Aṅguttara Nikāya
2. Dukanipāta

13. Dānavaggo

142. Bhikkhus, these two are offerings. What two?

Offering material and offering the Teaching. Of these two, offering the Teaching is better.

143. Bhikkhus, these two are applications. What two?

Application to matter and application to the Teaching. Of these two, application to the Teaching is better.

144. Bhikkhus, these two are renunciations. What two?

Renouncing matter and renouncing the Teaching. Of these two, renouncing the Teaching is better.

145. Bhikkhus, these two are abandonings. What two?

Abandoning matter and abandoning the Teaching. Of these two, abandoning the Teaching is better.

146. Bhikkhus, these two are possessions. What two?

Material possessions and possessions of the Teaching. Of these two, possessions of the Teaching are better.

147. Bhikkhus, these two are common partakings What two?

Partaking matter and the Teaching in common. Of these two, partaking the Teaching in common is better.

148. Bhikkhus, these two are sharings. What two?

Sharing matter and sharing the Teaching. Of these two, sharing the Teaching is better.

149. Bhikkhus, these two are classifications. What two?

Classification of matter and classification of the Teaching. Of these two, classification of the Teaching is better.

150. Bhikkhus, these two are benefits. What two?

Material benefits and benefits of the Teaching. Of these two, benefits of the Teaching are better.

151. Bhikkhus, these two are compassions. What two?

Material compassion and compassionate Teaching. Of these two, compassionate teaching is better.