Aṅguttara Nikāya
007. Anagamivaggo
1. Anāgāmiphalasuttaṃ –– Results of non – returner
007.01. Bhikkhus, without dispelling six things, it is impossible to realize the results of non-returner. What six?
Lack of faith, lack of shame, lack of remorse, laziness, lack of mindfulness and lack of wisdom.
Bhikkhus, without dispelling these six things, it is impossible to realize the results of non-returner.
Bhikkhus, dispelling six things, it is possible to realize the results of non-returner. What six?
Lack of faith, lack of shame, lack of remorse, laziness, lack of mindfulness and lack of wisdom.
Bhikkhus, dispelling these six things, it is possible to realize the results of non-returner.
2. Arahattasuttaṃ –– Worthiness
007.02. Bhikkhus, without dispelling six things it is not possible to realize worthiness. What six?
Stiffness of mind, sluggishness, distraction, doubts, not believing it and negligence.
Bhikkhus, without dispelling these six things it is not possible to realize worthiness.
Bhikkhus, dispelling six things it is possible to realize worthiness. What six?
Stiffness of mind, sluggishness, distraction, doubts, not believing it and negligence.
Bhikkhus, dispelling these six things it is possible to realize worthiness.
3. Mittasuttaṃ –– Companionship
007.03. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu associating an evil friend intimately, imitating him would complete the practice in the lower ethics is not a possibility. Without completing the practice in the lower ethics, that he would complete the training as a trainer, is not a possibility. Without completing the practice as a trainer, that he would be complete in virtues is not a possibility. Without becoming complete in virtues, that he should dispel sensual greed, material greed or immaterial greed is not a possibility. .
Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu associating a spiritual friend intimately, imitating him would complete the practice in the lower ethics is a possibility. Completing the practice in the lower ethics, that he would complete the training as a trainer, is a possibility. Completing the practice as a trainer, that he would be complete in virtues is a possibility. Becoming complete in virtues, that he should dispel sensual greed, material greed or immaterial greed is a possibility.
4. Saṇgaṇikārāmasuttaṃ –– Attachment to get into contact with another
007.04. Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu attached to coming into contact with another, a lover of a crowd should take pleasure in seclusion is not a possibility. Not secluded and the mind not delighting in seclusion should seize a sign is not a possibility. When the mind does not take the sign, that the bhikkhu should be complete in right view is not a possibility. Without completing right view, he should be complete in right concentration is not a posibility. Without completing right concentration, that he should dispel bonds is not a possibility. Without dispelling bonds that he should realize extinction is not a possibility.
Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu not attached to coming into contact with another, not a lover of crowds, should take pleasure in seclusion is a possibility. Secluded and the mind delighting in seclusion should seize a sign is a possibility. When the mind seizes the sign, that the bhikkhu should be complete in right view is a possibility. Completing right view, he should be complete in right concentration is a posibility. Completing right concentration, that he should dispel bonds is a possibility. Dispelling bonds that he should realize extinction is a possibility.
5. Devatāsuttaṃ –– A god
007.05. When the night was far spent, a certain deity illuminating the whole of Jeta’s grove approached The Blessed One, worshipped, stood on a side and said: Venerable sir, these six things conduce to the non-decrease of the bhikkhu. What six?
Revering the Teacher, the Teaching, the Community of bhikkhus, the training, gentleness and the companionship of spiritual friends. Venerable sir, these six things conduce to the non-decrease of the bhikkhu. Having said that, that deity waited for the approval of the Teacher. Knowing the Teacher approves my words, worshipped and circumambulated The Blessed One and disappeared.
The Blessed One at the end of that night addressed the bhikkhus:
Bhikkhus, last night, when the night was far spent, a certain deity illuminating the whole of Jeta’s grove approached me, worshipped me, stood on a side and said: Venerable sir, these six things conduce to the non-decrease of the bhikkhu. What six?
Revering the Teacher, the Teaching, the Community of bhikkhus, the training, gentleness and the companionship of spiritual friends. Saying these six things conduce to the non-decrease of the bhikkhu, that deity waited for my approval. Knowing, that I approved her words, worshipped and circumambulated me and disappeared. .
When this was said, venerable Sāriputta said to The Blessed One:
Venerable sir, I know the detailed meaning of this short exposition of The Blessed One. Here venerable sir, the bhikkhu himself reveres the Teacher, praises revering the Teacher, incites other bhikkhus to revere the Teacher, advises those bhikkhus who do not revere the Teacher and at the right time truthfully praises those who revere the Teacher.
The bhikkhu himself reveres the Teaching, ... re ... the Community of bhikkhus, ... re ... the training ... re ... gentleness, ... re ... and the companionship of spiritual friends ... re ... praises revering the companionship of spiritual friends, incites other bhikkhus to revere the companionship of spiritual friends, advises those bhikkhus who do not revere the companionship of spiritual friends and at the right time truthfully praises those who revere the companionship of spiritual friends. Venerable sir, I know the detailed meaning of this short exposition of The Blessed One thus.
Good! Sāriputta. the detailed exposition you give for my short exposition is good.
Here, Sāriputta, the bhikkhu himself reveres the Teacher, praises revering the Teacher, incites other bhikkhus to revere the Teacher, advises those bhikkhus who do not revere the Teacher and at the right time truthfully praises those who revere the Teacher.
