Aṅguttara Nikāya

4. Rāgapeyyālaṃ –– Repeats for greed

502. Bhikkhus, knowing greed, you should develop eleven things. What eleven?

The first higher state of the mind, the scond higher state of the mind, the third higher state of the mind, the fourth higher state of the mind, the release of mind in loving kindness, the release of mind in compassion, the release of mind in intrinsic joy, the relese of mind in equanimity, the sphere of space, the sphere of consciousness and the sphere of nothingness. Bhikkhus, thoroughly knowing greed, these eleven things should be developed.

503.-511. Bhikkhud, thoroughly understanding greed, ... re ... for its diminution, ... re ... Dispelling, ... re ... Destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... benevolence, ... re ... and giving up thse eleven things should be developed.

512.-617. Bhikkhud, thoroughly understanding hatred, ... re ... Delusion, ... re ... anger, ... re ... the grudging nature, ... re ... spitefulness, ... re ... mercilessness, ... re ... selfishnes, miserliness, envious nature, ... re ... hypocrisy, ... re ... craftiness, ... re ... intoxication, ... re ... and negligence, for its diminution, ... re ... Dispelling, ... re ... Destruction, ... re ... fading, ... re ... disenchantment, ... re ... cessation, ... re ... benevolence, ... re ... and giving up these eleven things should be developed.

The Blessed One said thus and those bhikkhus delighted in the words of The Blessed One.