Aṅguttara Nikāya
012. Sāmaññavaggo –– On recluseship

1. Kāyānupassisuttṃ –– Mindfulness of the body

012.01. Bhikkhus, without dispelling six things it is not possible to abide reflecting the body in the body. What six?

Fondness for activity, fondness for talk, fondness for sleep, fondnes for company, non-control in the mental faculties and not knowing the right amount to eat.

Bhikkhus, without dispelling these six things it is not possible to abide reflecting the body in the body. .

Bhikkhus, dispelling six things it is possible to abide reflecting the body in the body. What six?

Fondness for activity, fondness for talk, fondness for sleep, fondnes for company, non-control in the mental faculties and not knowing the right amount to eat.

Bhikkhus, dispelling these six things it is possible to abide reflecting the body in the body.

2. Dhammānupassisuttaṃ –– Reflecting the Teaching

012.02. Bhikkhus, without dispelling six things it is not possible to abide reflecting the body in the body ... re ... internally ... re ... externally, ... re ... internally and externally. Reflecting feelings in feelings, re ... internally ... re ... externally, ... re ... internally and externally. Reflecting mental objects in the mind, ... re ... internally, ... re ... externally, ... re ... internally and externally. Reflecting thoughts in thoughts, ... re ... internally, ... re ... externally, ... re ... internally and externally What six?

Fondness for activity, fondness for talk, fondness for sleep, fondnes for company, non-control in the mental faculties and not knowing the right amount to eat.

Bhikkhus, dispelling these six things it is possible to abide reflecting thoughts in thoughts. Bhikkhus, dispelling these six things it is possible to abide reflecting thoughts internally and externally.

3. Tapussasuttaṃ –– The householder Tapassu

012.03. Bhikkhus, the householder Tapassu endowed with six things and taking a sign from the Thus Gone One has seen deathlessness realized the highest and behaves. What six?

Unwavering faith, in The Blessed One, in the Teaching, in the Community of bhikkhus, in the noble one’s virtues, in the noble one’s knowledge and the noble one’s release.

Bhikkhus, the householder Tapassu endowed with these six things and taking a sign from the Thus Gone One has seen deathlessness realized the highest and behaves.

4. Bhallikādisuttāṃ –– The householer Bhallika and others

012.04. Bhikkhus, the householders Bhallika, ... re ... Sudatta, ... re ... Anāthapiṇḍika, ... re ... Citta, ... re ... Macchikāsandika, ... re ... Hatthaka Aalavaka, ... re ... Mahanama the Sakya, ... re ... Ugga the householder of Vesali, ... re ... the householder Ugga, ... re ... Sura Ambattha, ... re ... Jīvaka Komarabacca, ... re ... the householder Nakula ... re ... the householder Tavakannika, ... re ... the houeholders Purana and Isidatta. The householders Sandhana, ... re ... Vijaya, ... re ... Vajjiyamahita, ... re ... Mendaka. The disciples Vasettha ... re ... Arittha, ... re ... Saragga, endowed with six things and taking a sign from the Thus Gone One has seen deathlessness realized the highest and behaves. What six?

Unwavering faith, in The Blessed One, in the Teaching, in the Community of bhikkhus, in the noble one’s virtues, in the noble one’s knowledge and the noble one’s release.

Bhikkhus, the disciple Saragga endowed with these six things and taking a sign from the Thus Gone One has seen deathlessness realized the highest and behaves.

5. Rāgapeyyālaṃ –– Repeats on Greed

012.05. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, six things should be developed. What six?

The ideal sight, the ideal sound, the ideal gain, the ideal training, the ideal attending on and the ideal recollection.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these six things should be developed.

122. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, six things should be developed. What six?

Recollections of the, Enlightened One, of the Teaching, of the Community, of virtues, of benevolence, of the gods.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these six things should be developed.

123. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, six things should be developed. What six?

The perception of impermanence, unpleasantness in impermanence, the lack of a self in unpleasantness, the perception of dispelling, disenchantment, and cessation.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these six things should be developed.

124. Bhikkhus, thoroughly perceiving greed, ... re ... to exhaust it, ... re ... to dispel it, ... re ... for its destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... Disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... giving up. ... re ... six things should be developed.

Perceiving anger, ... re ... Delusion, ... re ... hatred, ... re ... grudging nature, ... re ... hipocrisy, ... re ... spite, ... re ... jealousy, ... re ... selfishness, ... re ... Deceit, ... re ... crafty nature, ... re ... hardness, ... re ... impetuosity, ... re ... pride, ... re ... conceit, ... re ... intoxication, ... re ... and negligence for its destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... Disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... giving up. ... re ... six things should be developed. What six?

The perception of impermanence, unpleasantness in impermanence, the lack of a self in unpleasantness, the perception of dispelling, disenchantment, and cessation.

Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing negligence, these six things should be developed.

The Blessed One said thus and those bhikkhus delighted in the words of The Blessed One.