Aṅguttara Nikāya
021. Sappurisavaggo –– Great Men

1. Sikkhāpadasuttaṃ –– The precepts

021.01. Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the not Great Man, the worst of not Great Men, the Great Man and the best of Great Men. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, who is the not Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys living things, takes the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct, tells lies, takes intoxicating and brewed drinks.

Bhikkhus, this is the not Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the worst of not Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys living things and incites others to destroy living things, takes of the not given and incites others to take the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct and incites others to misbehave in sexual conduct, tells lies and incites others to tell lies, takes intoxicating and brewed drinks and incites others to take intoxicating and brewed drinks.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of not Great Men.

Bhikkhus, who is the Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies and does not take intoxicating and brewd drinks.

Bhikkhus, this is the Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the best of Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things and does not incite others to destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given and does not incite others to take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct and does not incite others to misbahave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies and does not incite others to tell lies, does not take intoxicating and brewd drinks and does not incite others to take intoxicating and brewd drinks.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of Great Men.

2. Assaddhasuttaṃ –– Without faith

021.02. . Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the not Great Man, the worst of not Great Men, the Great Man and the best of Great Men. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, who is the not Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is not established in faith, has no shame, is not afraid of doing wrong, has not learnt much, is lazy, confused and without wisdom.

Bhikkhus, this is a not Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the worst of not Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is not established in faith and incites others to be not established in faith, has no shame and incites others to be without shame, is not afraid of doing wrong and incites others to be not afraid of doing wrong, has not learnt much and incites others to not learn much, is lazy and incites others to be lazy, confused, incites others to be confused and without wisdom, incites others to be without wisdom.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of not Great Men.

Bhikkhus, who is the Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is established in faith, has shame, is afraid of doing wrong, has learnt much, is with aroused effort, mindfull and wise.

Bhikkhus, this is a Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the best of Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person established in faith incites others to be established in faith, shameful incites others to be shameful, afraid of doing wrong incites others to be afraid of doing wrong, learnt much, incites others to learn much, with aroused effort incites others to be with aroused effort, mindfull incites others to be mindfull, wise, incites others to be wise.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of Great Men.

3. Sattakammasuttaṃ –– Seven activities

021.03. Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the not Great Man, the worst of not Great Men, the Great Man and the best of Great Men. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, who is the not Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys living things, takes the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct, tells lies, slanders, talks roughly and talks frivolously.

Bhikkhus, this is the not Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the worst of not Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys living things and incites others to destroy living things, takes of the not given and incites others to take the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct and incites others to misbahave in sexual conduct, tells lies and incites others to tell lies, slanders and incites others to slander, talks roughly and incites others to talk roughly, talks frivolously and incites others to talk frivolously.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of not Great Men.

Bhikkhus, who is the Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies, does slander, does not talk roughly and does not talk frivolously.

Bhikkhus, this is the Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the best of Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things and does not incite others to destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given and does not incite others to take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct and does not incite others to misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies and does not incite others to tell lies, does not slander and does not incite others to slander, does not talk roughly and does not incite others to talk roughly, does not talk frivolously and does not incite others to talk frivolously.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of Great Men.

4. Dasakammasuttaṃ –– Ten activities

021.04. Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the not Great Man, the worst of not Great Men, the Great Man and the best of Great Men. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, who is the not Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys the life of living things, takes the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct, tells lies, slanders, talks roughly and talks frivolously, covets, is angry and with wrong view.

Bhikkhus, this is the not Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the worst of not Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys the life of living things and incites others to destroy living things, takes the not given and incites others to take the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct and incites others to misbahave in sexual conduct, tells lies and incites others to tell lies, slanders and incites others to slander, talks roughly and incites others to talk roughly, talks frivolously and incites others to talk frivolously, covets and incites others to covet, with angry mind incites others to be angry with wrong view, incites others to be with wrong view.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of not Great Men.

Bhikkhus, who is the Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies, does notslander, does not talk roughly and does not talk frivolously, does not covet, is not with an angry mind and is with right view.

