Aṅguttara Nikāya

23. Rāgapeyyālaṃ –– Repeats on greed

237. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, ten things should be developed. What ten?

The perception of, loathing, death, loathing supports, ... re ... Disenchantment from all the world, the perception of impermanence, unpleasantness in impermanence, lack of a self in unpleasantness, the perception of dispelling, the perception of disenchantment, the perception of cessation, Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these ten things should be developed.

238. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, ten things should be developed. What ten?

The perception of, impermanence, lacking a self, loathing supports, disenchantment for all the world, the perception of the skeleton, the perception of worms, the perception of the corpse turned blue, the perception of the festering corpse, the perception of the corpse with holes, the perception of the bloated corpse. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these ten things should be developed.

239. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed ten things should be developed. What ten?

Right view, right thoughts, right words, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge and right release. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed these ten things should be developed.

240-266. “Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, ... re ... for its exhaustion ... re ... to dispel it, ... re ... for its destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... Disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... for giving up, ... re ... these ten things should be developed.

267-746. “Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing hatred, ... re ... Delusion, ... re ... anger, ... re ... bearing grudge, ... re ... concealing nature ... re ... spitefulness, ... re ... envy, ... re ... selfishness, ... re ... hypocrisy, ... re ... craftiness, ... re ... hardness, ... re ... impetuosity, ... re ... measuring, ... re ... conceit, ... re ... intoxication ... re ... and negligence ... re ... for its exhaustion ... re ... to dispel it, ... re ... for its destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... Disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... for giving up, ... re ... these ten things should be developed.