Aṅguttara Nikāya
022. Akkoskavaggo –– Rebuking

1. Akkosakasuttaṃ –– Rebuking

022.01. Bhikkhus, these five dangers could be expected by the bhikkhu who rebukes and finds faults with noble co-associates in the holy life. What five?

Either it becomes a grave offence going beyond limits, or he falls to a certain offence, or he suffers from a grave illness, or he dies deluded, or after death he goes to decrease and hell. Bhikkhus, these five dangers could be expected by the bhikkhu who rebukes and finds faults with noble co-associates in the holy life.

2. Bhaṇḍanakārakasuttāṃ –– Arousing quarrels

022.02. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu who arouses quārrels, strifes, disputes, gossip and causes a discussion among the Community should expect five dangers. What five?

Does not attain the not yet attained, decreases in what is already attained, ill fame spreads about him, he dies a deluded death, and goes to decrease and hell after death. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu who arouses quārrels, strifes, disputes, gossip and causes a discussion among the Community should expect these five dangers.

3. Sīlasuttaṃ –– Virtues

022.03. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for an unvirtuous one, for failing in virtues. What five?

Bhikkhus, the unvirtuous one on account of failing in virtues and negligence, comes to great loss of wealth. Bhikkhus, this is the first danger for an unvirtuous one, for failing in virtues.

Again, bhikkhus the unvirtuous one on account of failure in virtues spreads ill fame. Bhikkhus, this is the second danger for the unvirtuous for failing in virtues.

Again, bhikkhus, the unvirtuous one on account of failing in virtues, whatever gathering he approaches, whether of warriors, Brahmins, ordinary householders or recluses and Brahmins he approaches confused and without confidence. Bhikkhus, this is the third danger for an unvirtuous one, for failing in virtues.

Again, bhikkhus, the unvirtuous one on account of failing in virtues dies a deluded death Bhikkhus, this is the fourth danger for an unvirtuous one, for failing in virtues.

Again, bhikkhus, the unvirtuous one on account of failing in virtues after death is born in decrease in hell. Bhikkhus, this is the fifth danger for an unvirtuous one, for failing in virtues.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for the virtuous one, for his attainment of virtues. What five?

Bhikkhus, the virtuous one on account of his virtues and diligence, comes to great gain of wealth. Bhikkhus, this is the first benefit for the virtuous one, for his attainment of virtues. Again, bhikkhus the virtuous one on account of his attainment of virtues spreads a good fame. Bhikkhus, this is the second benefit for the virtuous for his attainment of virtues.

Again, bhikkhus, the virtuous one on account of his attainment of virtues, whatever gathering he approaches, whether of warriors, Brahmins, ordinary householders or recluses and Brahmins he approaches unconfused with confidence. Bhikkhus, this is the third benefit for the virtuous one, for his attainment of virtues.

Again, bhikkhus, the virtuous one on account of his virtues dies an undeluded death Bhikkhus, this is the fourth benefit for the virtuous one, for his attinment of virtues.

Again, bhikkhus, the virtuous one on account of his attainment of virtues after death is born in increase in heaven. Bhikkhus, this is the fifth benefit for the virtuous one, for his attainment of virtues.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for the virtuous one, for his attainment of virtues.

4. Bahubhānisuttaṃ –– Speaking much

022.04. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for a person who speaks much. What five?

He tells lies, slanders, talks roughly, talks frivolously and after death goes to loss, to decrease, to hell. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for a person who speaks much.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for a person who speaks little. What five?

He does not tell lies, does not slander, does not talk roughly, does not talk frivolously and after death goes to increase, is born in heaven. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for a person who speaks little.

5. Paṭhama –– akkhantisuttaṃ – First on Impatience

022.05. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for impatience. What five?

He becomes not pleasing to many, becomes one full of hate, becomes one full of faults, he dies a deluded death and after death he is born in loss, in decrease in hell. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for impatience.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for patience. What five?

He becomes pleasing to many, he is not hateful, he is not full of faults, he does not die a deluded death and after death he is born in increase, is born in heaven.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for patience.

6. Ḍutiya –– akkhantisuttaṃ – Second on Impatience

022.06. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for impatience. What five?

He becomes disagreeable and not pleasing to many, becomes a fierce one, becomes a remorseful one, he dies a deluded death and after death he is born in loss, in decrease in hell. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for impatience.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for patience. What five?

He becomes agreeable and pleasing to many, not fierce, he has no remorse, he does not die a deluded death and after death he is born in increase, is born in heaven.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for patience.

7. Paṭhama –– apāsādikasuttaṃ – The first on disagreeability

022.07. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for being disagreeable. What five?

Oneself disapproves it, the wise considering blame it, an evil fame spreads, he dies a deluded death, and after death goes to decrease, is born in hell. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for being disagreeable.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for being agreeable. What five?

Oneself does not disapprove it, the wise considering praise it, good fame spreads, he does not die a deluded death, and after death goes to increase, is born in heaven. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for being agreeable.

8. Duiya –– apāsādikasuttaṃ – The second on disagreeability

022.08. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for being disagreeable. What five?

The displeased do not become amiable, some of the amiable change their minds, the duties of the Teacher’s dispensation are not done, the later generation follow him. and his mind is not appeased. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers for being disagreeable.

Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for being agreeable. What five?

The displeased become amiable, the amiable become more pleased, the duties of the Teacher’s dispensation are done, the later generation follow him and his mind is appeased. Bhikkhus, these five are the benefits for being agreeable.

9. Aggisuttaṃ –– On fire

022.09. Bhikkhus these five are the dangers of fire. What five?

It is not suitable for the eyes, it destroys the colour, it lessens the power, it grows up as a mass and it becomes a place for low wild talk. Bhikkhus these are the five dangers of fire.

10. Madhurāsuttaṃ –– Intoxicants

022.10. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers of intoxicants. What five?

Becomes unusual, collects defilements, becomes like rough dogs, or like troublesome demons and morsel food becomes rare. Bhikkhus, these five are the dangers of intoxicants.