Aṅguttara Nikāya

010. Rāgapeyyālaṃ –– Repeats on greed

93. “Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, nine perceptions should be developed. What nine?

The perceptions, loathing, death, loathing supports, non-attachment to all the world, impermanence, unpleasantness in impermanence, lacking a self in unpleasantness, dispelling and disenchantment. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these nine perceptions should be developed."

94. “Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed these nine things should be developed. What nine?

The first higher state of the mind, the seond, the third and the fourth higher state of the mind, the sphere of space, the sphere of consciousness, the sphere of no-thingness, the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception and the cessation of perceptions and feelings. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed these nine things should be developed."

95-112."Bhikkhus, for accurate perception, ... re ... diminuition, ... re ... dispelling, ... re ... destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... sacrificing, ... re ... and for giving up greed; these nine things should be developed."

113-432. “Bhikkhus, for accurate perception, ... re ... diminuition, ... re ... dispelling, ... re ... destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... sacrificing, ... re ... and for giving up, anger; ... re ... Delusion, ... re ... hatred, ... re ... bearing grudge, ... re ... smearing, ... re ... spite, ... re ... envy, ... re ... selfishness, ... re ... hypocrisy, ... re ... craftiness, ... re ... immobility, ... re ... impetuosity, ... re ... and conceit; these nine things should be developed.