The bhikkhu himself reveres the Teaching, ... re ... the Community of bhikkhus, ... re ... the training ... re ... gentleness, ... re ... and the companionship of spiritual friends ... re ... praises revering the companionship of spiritual friends, incites other bhikkhus to revere the companionship of spiritual friends, advises those bhikkhus who do not revere the companionship of spiritual friends and at the right time truthfully praises those who revere the companionship of spiritual friends. Sāriputta, you should know that this is the detailed meaning of my short exposition.
6. Samādhisuttaṃ –– Concentration
007.06. Bhikkhus, it is not possible that the bhikkhu, should partake various psychic powers such as one becoming many and many becoming one ... re ... and wielding power with the body as far as the world of Brahma without tranquil concentration, without exaltedness, without the gain of appeasement and without the mind in one point. Nor is it possible that the bhikkhu should with the purified heavenly ear developed beyond human hear sounds both heavenly and human, far or near. Or penetrating know the minds of others,: the mind with greed as the mind with greed, ... re ... the not released mind as the not released mind; Or recall the manifold previous births such a one birth, two births ... re ... the manifold previous births with all details; Or with the purified heavenly eye developed beyond human see beings ... re ... born according to their actions; Or with the destruction of desires, ... re ... will by himself realize and abide without tranquil concentration, without exaltedness, without the gain of appeasement and without the mind in one point.
Bhikkhus, it is possible that the bhikkhu, should partake various psychic powers such as one becoming many and many becoming one ... re ... and wielding power with the body as far as the world of Brahma with tranquil concentration, with exaltedness, with the gain of appeasement and with the mind in one point. Or it is possible that the bhikkhu should with the purified heavenly ear developed beyond human hear sounds both heavenly and human, far or near. Or penetrating know the minds of others,: the mind with greed as the mind with greed, ... re ... the not released mind as the not released mind; Or recall the manifold previous births such a one birth, two births ... re ... the manifold previous births with all details; Or with the purified heavenly eye developed beyond human see beings ... re ... born according to their actions; Or with the destruction of desires, ... re ... will by himself realize and abide with tranquil concentration, with exaltedness, with the gain of appeasement and with the mind in one point.
7. Sakkhibhabbasuttaṃ –– Eye witness
007.07. Bhikkhus, it is not possible for the bhikkhu to be the eye-witness, with mindfulness in this and other mental sphere, endowed with these six things. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu does not know as it really is, these are the things conducive to relinquishing, to enduring, to distinction and to penetrating insight. He does the impossible and the not beneficial Bhikkhus, it is not possible for the bhikkhu to be the eye-witness, with mindfulness in this and other mental sphere, endowed with these six things.
Bhikkhus, it is possible for the bhikkhu to be the eye-witness, with mindfulness in this and other mental sphere, endowed with these six things. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu knows as it really is, these are the things conducive to relinquishing, to enduring, to distinction and to penetrating insight. He does the possible and the beneficial.
Bhikkhus, it is possible for the bhikkhu to be the eye-witness, with mindfulness in this and other mental sphere, endowed with these six things.
8. Balasuttaṃ –– Power
007.08. Bhikkhus, it is not possible for the bhikkhu to become powerful in concentration endowed with six things. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu does not become clever in the attainment of concentrations, in enduring in concentrations and in rising from concentrations. He does the impossible does not persevere and does not do the beneficial.
Bhikkhus, it is impossible for the bhikkhu to become powerful in concentration endowed with these six things.
Bhikkhus, it is possible for the bhikkhu to become powerful in concentration endowed with six things. What six?
Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu becomes clever in the attainment of concentrations, in enduring in concentrations and in rising from concentrations. He does not do the impossible perseveres and does the beneficial.
Bhikkhus, it is possible for the bhikkhu to become powerful in concentration endowed with these six things.
9. Paṭhamajjhānasuttaṃ –– The first higher state of mind
007.09. Bhikkhus, without giving up six things it is not possible to abide in the first higher state of the mind. What six?
Sensual interest, anger, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, doubts and not wisely seeing the dangers of sensuality, as it really is. .
Bhikkhus, without giving up these six things it is not possible to abide in the first higher state of the mind.
Bhikkhus, giving up six things, it is possible to abide in the first higher state of the mind. What six?
Sensual interest, anger, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, doubts and wisely seeing the dangers of sensuality, as it really is. .
Bhikkhus, without giving up these six things it is not possible to abide in the first higher state of the mind.
10. Dutiya –– ajjhānasuttaṃ – The second on higher states of mind
007.10. Bhikkhus, without giving up six things it is not possible to abide in the first higher state of the mind. What six?
Sensual thoughts, angry thoughts, hurting thoughts, sensual perceptions, angry perceptions and hurting perceptions.. .
Bhikkhus, without giving up these six things it is not possible to abide in the first higher state of the mind.
Bhikkhus, giving up six things, it is possible to abide in the first higher state of the mind. What six?
Sensual thoughts, angry thoughts, hurting thoughts, sensual perceptions, angry perceptions and hurting perceptions. .
Bhikkhus, giving up these six things it is possible to abide in the first higher state of the mind.