Aṅguttara Nikāya
2. Dukanipāta

15. Samāpattivaggo

164. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Success in attainments and success in rising from attainments.

165. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Straightforwardness and gentleness.

166. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Forebearance and gentleness.

167. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Smooth words and friendly welcome.

168. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Being unharmful and pure.

169. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Unprotected sense doors and not knowing the right amount to partake.

170. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Protected sense doors and knowing the right amount to partake.

171. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? The power of consideration and the power of development.

 172. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? The power of mindfulness and the power of concentration.

173. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Calm and insight.

174. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Moral faliure and wrong view.

175. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Success in morality and right view.

176. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Purity of virtues and purity of view.

177. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Purity of view and endeavour limited to that view.

178. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Dissatisfaction in meritorious things and unhindered aroused effort.

179. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Forgetfulness and non awareness.

180. Bhikkhus, these are two things. What two? Mindfulness and awareness.