Aṅguttara Nikāya
028. Rāgapeyyālam –– Repeats in craving

028.01- Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing craving four things should be developed. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu mindfull and aware to dispel covetousness and displeasure for the world should abide reflecting the body in the body, ... re ... should abide reflecting feelings in feelings, ... re ... should abide reflecting mental states in the mind and ... re ... should abide reflecting thoughts in thoughts.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing craving these four things should be developed.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing craving four things should be developed. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu arouses interest and effort and pursues the mind for the non arising of demeritorious thoughts, ... re ... for the dispelling of arisen demeritorious thoughts, ... re ... for the arising of not arisen meritorious thoughts ... re ... and for the unconfused establishment and completion of arisen meritorious thoughts. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing craving these four things should be developed.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing craving four things should be developed.

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu develops the determining factor endowed with interest, concentration and effort ... re ... the determining factor endowed with effort for concentration, ... re ... the determining factor endowed with mind concentration and ... re ... ṭhe determining factor endowed with investigating the Teaching.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing craving these four things should be developed.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing craving, for its exhaustion, destruction, disenchantment, cessation giving up and extinction these four things should be developed.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing anger, ... re ... delusion, ... re ... hatred, ... re ... finding fault, ... re ... smearing over, ... re ... unmercifulness, ... re ... jealousy, ... re ... selfishness, ... re ... deceitfulness, ... re ... craftiness, ... re ... hardness, ... re ... violent nature, ... re ... measuring, ... re ... and conceit for its exhaustion, destruction, disenchantment, cessation giving up and extinction these four things should be developed.