Bhikkhus, this is the Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the best of Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things and does not incite others to destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given and does not incite others to take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct and does not incite others to misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies and does not incite others to tell lies, does not slander and does not incite others to slander, does not talk roughly and does not incite others to talk roughly, does not talk frivolously and does not incite others to talk frivolously, does not covet and does not incite others to covet, is not with angry mind and does not incite others to be with angry mind, with right view, incites others to straighten their view.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of Great Men.

5. Aṭṭhangikasuttaṃ –– Eight factors

021.05. Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the not Great Man, the worst of not Great Men, the Great Man and the best of Great Men. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, who is the not Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong speech, wrong actions, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness and wrong concentration.

Bhikkhus, this is a not Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the worst of not Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person with wrong view incites others to wrong view, with wrong thoughts incites others to wrong thoughts, with wrong speech incites others to wrong speech, with wrong actions incites others to wrong actions, with wrong livelihood incites others to wrong livelihood, with wrong effort incites others to wrong effort, with wrong mindfulness incites others to wrong mindfulness and with wrong concentration incites others to wrong concentration.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of not Great Men.

Bhikkhus, who is the Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with right view, right thoughts, right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.

Bhikkhus, this is a Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the best of Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person with right view incites others to right view, with right thoughts incites others to right thoughts, with right speech incites others to right speech, with right actions incites others to right actions, with right livelihood incites others to right livelihood, with right effort incites others to right effort, with right mindfulness incites others to right mindfulness and with right concentration incites others to right concentration.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of Great Men.

6. Dasaṇgasuttaṃ –– Ten factors

206. Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the not Great Man, the worst of not Great Men, the Great Man and the best of Great Men. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, who is the not Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong speech, wrong actions, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness, wrong concentration, wrong knowledge and wrong release.

Bhikkhus, this is the not Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the worst of not Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person with wrong view incites others to wrong view, with wrong thoughts incites others to wrong thoughts, with wrong speech incites others to wrong speech, with wrong actions incites others to wrong actions, with wrong livelihood incites others to wrong livelihood, with wrong effort incites others to wrong effort, with wrong mindfulness incites others to wrong mindfulness and with wrong concentration incites others to wrong concentration, with wrong knowledge incites others to wrong knowledge and with wrong release incites others to wrong release.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of not Great Men.

Bhikkhus, who is the Great Man?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with right view, right thoughts, right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release.

Bhikkhus, this is the Great Man.

Bhikkhus, who is the best of Great Men?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person with right view incites others to right view, with right thoughts incites others to right thoughts, with right speech incites others to right speech, with right actions incites others to right actions, with right livelihood incites others to right livelihood, with right effort incites others to right effort, with right mindfulness incites others to right mindfulness, with right concentration incites others to right concentration, with right knowledge incites others to right knowledge and with right release incites others to right release.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of Great Men.

7. Paṭhamapāpadhammasuttaṃ –– The first on evil things

021.07 Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the evil, the worst of evils, the moral good and the best of moral good. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, what is evil?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys the life of living things, takes the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct, tells lies, slanders, talks roughly and talks frivolously, covets, is angry and with wrong view.

Bhikkhus, this is evil.

Bhikkhus, what is the worst of evils?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys living things and incites others to destroy living things, takes of the not given and incites others to take the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct and incites others to misbahave in sexual conduct, tells lies and incites others to tell lies, slanders and incites others to slander, talks roughly and incites others to talk roughly, talks frivolously and incites others to talk frivolously, covets and incites others to covet, angry, incites others to be angry with wrong view, incites others to be with wrong view.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of evils.

Bhikkhus, what is moral good?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies, does not slander, does not talk roughly and does not talk frivolously, does not covet, is not angry and is with right view.

Bhikkhus, this is moral good.

Bhikkhus, what is the best of moral good?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things and incites others, to not destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given and incites others, to not take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct and incites others, to not misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies and incites others, not to tell lies, does not slander and incites others, to not slander, does not talk roughly and incites others, to not talk roughly, does not talk frivolously and incites others, to not talk frivolously, does not covet and does not incite others to covet, is not angry and does not incite others to be angry, is with right view, incites others to straighten their view.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of moral good.

8. Dutiyapāpadhammasuttaṃ –– Second on evil things

021.08. Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the evil, the worst of evils, the moral good and the best of moral good. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, what is evil?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong speech, wrong actions, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness, wrong concentration, wrong knowledge and wrong release.

