Aṅguttara Nikāya
2. Dukanipāta

17. Rāgapeyyālaṃ

231. Bhikkhus, knowing greed by experiencing these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight. Bhikkhus, acurately knowing greed, these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight.

Bhikkhus, investigating greed, these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight. Bhikkhus, to destroy greed, these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight. Bhikkhus, for the fading of greed, these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight. Bhikkhus, to estrange greed, these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight. Bhikkhus, for the cessation of greed, these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight. Bhikkhus, to renounce greed, these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight. Bhikkhus, to give up greed, these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight.

232-246. Bhikkhus, knowing aversion, ... re ... delusion,. ... re ... .anger and grudge, ... re ... the concealing nature and spite, ... re ... jealousy and selfishness, ... re ... deception and craftiness, ... re ... obstinacy and violence, ... re ... ṃeasuring and conceit, ... re ... intoxication and negligence, by experiencing, ... re ... with accuracy, ... re ... by investigation, ... re ... ṭo fade, ... re ... ṭo estrange, ... re ... ṭo cease, ... re ... ṭo renounce, ... re ... and to give up intoxication and negligence these two should be developed. What two? Calm and insight.