

80. Bhikkhus, with a reason, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without a reason. When that reason is dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

81. Bhikkhus, with an intention, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without an intention. When that intention is dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

82. Bhikkhus, with a motive, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without a motive. When that motive is dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

83. Bhikkhus, with that which matters, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without. When that which matters is dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

84. Bhikkhus, with feelings, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without feelings. When those feelings are dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

85. Bhikkhus, with perceptions, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without perceptions. When those perceptions are dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

86. Bhikkhus, with consciousness, demeritorious thoughts arise, not without consciousness. When that consiousness is dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.

87. Bhikkhus, with a coming together of objects,demeritorious thoughts arise, not without a comig together of objects. When the coming together of objects is dispelled, the demeritorious thoughts fade.