Aṅguttara Nikāya

3. Sāmaññvaggo –– The general section

22-29. “Bhikkhus, it is not possible for the cowherd endowed with eleven things to grow and prosper with his herd? What eleven?

Here, bhikkhus the cowherd does not know matter, is not clever in signs, does not pull out nits, does not dress the wounds, does not make fumes, does not know the ford, does not know the places to drink, does not know the paths, is not clever in finding pasture, is faulty not leaving a remainder and does not take special care of the leaders of the herd.

Bhikkhus, it is not possible for the cowherd endowed with these eleven things to attend to his herd and prosper in it.

In the same manner bhikkhus, it is not possible for the bhikkhu endowed with eleven things, to abide seeing impermanence in the eye, ... re ... unpleasantness in the eye, lack of a self in the eye, the destruction of the eye, the fading of the eye, the disenchantment of the eye, the cessation of the eye and giving up the eye.

30-69. Seeing impermanence in the ear, ... re ... in the nose, ... re ... in the tongue, ... re ... in the body, ... re ... in the mind.

70-117. ... re ... in forms, ... re ... in sounds, ... re ... in scents, ... re ... in tastes, ... re ... in touches, ... re ... in ideas.

118-165 ... re ... in eye consciousness, ... re ... in ear consciousness, ... re ... in nose conscousness, ... re ... in tongue consciousness, ... re ... in mind consciousness.

166-213 ... re ... in eye contact, ... re ... in ear contact, ... re ... in nose contact, ... re ... in tongue contact, ... re ... in body contact, ... re ... and in mind contact.

214-261 ... re ... in feelings born, of eye contact, ... re ... of ear contct, ... re ... of nose contact, ... re ... of tongue contact, ... re ... of body ccontact, ... re ... of mind contact.

262-309 ... re ... on account of perceived forms, ... re ... on account of perceived sounds, ... re ... on account of perceived scents, ... re ... on account of perceived tastes, ... re ... on account of perceived touches, ... re ... on sccount of perceived ideas.

310-357 ... re ... on account of intentions for forms, ... re ... on account of intentions for sounds, ... re ... on account of intentions for scents, ... re ... on account of intentions for tastes, ... re ... on account of intentions for touches, ... re ... on account of intentions for ideas.

358-405. ... on account of craving for forms, ... re ... on account of craving for sounds, ... re ... on account of craving for scents, ... re ... on account of craving for tastes, ... re ... on account of craving for touches, ... re ... on account of craving for ideas.

406-453. On acount of thoughts, for forms, ... re ... for sounds, ... re ... for scents, ... re ... for tastes, ... re ... for touches, ... re ... for thoughts.

454-501. To abide seeing impermanence, in discursive thoughts for forms, ... re ... in discursive thoughts for sounds, ... re ... in discursive thoughts for scents, ... re ... in discursive thoughts for tastes, ... re ... in discursive thoughts for touches, ... re ... in discursive thoughts for thoughts. To abide seeing unpleasantness ... re ... lack of a self ... re ... the destruction ... re ... the fading ... re ... the disenchantment ... re ... the cessation of the eye and ... re ... giving up.