Pali has been derived largely from the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tipitaka Series.
Sinhala is the A.P. de Soyza's translations.
English translations are by various authors. Many files have been downloaded from the Internet.
The English, Pali, and Polish pages are now encoded in UTF-8. Please notify us (email given below) of any pages that contain characters in the old encoding, e.g., ü or à These pages are set in URW Palladio Itu, an attractive font that is easy to read online. The Sinhala language pages still require the 8-bit Tipitaka Sinhala font. Both fonts may be downloaded here.
Latest update In a single 7-Zip file 7.9 MB, put up July, 2018.
We are expecting much progress over the next few months in this area and would like to have help in typing in the Sinhala texts. If anyone would like to help us in editing and making links in the html files then that is welcome. Those of you that make use of this page are kindly requested to get our new CD updated regularly (Sri Lanka only).
Version 9.0
[Last update: Rains retreat 2014]