Sutta Pitaka
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Division III –– Khandhaka
Book 33 –– Jhāna Saṃyutta
Chapter 1 –– Jhāna Vagga

class="center">Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambudhassa

33. 1. 1.

Samadhi Samāpatti –– Concentration Attainments

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, these four develop concentration. What four?

4. “Monks, a certain one developing concentration (jhāna) is clever in bringing the mind to one point (samādhi), not clever in attainments (samāpatti).

5. “Monks, a certain one developing concentration is clever in attainments, not clever in bringing the mind to one point.

6. “Monks, a certain one developing concentration is neither clever in bringing the mind to one point nor clever in attainments.

7. “Monks, a certain one developing concentration is clever in bringing the mind to one point and clever in attainments.

8. “Monks, of these four developing concentration the one who is clever in bringing the mind to one point and clever in attainments is the foremost, the chief, the released, the noble, and the excellent.

9. “Just as the cow gives milk, from milk is curd, from curd butter, from butter ghee, and from ghee the cream of ghee, in the same manner, a person clever in bringing the mind to one point and clever in attainments is the foremost, the chief, the released, the noble, and the excellent.”

( Sutta 33. 1. 1., with the indicated changes, is repeated for suttas 2. through 19.)

33. 1. 2. Ṭhiti –– Stability

... re ... clever in stability ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... re ...

33. 1. 3. Vuṭṭhāna –– Rising

re ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... clever in rising from it ...

33. 1. 4. Kallava –– Readiness

... re ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... clever in preparedness ....

33. 1. 5. Ārammaṇa –– Sign

... re ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... clever in the sign ... re ...

33. 1. 6. Gocara –– Pasture

... re ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... clever in the pasture ... re ...

33. 1. 7. Abhinīhāro –– Resolutioon

... re ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... clever in resolving ... re ...

33. 1. 8. Sakkacca –– To Serve with Honor

... re ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... is careful about it ... re ...

33. 1. 9. Sātaccakari –– Persevering

... re ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... not persevering ... re ...

33. 1. 10.

Sappāyaṃ –– Suitable

... re ... clever in bringing the mind to one point ... is not clever in the suitable ... re ...

33. 1. 11. Samāpatti-Ṭhiti –– Attainments-Maintenance

... re ... clever in attainments ... clever in maintenance ... re ...

33. 1. 12. Samāpatti-Vuṭṭāna –– Attainments-Rising

... re ... clever in attainments ... clever in rising from them ... re ...

8. “Monks, of these four developing concentration the one who is clever attainments and clever in rising from them is the foremost, the chief, the released, the noble, and the excellent.

33. 1. 13. Samāpatti-Kallita –– Attainments-Pleasantness

... re ... clever in attainments ... experiences pleasantness ... re ...

33. 1. 14.

Samāpatti-Ārammaṇa –– Attainments-Signs

... re ... clever in attainments ... clever in signs ... re ...

33. 1. 15.

Samāpatti-gocara –– Attainments-Pasture [1]

... re ... clever in attainments but not clever in pasture ... re ...

33. 1. 16.

Samāpatti-abhinīhāra –– Attainments-Resolutions

... re ... clever in attainments ... clever in resolving ... re ...

33. 1. 17.

Samāpatti-sakkacca –– Attainments-Careful Attention

... re ... clever in attainments ... careful about them ... re ...

33. 1. 18.

Samāpatti-sātaccakari –– Attainments-Persevering

... re ... clever in attainments clever .. is persevering ... re ...

33. 1. 19.

Samāpatti-sappāyakāri –– Attainments-Suitability

... re ... clever in attainments ... clever in suitability ... re ...

33. 1. 20.

Ṭhiti-Vuṭṭhāna –– Stability-Rising

... re ... stable in attainments ... clever in rising from them ... re ...

33. 1. 21.

Ṭhiti-kallita –– Stability and Pleasantness

... re ... stable in attainments ... clever in pleasantness ... re ...

33. 1. 22.

Ṭhiti ārammaṇa –– Stability and Sign

... re ... stable in attainments ... clever in the sign ... re ...

33. 1. 23. Ṭhiti gocara –– Stability and the Pasture [1]

... re ... stable in attainments ... clever in pasture ... re ...

33. 1. 24.

Ṭhiti abhinīhāra –– Stability and Resolution

... re ... stable in attainments ... clever in resolution

33. 1. 25.

Ṭhiti sakkaccakārī –– Stability and Acting Carefully

... re ... stable in attainments ... is careful ... re ...

33. 1. 26.

Ṭhiti sātaccakārī –– Stable and Persevering

... re ... stable in attainments ... persevering ... re ...

33. 1. 27.

Ṭhiti sappāyakārī –– Stable and Suitable

... re ... stable in attainments ... clever in suitability ... re ...

33. 1. 28.

