Aṅguttara Nikāya
3. Tatiyapaṇṇāsakaṃ –– The third fifty
011. Samaṇasaññāvaggo –– Perceptions of a recluse

1. Samaṇasaññāsuttaṃ –– Perceptions of a recluse

101. Bhikkhus, these three things developed and made much conduces to the completion of seven things. What three?

On my own wish am an outcaste, my life depends on others, I have made my appearance different. Bhikkhus, these three things developed and made much conduces to the completion of seven things. What seven?

To leading a peaceful life observing the virtues consistently, to not covet, not become angry, not become conceited, to desire the training, become satisfied with the requisites of life and to arouse effort. Bhikkhus, these three things developed and made much conduces to the completion of these seven things.

2. Bojjhangasuttaṃ –– Enlightenment factors

102. “Bhikkhus, when these seven enlightenment factors are developed and made much the threefold knowledge gets completed. What seven?

The enlightenment factor, mindfulness, investigating the Teaching, effort, joy, tranquility, concentration and equanimity. Bhikkhus, when these seven enlightenment factors are developed and made much the threefold knowledge gets completed. What three?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu reflects the manifold previous births with all details. Such as one birth, two, three births, ... re ... thus with all details he recalls the manifold previous births. With the heavenly eye purified beyond human ... re ... knows beings born according to their actions. Destroying desires, ... re ... by himself realizing abides. Bhikkhus, when these seven enlightenment factors are developed and made much this threefold knowledge gets completed.

3. Micchattaṃsuttaṃ –– Gone wrong

103. “Bhikkhus, gone wrong, there is faliure not accomplishment. Bhikkhus, how is there going wrong and faliure?

Bhikkhus, with wrong view there are wrong thoughts To one thinking wrong, there are wrong words. To one with wrong words, there are wrong activities. To one with wrong activities, there is a wrong livelihood. To one with a wrong livelihood, there is wrong endeavour. To one with wrong endeavour, there is wrong mindfulness. To one with wrong mindfulness there is wrong concentration. To one with wrong concentration, there is wrong knowledge. To one with wrong knowledge the release is wrong. Bhikkhus, gone wrong, there is faliure not accomplishment.

Bhikkhus, with righteousness, there is accomplishment. Bhikkhus, how is there righteousness and accomplishment?

Bhikkhus, with right view there are right thoughts To one thinking correctly, there are right words. To one with right words, there are right activities. To one with right activities, there is a right livelihood. To one with a right livelihood, there is right endeavour. To one with right endeavour, there is right mindfulness. To one with right mindfulness there is right concentration. To one with right concentration, there is right knowledge. To one with right knowledge the release is right. Bhikkhus, with righteousness there is accomplishment.

4. Bījasuttaṃ –– Seedlings

104. “Bhikkhus, of a person with wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong speech, wrong activities, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavour, wrong mindfulness, wrong concentration, wrong knowledge and wrong release, whatever be the extent of his wrong view, to that extent will be the proficiency of his bodily. verbal and mental activities, intentions, wishes, aspirations and determinations. All those things will conduce to be disagreeable, undesirable and unpleasant. What is the reason? Bhikkhus, it is on account of the evil view.

Bhikkhus, just as the Nimba seed, the kosataka or the bitter Kalabu seed when put on the moist soil, would grow drawing the essence from the earth, water and air and whatever it produces will be bitter, disagreeable, undesirable and unpleasant. What is the reason? On account of the evil nature of the seed. In the same manner bhikkhus, of a person with wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong speech, wrong activities, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavour, wrong mindfulness, wrong concentration, wrong knowledge and wrong release, whatever be the extent of his wrong view, to that extent will be the proficiency of his bodily. verbal and mental activities, intentions, wishes, aspirations and determinations. All those things will conduce to be disagreeable, undesirable and unpleasant. What is the reason? Bhikkhus, it is on account of the evil view.

“Bhikkhus, of a person with right view, right thoughts, right speech, right activities, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release, whatever be the extent of his right view, to that extent will be the proficiency of his bodily. verbal and mental activities, intentions, wishes, aspirations and determinations. All those things will conduce to be agreeable, desirable and pleasant. What is the reason? Bhikkhus, it is on account of the right view.

