Aṅguttara Nikāya
010. Aanisansavaggo –– Benefits

1. Pātubhāvasuttaṃ –– Arisings

010.01. Bhikkhus, the arising of six things is rare in the world. What six?

The arising of the Thus Gone One worthy and rightfully enlightened is rare in the world. Those who preach the Teaching and Discipline declared by the Thus Gone One are rare in the world. Those reborn in the Noble Norm are rare in the world. Non-deficiency in the mental faculties is rare in the world. To be born with a not watery clear throat is rare in the world. Interest in meritorious things is rare in the world.

Bhikkhus, the arising of these six things are rare in the world.

2. Aanisansasuttaṃ –– Benefits

010.02. Bhikkhus, these six are the benefits for the realization of the entry into the stream of the Teaching. What six?

Is assured of the Teaching, would not decrease from it, is not bound in unpleasāntness, is endowed with knowledge not shared by the ordinary, has thoroughly seen the reason for things that arise with a reason.

Bhikkhus, these six are the benefits for the realization of the entry into the stream of the Teaching.

3. Aniccasuttaṃ –– Impermanence

010.03. Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu who sees any determination as permanent, will be endowed with a gentle forbearing disposition is not a possibility. Not endowed with the gentle forbearing disposition, he would enter the correct path of righteousness is not a possibility. Without entering the correct path of righteousness, that he would realize the benefits of the entry into the stream of the Teaching, or the benefits of once returner, or the benefits of non-returner, or worthiness is not a possibility.

Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu who sees all determinations as impermanent, will be endowed with a gentle forbearing disposition is a possibility. Endowed with the gentle forbearing disposition, he would enter the correct path of righteousness is a possibility. Entering the correct path of righteousness, that he would realize the benefits of the entry into the stream of the Teaching, or the benefits of once returner, or the benefits of non-returner, or worthiness is a possibility.

4. Dukkhasuttaṃ –– Unpleasantness

010.04. Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu who sees any determination as pleasant, will be endowed with a gentle forbearing disposition is not a possibility. Not endowed with the gentle forbearing disposition, he would enter the correct path of righteousness is not a possibility. Without entering the correct path of righteousness, that he would realize the benefits of the entry into the stream of the Teaching, or the benefits of once returner, or the benefits of non-returner, or worthiness is not a possibility.

Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu who sees all determination as unpleasant, will be endowed with a gentle forbearing disposition is a possibility. Endowed with the gentle forbearing disposition, he would enter the correct path of righteousness is a possibility. Entering the correct path of righteousness, that he would realize the benefits of the entry into the stream of the Teaching, or the benefits of once returner, or the benefits of non-returner, or worthiness is a possibility.

5. Anattasuttaṃ –– Lacking a self

010.05. Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu who sees any determination as self, will be endowed with a gentle forbearing disposition is not a possibility. Not endowed with the gentle forbearing disposition, he would enter the correct path of righteousness is not a possibility. Without entering the correct path of righteousness, that he would realize the benefits of the entry into the stream of the Teaching, or the benefits of once returner, or the benefits of non-returner, or worthiness is not a possibility.

Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu who sees all determinations as lacking a self, will be endowed with a gentle forbearing disposition is a possibility. Endowed with the gentle forbearing disposition, he would enter the correct path of righteousness is a possibility. Entering the correct path of righteousness, that he would realize the benefits of the entry into the stream of the Teaching, or the benefits of once returner, or the benefits of non-returner, or worthiness is a possibility.

6. Nibbānasuttaṃ –– Extinction

010.06. Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu who sees extinction as unpleasant, will be endowed with a gentle forbearing disposition is not a possibility. Not endowed with the gentle forbearing disposition, he would enter the correct path of righteousness is not a possibility. Without entering the correct path of righteousness, that he would realize the benefits of the entry into the stream of the Teaching, or the benefits of once returner, or the benefits of non-returner, or worthiness is not a possibility.

Bhikkhus, that bhikkhu who sees extinction as pleasnt, will be endowed with a gentle forbearing disposition is a possibility. Endowed with the gentle forbearing disposition, he would enter the correct path of righteousness is a possibility. Entering the correct path of righteousness, that he would realize the benefits of the entry into the stream of the Teaching, or the benefits of once returner, or the benefits of non-returner, or worthiness is a possibility.

7. Anavattttitasuttaṃ ––

010.07. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu seeing six benefits, certainly should not limit to all determinations but arouse the perception of impermanence. What six?

All my determinations do not seemingly come to me, my mind does not delight in anything worldly, my mind rises up from all the world, my mind is bent on extinction, my bonds get dispelled, I am endowed with the highest recluseship.

Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu seeing six benefits, certainly should not limit to all determinations but arouse the perception of impermanence.

8. Ukkhittāsikasuttaṃ –– With raised sword

010.08. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu seeing six benefits, certainly should not limit to all determinations but arouse the perception of unpleasantness. What six?

The perception of extinction will be well established in all my determinations as to a slayer with raised sword, my mind will be raised to all the world, I will see appeasement in extinction, my latent tendencies will get completely destroyed, I will do my duties. I have done my duties by the Teacher with loving kindness.

Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu seeing six benefits, certainly should not limit to all determinations but arouse the perception of unpleasantness.

9. Atammayasuttaṃ –– Arrogance

010.09. Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu seeing six benefits, certainly should not limit to all thoughts but arouse the perception of the lack of a self. What six?

I will not make mine anything in the world, my arrogance is uprooted, selfishness is uprooted, I will be endowed with knowledge not shared by the ordinary, the cause is well grasped, and the causally arisen things.

Bhikkhus, the bhikkhu seeing six benefits, certainly should not limit to all thoughts but arouse the perception of the lack of a self.

10. Bhavasuttaṃ –– Being

010.10. Bhikkhus, these three beings should be dispelled. These three should be the training. What are the three beings?

Sensual being, material being and immaterial being..

These three beings should be dispelled. What three should be the training?

The training in higher virtues, the training in the higher mind and training in higher wisdom.

These three are the trainings.

11. Tanhāsuttaṃ –– Craving

010.11. Bhikkhus, three cravings and three measurings should be dispelled.

What are the three cravings to be dispelled?

Craving for sensual pleasures, craving to be and craving not to be.

These are the three cravings to be dispelled.

What are the three measurings to be dispelled?

Pride, flying high and conceit.

These are the three measurings to be dispelled

Bhikkhus, when the bhikkhu has dispelled these three cravings and these three measurings, he has cut off craving, has turned out bonds, rightfully overcoming measuring has made an end of unpleasntness.