Vuṭṭhāna-Kallita –– Rising and Pleasant

... re ... clever in rising ... pleasant ... re ...

33. 1. 29.

Vuṭṭhāna ārammaṇa –– Rising and the Sign

... clever in rising ... clever in the sign ... re ...

33. 1. 30.

Vuṭṭhāna gocara –– Rising and Pasture [1]

clever in rising ... clever in the pasture ... re ...

33. 1. 31.

Vuṭṭhāna abhinīhāra –– Rising and Resolution

... re ... clever in rising .. clever in resolution ... re ...

33. 1. 32.

Vuṭṭhāna sakkaccakārī –– Rising and Acting Carefully

{32} Monks, a certain one developing concentration is

... re ... clever in rising and not zealous. ... re ...

33. 1. 33.

Vuṭṭhāna sāttaccakārī –– Rising and Suitability

... re ... clever in rising ... clever in suitability ... re ...

33. 1. 34.

Vuṭṭhāna sappāyakārī –– Rising and Suitable

... re ... clever in rising ... clever in the suitable ... re ...

33. 1. 35.

35. Kallita-ārammaṇa –– Pleasant and Sign

... re ... concentration is pleasant ... clever in the sign ... re ...

33. 1. 36.

Kallita gocara –– Pleasant and Pasture [1]

... re ... pleasant ... clever in the pasture ... re ...

33. 1. 37.

Kallita abhinīhāra –– Pleasant and Resolving

... re ... pleasant ... clever in resolution ... re ...

33. 1. 38

Kallita sakkaccakārī –– Pleasant and Acting Carefully

... re ... pleasant ... acts carefully ... re ...

33. 1. 39.

Kallita sātaccakāri –– Pleasant and Persevering

... re ... pleasant ... persevering ... re ...

33. 1. 40.

Kallita sappāyakāri –– Pleasant and Suitable

... re ... pleasant ... clever in the suitable ... re ...

33. 1. 41.

41. Ārammaṇa gocara –– Signs and Pasture [1]

... re ... clever in the sign ... clever in pasture ... re ...

33. 1. 42.

Ārammaṇa abhinīhāra –– Sign and Resolving

... re ... clever in the sign ... clever in resolution ... re ...

33. 1. 43.

Ārammaṇa sakkaccakārī –– Sign and Acting Carefully

... re ... clever in the sign ... acts carefully ... re ...

33. 1. 44.

Ārammaṇa sātaccakārī –– Sign and Persevering

... re ... clever in the sign ... clever in persevering ... re ...

33. 1. 45.

Ārammaṇa sappāyakāri –– Sign and Suitable

... re ... clever in the sign ... clever in suitability ... re ...

33. 1. 46.

Gocara Abhinīhāro –– Pasture [1] and Resolving

... re ... clever in pasture ... clever in resolution ... re ...

33. 1. 47.

Gocara sakkaccakāri –– Pasture and Acting Carefully

... re ... clever in pasture ... acts carefully ... re ...

33. 1. 48.

Gocara sātaccakārī –– Pasture and Persevering

... re ... clever in pasture ... persevering ... re ...

33. 1. 49.

Gocara sappāyakārī –– Pasture and Suitable

... re ... clever in pasture ... clever in suitability ... re ...

33. 1. 50.

Abhinīhāra sakkaccakāri –– Resolution and Acting Carefully

... re ... clever in resolution ... acts carefully ... re ...

33. 1. 51.

Abhinīhāra sātaccakāri –– Resolving and Perservering

... re ... clever in resolution ... clever in persevering ... re ...

33. 1. 52.

Abhinīhāra sappāyakāri –– Resolving and Suitability

... re ... clever in resolution ... clever in suitability ... re ...

33. 1. 53.

Sakkacca sātaccakārī –– Acting Carefully and Persevering

... re ... acts carefully ... persevering ... re ...

33. 1. 54.

54. Sakkacca sappāyakārī –– Acting Carefully and Suitable

... re ... acts carefully ... is suitable ... re ...

33. 1. 55.

Sātaccakari-Sappāyakāri –– Persevering and Suitable

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there:

3. “Monks, these four develop concentration. What four?

4. “Monks, a certain one developing concentration, perseveres in the not suitable.

5. “Monks, a certain one developing concentration suitably brings the mind to one point, does not persevere.

6. “Monks, a certain one developing concentration neither persevere nor brings the mind to one point suitably.

7. “Monks, a certain one developing concentration perseveres and suitably brings the mind to one point.

8. “Monks, of these four developing concentration the one who perseveres and suitably brings the mind to one point and is the foremost, the chief, the released, the noble, and the excellent.

9. “Just as the cow gives milk, from milk is curd, from curd butter, from butter ghee, and from ghee the cream of ghee, in the same manner, a person who perseveres and suitably brings the mind to one point is the foremost, the chief, the released, the noble, and the excellent.”


1. Gocara, (pasture) also means, “suitable place.”