Aṅguttara Nikāya
013. Parisuddhavaggo The section on purity

1. Paṭhamasuttaṃ –– The first

123. Bhikkhus, these ten things are pure and clean and are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten things are pure and clean and are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

2. Dutiyasuttaṃ –– The second

124. Bhikkhus, these ten things arouse the not arisen, are not found anywhere else, other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten things are not born any where else, other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

3. Tatiyasuttaṃ –– The third

125. Bhikkhus, these ten very fruitful and beneficial things are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten very fruitful and beneficial things are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

4. Catutthasuttaṃ –– The fourth

126. Bhikkhus, these ten things train to end greed, hatred and delusion. They are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten things train to end greed, hatred and delusion are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

5. Pañcamasuttaṃ –– The fifth

127. Bhikkhus, these ten things definitely conduces to disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction. They are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten things definitely conduces to disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction. They are not found any where else, other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

6. Chaṭṭhasuttaṃ –– The sixth

128. Bhikkhus, these ten things developed and made much, arouses the not arisen. They are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten things arouses the not arisen, are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

7. Sattamasuttaṃ –– The first

129. Bhikkhus, these ten things developed and made much are fruitful and beneficial. They are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten things developed and made much are fruitful and beneficialṬhey are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

8. Aṭṭhamasuttaṃ The eighth

130. Bhikkhus, these ten things developed and made much train to end greed, hatred and delusion. They are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten things developed and made much train to end greed, hatred and delusion are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

9. Navamasuttaṃ –– The nineth

131. Bhikkhus, these ten things developed and made much definitely conduces to disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction. They are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten things developed and made much definitely conduces to disenchantment, cessation, appeasement, realization, enlightenment and extinction. They are not found any where else other than in the discipline of the Well Gone One.

10. Dasamasuttaṃ –– The tenth

132. “Bhikkhus, these ten are unrighteous. What ten?

Wrong view, wrong thoughts, wrong speech, wrong actions, wrong livelihood, wrong endeavour, wrong mindfulness, wrong concentration, wrong knowledge and wrong release. Bhikkhus, these ten are unrighteous.

11. Ekādasamasuttaṃ –– The eleventh

133. “Bhikkhus, these ten are righteous. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right endeavour, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, these ten are righteous.