Aṅguttara Nikāya
11. Tikavaggo –– The section on threes

1. Rāgasuttaṃ –– On greed

011.01. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

Greed, hate and delusion.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel greed loathsomeness should be developed, to dispel hate loving kindness should be developed and to dispel delusion wisdom should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

2. Duccaritasuttaṃ –– Misbehaviour

011.02. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

Bodily misbehaviour, verbal misbehaviour and mental misbehaviour.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel bodily misbehaviour the right bodily conduct should be developed, to dispel verbal misbehaviour the right verbal conduct should be developed and to dispel mental misbehaviour the right mental conduct should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

3. Vitakkasuttaṃ –– Thoughts

011.03. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

Sensual thoughts, angry thoughts and hurting thoughts.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel sensual thoughts non-sensual thoughts should be developed, to dispel angry thoughts non-angry thoughts should be developed and to dispel hurting thoughts, non-hurting thoughts should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

4. Saññāsuttaṃ –– Perceptions

011.04. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

Sensual perceptions, angry perceptions and hurting perceptions.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel sensual perceptions non-sensual perceptions should be developed, to dispel angry perceptions non-angry perceptions should be developed and to dispel hurting perceptions non-hurting perceptions should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

5. Dhātusuttaṃ –– Elements

011.05. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

The sensual element, the angry element and the hurting element.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel the sensual element the non-sensual element should be developed, to dispel the angry element the non-angry element should be developed and to dispel the hurting element the non-hurting element should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

6. Assādasuttaṃ –– Enjoyment

011.06. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

The view of enjoyment, the view of speculating about a soul and wrong view.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel the view of enjoyment, the perception of impermanence should be developed, to dispel the view of speculating about a soul the perception of no-self should be developed and to dispel wrong view, right view should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

7. Aratisuttaṃ –– Not inclined

011.07. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

Disinclinedness, hurtfulness and not walking in the Teaching.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel disinclinedness, intrinsic joy should be developed, to dispel hurtfulness non-hurtfulness should be developed and to dispel not walking in the Teaching, walking in the Teaching should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

8. Santuṭṭhitāsuttāṃ –– Satisfaction

011.08. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

Dissatisfaction, unawareness and having many desires.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel dissatisfaction, satisfaction should be developed, to dispel unawareness, awareness should be developed and to dispel having many desires, having few desires should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

9. Dovacassatāsuttaṃ –– Unruliness

011.09. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

Unruliness, evil companionship and derangement of mind.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel unruliness gentleness should be developed, to dispel evil companionship, spiritual companionship should be developed and to dispel derangement of mind, mindfulness in inbreaths and out breaths should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.

10. Uddhaccasuttaṃ –– Excitement

011.10. Bhikkhus, these three are things. What three?

Excitement, lack of restraint, and negligence.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled. What three?

To dispel excitement appeasement should be developed, to dispel lack of restraint, restraint should be developed and to dispel negligence diligence should be developed.

Bhikkhus, for the purpose of developing three things, these three should be dispelled.