Bhikkhus, just as a sugar cane seed, a paddy seed or the seed of a grape vine when put on the moist soil would grow drawing the essence from the earth, water and air and whatever it produces will be sweet, agreeable, desirable and pleasant. What is the reason? On account of the good nature of the seed. In the same manner bhikkhus, of a person with right view, right thoughts, right speech, right activities, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release, whatever be the extent of his right view, to that extent will be the proficiency of his bodily. verbal and mental activities, intentions, wishes, aspirations and determinations. All those things will conduce to be agreeable, desirable and pleasant. What is the reason? Bhikkhus, it is on account of the right view.

5. Vijjāsuttaṃ –– Knowledge

105. Bhikkhus, ignorance is foremost for demeritorious things followed by lack of shame and lack of remorse. Bhikkhus, the ignorant one, who does not know, has wrong view. One with wrong view, has wrong thoughts. One with wrong thoughts has wrong words. One with wrong words has wrong activity. One with wrong activity has a wrong livelihood, One with a wrong livelihood has wrong endeavour. One with wrong endeavour has wrong mindfulness. One with wrong mindfulness has wrong concentration. One with wrong concentration has wrong knowledge and one with wrong knowledge has wrong release.

Bhikkhus, science is foremost for meritorious things followed by shame and remorse. Bhikkhus, the one who knows, has right view. One with right view, has right thoughts. One with right thoughts has right words. One with right words has right activity. One with right activity has a right livelihood, One with a right livelihood has right endeavour. One with right endeavour has right mindfulness. One with right mindfulness has right concentration. One with right concentration has right knowledge and one with right knowledge has right release.

6. Nijjarasuttaṃ –– Overcoming

106. Bhikkhus, these ten are things to overcome. What ten?

Bhikkhus, to one with right view, wrong view is overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong view are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right view.

Bhikkhus, to one with right thoughts, wrong thoughts are overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong thoughts are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right thoughts.

Bhikkhus, to one with right speech, wrong speech is overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong speech are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right speech.

Bhikkhus, to one with right activities, wrong activities are overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong activities are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right activities.

Bhikkhus, to one with right livelihood, wrong livelihood is overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong livelihood are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right livelihood.

Bhikkhus, to one with right endeavour, wrong endeavour is overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong endeavour are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right endeavour.

Bhikkhus, to one with right mindfulness, wrong mindfulness is overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong mindfulness are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right mindfulness.

Bhikkhus, to one with right concentration, wrong concentration is overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong concentration are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right concentration.

Bhikkhus, to one with right knowledge, wrong knowledge is overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong knowledge are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right knowledge.

Bhikkhus, to one with right release, wrong release is overcome. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong release are overcome and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right release.

Bhikkhus, these ten things are to be overcome.

7. Dhovanasuttaṃ –– Washing

107. Bhikkhus, in the southern states there is a thing called washing At that festival there is enjoying, drinking, eating, there are things to chew, eatables, things to lick and polite words, dancing singing and playing musical instruments. Bhikkhus, there is such washing, I do not say there isn’t. Bhikkhus, that washing is unexalted, low, of the ordinary, not noble, not useful, not conducive to turning away, to disenchantment, to cessation, to appeasement, to realization, to enlightenment and to extinction.

Bhikkhus, I will teach the noble ones’ washing, which is definitely conducive to turning away, disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction.

Come to this washing, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress. Listen to it carefully, I will teach.

Bhikkhus, what is the noble ones’ washing, which washing conduces to turning away, disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction.

Come to which washing, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress?

Bhikkhus, to one with right view, wrong view is washed out. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong view are washed out and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right view.

Bhikkhus, to one with right thoughts wrong thoughts are washed out, ... re ... to one with right words wrong words are washed out, ... re ... to one with right activity wrong activity is washed out, ... re ... to one with right livelihood wrong livelihood is washed out, ... re ... to one with right endeavour, wrong endeavour is washed out, ... re ... to one with right mindfulness wrong mindfulness is washed out, ... re ... to one with right concentration wrong concentration is washed out, ... re ... to one with right knowledge wrong knowledge is washed out, ... re ... to one with right release wrong release is washed out . The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong release are washed out and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right release.

Bhikkhus, this is the noble ones’ washing, which washing conduces to turning away, disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction.

Come to this washing, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress.

