Aṅguttara Nikāya
018. Sādhuvaggo –– The section on good

1. Sādhusuttaṃ –– The good

178. Bhikkhus, I will tell the good and the evil, listen and attend carefully.

Bhikkhus, what is the evil?

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, these are said to be evil.

Bhikkhus, what is good?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, these are said to be good.

2. Ariyadhammasuttaṃ –– The noble Teaching

179. “Bhikkhus, I will teach the noble Teaching and the ignoble Teaching, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the ignoble Teaching? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, this is said to be the ignoble Teaching.

Bhikkhus, what is noble Teaching?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, this is said to be the noble Teaching.

3. Kusalasuttaṃ –– Meritorious

180. “Bhikkhus, I will teach the meritorious and the demeritorious, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the demeritorious? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, these are said to be demeritorious.

Bhikkhus, what is meritorious?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, these are said to be meritorious.

4. Atthasuttaṃ –– The useful

181. “Bhikkhus, I will teach the useful and the useless, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the useless? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, these are said to be useless.

Bhikkhus, what is useful?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, these are said to be useful.

5. Dhammasuttaṃ –– The righteous

182. “Bhikkhus, I will teach the righteous and the unrighteous, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the unrighteous? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, this is said to be the unrighteous.

Bhikkhus, what is the righteous?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, this is said to be the righteous.

6. Aasavasuttaṃ –– Desires

183. “Bhikkhus, I will tell the Teaching with desires and the Teaching without desires listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the Teaching with desires? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, these are said to be with desires.

Bhikkhus, what is the Teaching without desires?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, this is said to be the Teaching without desires.

7. Vajjasuttaṃ –– Faulty

184. “Bhikkhus, I will teach the faulty and the not faulty, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the faulty? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, this is said to be faulty.

Bhikkhus, what is the not faulty?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, this is said to be not faulty.

8. Tapanīyasuttaṃ –– Torturing

185. “Bhikkhus, I will tell the torturing Teaching and the not torturing Teaching, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the torturing Teaching? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, this is said to be the torturing Teaching.

Bhikkhus, what is the not torturing Teaching?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, this is said to be the not torturing Teaching.

8. Aacayagāmisuttaṃ –– Heapīng up

186. “Bhikkhus, I will teach the heaping up and the dispersing, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the heaping up Teaching? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, this is said to be the heaping up Teaching.

Bhikkhus, what is the dispersing Teaching?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, this is said to be the dispersisng Teaching.

10. Dukkhudrayasuttaṃ –– Yielding unpleasantness

187. “Bhikkhus, I will tell the Teaching that yields unpleasantness and the Teaching that yields pleasantness, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the Teaching that yields unpleasantness? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, these are said to be yielding unpleasantness.

Bhikkhus, what is the Teaching that yields pleasantness?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, these are said to be yielding pleasantness.

11. Vipākasuttaṃ –– Results

188. “Bhikkhus, I will teach unpleasant results and pleasant results, listen and attend to it carefully. Bhikkhus, what is the Teaching with unpleasant results? .

Destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding wrong view, this is said to be the Teaching with unpleasānt results.

Bhikkhus, what is the Teaching with pleasant results?

Abstaining, from destroying living things, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, slandering, talking roughly, talking frivolously, coveting, bearing an angry mind and upholding right view, this is said to be the Teaching with pleasant results.