Bhikkhus, this is evil.

Bhikkhus, what is the worst of evils?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person with wrong view incites others to wrong view, with wrong thoughts incites others to wrong thoughts, with wrong speech incites others to wrong speech, with wrong actions incites others to wrong actions, with wrong livelihood incites others to wrong livelihood, with wrong effort incites others to wrong effort, with wrong mindfulness incites others to wrong mindfulness and with wrong concentration incites others to wrong concentration, with wrong knowledge incites others to wrong knowledge and with wrong release incites others to wrong release.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of evils. .

Bhikkhus, what is moral good?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with right view, right thoughts, right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release.

Bhikkhus, this is moral good. .

Bhikkhus, what is the best of moral good?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person with right view incites others to right view, with right thoughts incites others to right thoughts, with right speech incites others to right speech, with right actions incites others to right actions, with right livelihood incites others to right livelihood, with right effort incites others to right effort, with right mindfulness incites others to right mindfulness, with right concentration incites others to right concentration, with right knowledge incites others to right knowledge and with right release incites others to right release.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of moral good. .

9. Tatiyapāpadhammasuttaṃ –– Third on evil

021.09. Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the evil, the worst of evils, the moral good and the best of moral good. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, what is evil?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys the life of living things, takes the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct, tells lies, slanders, talks roughly and talks frivolously, covets, is angry and is with wrong view.

Bhikkhus, this is evil.

Bhikkhus, what is the worst of evils?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person destroys living things and incites others to destroy living things, takes of the not given and incites others to take the not given, misbehaves in sexual conduct and incites others to misbahave in sexual conduct, tells lies and incites others to tell lies, slanders and incites others to slander, talks roughly and incites others to talk roughly, talks frivolously and incites others to talk frivolously, covets and incites others to covet, angry, incites others to anger, with wrong view, incites others to be with wrong view.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of evils.

Bhikkhus, what is moral good?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies, does slander, does not talk roughly and does not talk frivolously, does not covet, is not with an angry mind and is with right view.

Bhikkhus, this is moral good.

Bhikkhus, what is the best of moral good?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person does not destroy the life of living things and does not incite others to destroy the life of living things, does not take the not given and does not incite others to take the not given, does not misbehave in sexual conduct and does not incite others to misbehave in sexual conduct, does not tell lies and does not incite others to tell lies, does not slander and does not incite others to slander, does not talk roughly and does not incite others to talk roughly, does not talk frivolously and does not incite others to talk frivolously, does not covet and does not incite others to covet, is not with angry mind and does not incite others to be with angry mind, with right view, incites others to straighten their view.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of moral good.

10. Catuttapāpadhammasuttaṃ –– Fourth on evil

021.10. Bhikkhus, I will tell you about the evil, the worst of evils, the moral good and the best of moral good. Listen and attend carefully, I will tell.

Bhikkhus, what is evil?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong speech, wrong actions, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness, wrong concentration, wrong knowledge and wrong release.

Bhikkhus, this is evil.

Bhikkhus, what is the worst of evils?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person with wrong view incites others to wrong view, with wrong thoughts incites others to wrong thoughts, with wrong speech incites others to wrong speech, with wrong actions incites others to wrong actions, with wrong livelihood incites others to wrong livelihood, with wrong effort incites others to wrong effort, with wrong mindfulness incites others to wrong mindfulness and with wrong concentration incites others to wrong concentration, with wrong knowledge incites others to wrong knowledge and with wrong release incites others to wrong release.

Bhikkhus, this is the worst of evils.

Bhikkhus, what is moral good?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with right view, right thoughts, right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release.

Bhikkhus, this is moral good.

Bhikkhus, what is the best of moral good?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person with right view incites others to right view, with right thoughts incites others to right thoughts, with right speech incites others to right speech, with right actions incites others to right actions, with right livelihood incites others to right livelihood, with right effort incites others to right effort, with right mindfulness incites others to right mindfulness, with right concentration incites others to right concentration, with right knowledge incites others to right knowledge and with right release incites others to right release.

Bhikkhus, this is the best of moral good.