8. Tikicchakasuttaṃ –– A physician

108. Bhikkhus, the physician gives a purgative to counteract disorders arisen from bile, phelgm and arisen from air. I do not say that this is not done, these purgatives agree and disagree.

Bhikkhus, I will teach the noble ones’ purgative, which definitely agrees does not disagree.

Taking this purgative beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress. Listen to it carefully, I will teach.

Bhikkhus, what is the noble ones’ purgative which definitely agrees does not disagree.

Taking this purgative, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress?

Bhikkhus, to one with right view, wrong view is purged. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong view are purged and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right view.

Bhikkhus, to one with right thoughts wrong thoughts are purged, ... re ... to one with right words wrong words are purged, ... re ... to one with right activity wrong activity is purged, ... re ... to one with right livelihood wrong livelihood is purged, ... re ... to one with right endeavour, wrong endeavour is purged, ... re ... to one with right mindfulness wrong mindfulness is purged, ... re ... to one with right concentration wrong concentration is purged, ... re ... to one with right knowledge wrong knowledge is purged, ... re ... to one with right release wrong release is purged . The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong release are purged and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right release.

Bhikkhus, this is taking the noble ones’ purgative which agrees and does not disagree.

Taking this purgative, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress.

9. Vamanasuttaṃ –– Medicine to vomit

109. Bhikkhus, the physician gives medicine to vomit for disorders of the bile, phlegm and air. Sometimes they agree and at other times they disagree.

Bhikkhus, I too give medicine to vomit, which definitely agrees does not disagree.

Taking this medicine to vomit beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress.

Bhikkhus, what is the noble ones’ medicine given to vomit which definitely agrees does not disagree?.

Taking this medicine to vomit, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress?

Bhikkhus, to one with right view, wrong view is vomited. The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong view are vomited and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right view.

Bhikkhus, to one with right thoughts wrong thoughts are vomited, ... re ... to one with right words wrong words are vomited, ... re ... to one with right activity wrong activity is vomited, ... re ... to one with right livelihood wrong livelihood is vomited, ... re ... to one with right endeavour, wrong endeavour is vomited, ... re ... to one with right mindfulness wrong mindfulness is vomited, ... re ... to one with right concentration wrong concentration is vomited, ... re ... to one with right knowledge wrong knowledge is vomited, ... re ... to one with right release wrong release is vomited . The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong release are vomited and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right release.

Bhikkhus, this is taking the noble ones’ medicine to vomit which agrees and does not disagree.

Taking this medicine to vomit, beings with the nature of birth, decay and death, are released from birth, decay, and death. Those who have grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress are released from grief, lament, unpleasantness, displeasure and distress.

10. Niddhamanīyasuttaṃ –– Draining out

110. “Bhikkhus, these ten are draining out things. What ten?

Bhikkhus, right view drains out wrong view and the various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong view drain out and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right view..

Bhikkhus, right thoughts drain out wrong thoughts, ... re ... right words drain out wrong words, ... re ... right activity drains out wrong activity, ... re ... right livelihood drains out wrong livelihood, ... re ... right endeavour drains out wrong endeavour, ... re ... right mindfulness drains out wrong mindfulness, ... re ... right concentration drains out wrong concentration, ... re ... right knowledge drains out wrong knowledge, ... re ... right release drains out wrong release . The various evil demeritorious things that arise on acount of wrong release drain out and various meritorious things get developed and completed on account of right release.

Bhikkhus, these ten are draining out things.

11. Paṭhama –– asekhasuttaṃ – First on one gone beyond the training

111. Then a certain bhikkhu approached The Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side and said:

“Venerable sir, it is said, ‘gone beyond the training’ How is the bhyikkhu gone beyond the training?

“Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is endowed with perfect right view, perfect right thoughts, perfect right speech, perfect right activity, perfect right livelihood, perfect right endeavour, perfect right mindfulness, perfect right concentration perfect right knowledge and perfect right release gone beyond the training. Such a one is gone beyond the training.

12. Dutiya –– asekhasuttaṃ – Second on one gone beyond the training

112. “Bhikkhus, these ten are factors of a perfect one, gone beyond the training. What ten?

Perfect right view, perfect right thoughts, perfect right speech, perfect right activity, perfect right livelihood, perfect right endeavour, perfect right mindfulness, perfect right concentration, perfect right knowledge and perfect right release, gone beyond the training.